Pomp and Circumstance. Review: Copper, S1 Ep 5, “La Tempête”


Review: Copper, S1 Ep 5, “La Tempête”

Air date: Sunday, September 16, 2012, 10/9C on BBC America


After Molly’s (Tanya Fischer) shocking murder last week, it feels a bit odd to be hit with a seemingly recovered Maguire (Kevin Ryan) contemplating marriage to Mary Lockwood (Joanne Boland). Considering how much he wanted to marry Molly, his grief seems nonexistent. How can he contemplate marriage so soon to someone he barely knows? It would’ve been more believable to see him drowning his sorrow in drink for a while. Isn’t that a sign of true love? Or a sign that Maguire is addicted to the idea of love? One thing is for sure: he wants a peaceful life on a farm (this is all he pretty much talks about), and Mary likes him, so why not? But beware; Mary is the late Mrs. Grindle’s sister, and Maguire is bound to find out the truth about Mary and the ledger.

Pomp and Circumstance. Review: Copper, S1 Ep 5, "La Tempête" 1

Maguire tells Corky and O’Brien his plans


Oh, there’s something simmering between Corky (Tom Weston-Jones) and Elizabeth Haverford (Anastasia Griffith). Why else would she specifically request him to head the security team for her charity event? She tries to be around Corky any chance she can get. Did you see his reaction when she entered the dance floor in that flouncy white dress? His mouth was like a slight ‘OH.’ What a swoony moment! And when she stuffs his mouth with an appetizer, he willingly accepts it. Methinks the good-hearted copper likes her. I like her, too. She’s feisty, and doesn’t take any guff. When she and Corky have the last dance, he mentions smelling flowers all evening. That was such a nice touch.

I feel for Annie (Kiara Glasco). She’s living in a world not her own, full of adults who have no idea what she’s thinking and feeling. Only Corky understands her and where she comes from. Her stubborn attempts to woo and bed older men are rebuffed left and right. When her overtures to Morehouse (Kyle Schmid) are resisted, she lies, telling him she saw Elizabeth rendezvousing with a Confederate soldier (gasp!). Annie, Annie. Even when she tells Morehouse, “Corky thinks I should have a childhood. But I don’t want one. And it’s too late now. I’m a woman,” she’s still a child playing adult games.

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Potential lovebirds?

Eva (Franka Potente) is contemptible. She buys her way into the Haverford gala, yet she fumes to Corky that none of the high society people will talk to her. The irony of it is that Eva has her nose up in the air about them! Sleaze bitch alert! Thankfully, my good-hearted copper doesn’t seem so eager to fall into her bed when she offers it up to him. Eva sees the gala as nothing more than a chance to peddle her brothel. She’s a woman out for herself, which, in itself, isn’t a bad thing, but her deadly jealousy has reaped a dead body. I have a feeling Molly isn’t going to be the only victim. Did you see the glare Eva gave Elizabeth? Chilling. Elizabeth would be wise to grow eyes in the back of her head.

Poor Sara (Tessa Thompson)! Why the hell can’t that woman catch a break? Uncle Marcus (Peter Bryant) trying to put the moves on her made my skin crawl. How awesome was it when Jasper (Ryan Allen) tries to protect her by punching Marcus? Matthew (Ato Essandoh) says all the right things to Sara but they mean nothing when she constantly has to be on guard, wielding a pistol. Unfortunately, he can’t always be there to protect her from danger.

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Does Morehouse buy Annie’s lies?

The fight between Corky and Maguire made me so sad. They both have different ways of coping with death; Maguire seems to find it easy to move on, his eyes on the goal of getting a wife and a farm, while Corky broods about his missing wife. The hurt on Corky’s face is obvious. Sometimes, we hurt the ones we love with awful stinging words.

I loved it when Morehouse stuffed the gala donations inside his prosthetic leg. That was priceless, and unexpectedly funny. He and Corky seem to be getting closer but how long will their comradely relationship last?


Watch Copper Sundays, 10/9C, on BBC America.

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Follow the actors on Twitter: Kevin Corcoran @tomwestonjones, Det. Maguire @KevinRyanII, Matthew Freeman @AtoEssandoh, Robert Morehouse @iamkyleschmid, and Elizabeth Haverford @AnastasiaGLive.


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