Genie in a Bottle. Review: Lost Girl – “Midnight Lamp”


Review: Lost Girl, S2 Ep 14, “Midnight Lamp”

Air date: Friday, July 20, 2012, 10/9 on Syfy


Lost Girl has moved to Friday nights, which is a weak night for TV viewing. This won’t deter me from following the show to the very end— and there may just be a bloody end.

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Bo and Sadie are trapped together

I never thought it would happen, but Dyson (Kris Holden-Ried) takes a back seat in “Midnight Lamp.” He doesn’t partner with Bo (Anna Silk) this time around so I was happily appeased by the appearance of Ryan Lambert (Anthony Lemke), a naughty Loki Fae with a penchant for mischief. He flirts shamelessly with Bo, and I couldn’t help but admire his tenacity. She constantly deflects his advances but that only makes him work harder to get into her good graces. You might recall he previously gave her a gold bracelet at her birthday party but didn’t explain who it was from. In “Midnight Lamp,” it ends up being a good weapon of defense against an adoration-feeding Fae named Sadie (played by Lauren Holly, who is virtually unrecognizable in this role).

So, what’s up with this Sadie lady? The Ash (Vincent Walsh) wants Bo to find her because she poses a sizeable risk to the Fae clans. We don’t know what this risk is, but if Bo agrees to be The Ash’s champion, theirs will make a pretty powerful partnership. Even though she’s flippant about siding with the Light or the Dark, when The Ash tells her, “I am the Naga, with all of Faedom to save. I’m counting on you to be my champion,” a serious look crosses her face and she agrees to consider it. She’s not sure she can trust him completely, so when he asks her to find Sadie, she agrees—only she doesn’t know she’s in for major trouble.

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Bo’s bored by Ryan’s flirting

There was a great big hole in this episode, and that was the absence of Kenzi (Ksenia Solo).  Though she’s run off with Nate, she leaves countless messages for Bo, claiming she misses her. This is kind of disappointing to me. I was hoping Kenzi would forsake the boy and kick it with Bo, because I think being with Bo is a lot more fun! A boy? Bah! And he’s not even that interesting. Bitch, moan.  Yeah, that’s me. I just wish there were more writers who didn’t mess with awesome female partnerships by adding males to the mix.

But, even without Kenzi, we have a terrific twosome with Bo and Ryan. See, Ryan creates this lamp (which is actually a music box) that can capture Sadie and deliver her to The Ash. The problem is, there are some, umm, glitches in his creation and both he and Bo end up inside the lamp with Sadie, having to navigate the maze. This makes for some funny moments, with Ryan telling Bo the incantation is “Abracadabra” and that she has “No finesse whatsoever,” teasing her about her lack of technical knowledge. I couldn’t help but like him; he handles her well and expertly deflects her slightly bitchy attitude (which, hey, I can totally understand because oddly, it seems she’s got a knack for always getting stuck in these situations). The scene when he tells her he admires her independence was pretty good. Lemke is just ace in his role, and he’ll be an excellent competitor for Bo’s love. That is going to be some battle, and I’m practically licking my lips in anticipation.

Holy cow,” indeed! Were you as surprised as I was when Bo and Ryan end up together in bed? Was Bo just satisfying her hunger, or was she feeling it like Ryan was? I shouldn’t have been surprised, considering their crackling chemistry, but I was certainly happy when they rumpled and rolled in between the sheets! I even laughed, because seeing that look on Bo’s face? Priceless. She didn’t think it’d be THAT awesome with a Fae, but finding out Ryan’s Dark Fae? She’s upset (mostly because she’s had too many unpleasant run-ins with them), but not for too long. How cool is it that he tells her there’s “no rules” and they can just roll with it? What a character. I can go on and on about Ryan. Really.

Oh, I didn’t talk much about the Sadie lady, did I? Well, Bo traps her with a hickey and so Sadie has to do whatever Bo says.

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The Norn taunts Dyson

While all of this is happening, Dyson goes to visit The Norn (Kate Trotter). Brooding over the fact he can’t love Ciara (Lina Roessler), he faces The Norn in anger, and asks why. I knew she was evil, but The Norn laughing in his face is straight up cruel. I’d love for her to get her comeuppance!

Tune in to Lost Girl on their new night, Fridays at 10/9c, only on Syfy.

Follow Lost Girl on Twitter: @lostgirlseries and!/Syfy/lost-girl.

Follow the actors on Twitter: @Anna_Silk, @ZoiePalmer, @kccollinsworld, @Rick_Howland, @KrisHolden_Ried, @KseniaSolo, Vex @PaulRogerAmos, Ciara @LinaRoessler, and Ryan Lambert @ranthonylemke

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