A Vex-ing Return. Review: Lost Girl – “Into the Dark”


A Vex-ing Return. Review: Lost Girl, S2 Ep 21, “Into the Dark”
Air date: Friday, September 7, 2012, 10/9C on Syfy

Now that Ciara (Lina Roessler) is dead, and Dyson (Kris Holden-Ried) is grieving, Bo (Anna Silk) knows she has to step up and take charge of the team against The Garuda (Raoul Trujillo). There’s only so much time to nurse a whiskey.

After it was revealed that Trick (Rick Howland) is Bo’s grandfather and Aoife his daughter, the moment felt anticlimactic. I think we knew this already, don’t we? Or, at least we knew they were blood relations. Still, seeing the happiness in Bo’s face sweetened the scene a little; Trick seems quite proud of her and the person she’s becoming. She’s grown into her own this season, and this is largely due to Silk’s acting ability and the terrific script.

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The Morrigan isn’t about to make things easy for Bo and her team

Rounding up allies is proving quite the task. After a visit from the Nain Rouge (Hayley Nault), Bo learns she needs to recruit Dark Fae to fight alongside her. So, who does Bo turn to? Why, The Morrigan (Emmanuelle Vaugier), of course, since she’s the leader. But Bo doesn’t really want her; she wants Vex (Paul Roger Amos), the little troublemaker. But his penchant for outrageous antics gives us one of the funniest moments in “Into the Dark” so I can’t begrudge him for being so annoying. It turns out The Morrigan had him locked up in the dungeon because of how he embarrassed her in front of a client. The unexpected comedy of that scene made me laugh even more because we’re dealing with an impending war and we’re hit with… this. It was unexpected, but quite a welcome respite. Vaugier did a terrific job making a fool of herself.

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Bo tries to free Vex from The Morrigan’s clutches

On the other hand, we have Kenzi (Ksenia Solo) doing her part to get Dyson’s (Kris Holden-Ried) love back. A visit to The Norn (Kate Trotter) proves fruitless, but Kenzi is determined to overcome the tree Fae somehow—with a chainsaw, no less. As much as The Norn hates humans, she can’t deny Kenzi’s ingenious move to hack at her tree, her livelihood:
The Norn: “No, you wouldn’t dare.
Kenzi: “Oh yes, I would. I’m human, remember? We drive SUVs, and we dump raw sewage into pretty lakes, and we will burn this planet to the ground if it means just one more cheeseburger.

Kenzi’s reply makes humans look bad, doesn’t it? No wonder the Fae hate humans, the way we’re wantonly destroying our planet. It’s almost enough to make me want to become Fae myself. (Though the Fae aren’t exactly puritanical themselves, but they have powers I wouldn’t mind possessing.)

Let me take a moment to say how much I truly adore the Dyson/Kenzi dynamic. The way Dyson dotes on her like a little sister, and the way she looks up to him and respects him, make them a team worth rooting for, more so than Bo/Dyson. To go to great lengths to do what she did for Dyson at the risk of her own life? It’s too bad she’ll pay dearly for hacking at the tree because the bottle of oozy black stuff she knocks over is her payment for Dyson’s love. Witness this ominous remark from The Norn: “With that, a gift has been given.”

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Vex manages to save Bo from The Morrigan

Did you think Lauren reacted rather strangely to Bo’s request for help? After all, Bo only needed an aspirin, not a healing. It struck me as odd that she would be so willing so soon after Nadia’s death, though she’s showed time and again how much she cares for Bo. That obviously trumped all feelings for Nadia.

With Vex’s return, we’ll get plenty of snark and witticisms for next week’s finale. The threatening cloud of black smoke in Trick’s lair is sure to jump start the war against The Garuda.


Tune in to Lost Girl Fridays at 10/9c.

Follow Lost Girl on Twitter: @lostgirlseries and https://twitter.com/#!/Syfy/lost-girl.

Follow the actors on Twitter: @Anna_Silk, @ZoiePalmer, Det. Hale @kccollinsworld, @Rick_Howland, @KrisHolden_Ried, @KseniaSolo, Ciara @LinaRoessler, Vex @PaulRogerAmos, Ryan Lambert @ranthonylemke and The Morrigan @evaugier.

Photos ©2012 Syfy, a division of NBC Universal, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


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