A “F*ck It” List and a Possible Penis Fracture. Review: Nurse Jackie – “Slow Growing Monsters”


Review: Nurse Jackie, S4 E4 – “Slow Growing Monsters”

Air date: Sunday, April 29, 2012, 9:00 pm ET/PT on Showtime



A “F*ck It” List and a Possible Penis Fracture. Review: Nurse Jackie – “Slow Growing Monsters” 1

Jules is escorted into All Saints.

Jackie (Edie Falco) is one hell of a protective mom during a trip to an amusement pier where she learns Grace (Ruby Jerins) knows what “Disneyland” means. Kevin (Dominic Fumusa) doesn’t take this news lightly. As a matter of fact, Jackie’s going to be facing some dire consequences. In the meantime, a drunken pregnant woman visits All Saints, as well as a male patient with a possible penis fracture. What starts out as a serious episode quickly turns hilarious.

Jackie’s taking the protective mother bit too far when she sees Grace flirting with Todd (Carmen Loporto), some kid she’s just met. I know she’s all about being there for her kids, but geez, Jackie, you can’t keep them babies forever! Grace is going to be pissed when she finds out Jackie erased her number from Todd’s phone because she’s “just not ready” for Grace to be dating. Last week, it was makeup; this week, it’s a boy. Jackie, you have to let Grace grow up without being so much of a “helicopter,” as Grace calls it.

You’re being pretty judgmental for somebody who just got out of rehab.”

A “F*ck It” List and a Possible Penis Fracture. Review: Nurse Jackie – “Slow Growing Monsters” 2

Jackie .questions Grace about when she and Todd met

I think my mouth dropped as far as Jackie’s does when she hears those words coming from Grace’s mouth. After all, she never told the girls the truth about where she was. But Grace is one smart cookie—she found out on her own. Zoey (Merritt Wever), too, is flabbergasted by the news. She’s a smart girl so I was surprised she didn’t get all the references to “Disneyland.” It was pretty obvious, or at least I thought so.

I wonder when, or if, Kevin is ever going to forgive Jackie. He can barely look at her, let alone speak to her, when she goes to his place to ‘fess up. He is so stoic; he has no questions, and barely blinks an eye at this news. I want to commend Fumusa for his portrayal of Kevin. His pain comes through clearly and he nails the ‘wronged husband’ role square on the head. Kevin’s lack of response, so to speak, portends some bad shit coming down the proverbial highway, and if I were Jackie, I’d be scared.

So, why does Kevin go to All Saints and quiz Eddie (Paul Schulze) about the drugs he gave Jackie? At first, I thought it was because he was beginning to crack a bit, but no. Kevin wants revenge and tells Eddie, “You see Jackie—tell her she just lost her kids.” I haven’t a doubt in my mind if that happens, Jackie will be back among the Valley of the Dolls. This is going to be a tough battle for her to win. If she thinks she has trouble with Grace now, I can just imagine what’s going to happen once Kevin files a petition for sole custody. As the tagline for this season states, “karma’s a bitch.”

A “F*ck It” List and a Possible Penis Fracture. Review: Nurse Jackie – “Slow Growing Monsters” 3

Jackie always finds a way to connect with her patients.

Who do I gotta blow to get a couple of stitches ‘round here?” Enter Rosie Perez in her guest role as Jules, a pregnant woman who comes to All Saints with a police escort. Seems she punched out a guy at the market because grapes were too expensive. “Grape rape,” she calls it. Let me tell you—Perez does some of her best acting as Jules. At first, she comes off as this crazy ass bitch, until you get to know her a little better and understand what she’s going through. You know the bucket list people make? Well, Jules has a “Fuck It List.” I think I need to make one of those, too. Unfortunately, Jules isn’t pregnant—she’s dying. People could learn a lot from her attitude. I love the names she gives her tumors: “Alien and Predator.”

A “F*ck It” List and a Possible Penis Fracture. Review: Nurse Jackie – “Slow Growing Monsters” 4

Gabe explains how he injured his penis to Coop and Thor.

“Slow Growing Monsters” is filled with funny people and even funnier situations. Akalitus (Anna Deavere Smith) wheels in Gabe (Michael Arden), a new patient, yelling “Thor, can you handle a possible penis fracture?”  Wow Akalitus, ever hear of patient confidentiality? Poor guy, I was so embarrassed for him but it didn’t stop me from laughing when I found out the problem was caused by him masturbating “too hard” after taking Zoloft®! the visual alone was enough to crack me up.


I enjoyed the Get Smart reference Zoey uses when she promises Jackie’s secret is safe with her. “Cone of silence. Done. That is all.”  Totally cracked me up!

No matter what problems Jackie has, she always wants to help the people around her, including Jules. As I predicted last week, Jackie stays in touch with Charlie (Jake Cannavale), and calls him to ask about going to an AA meeting together. Needless to say, he is high when she gets there so she drags him out. Too bad that after complaining about his father and living on his boat, Charlie leaves her hanging in the park. The real shocker here is Dr. Cruz (Bobby Cannavale) is Charlie’s dad! I wonder how Jackie is going to handle this bit of information. I must say, Cruz has a very cool name for his boat: Cruz Control. Since Charlie and Cruz are father and son both in the show and in real life, I’d say that’s some brilliant casting.

There is one thing niggling at my brain. Why do the writers insist on calling it AA? Both Jackie and Charlie do drugs so why aren’t they going to NA? Just saying.

Funny lines:

Dr. O’Hara (Eve Best): “You know, rumor has it fetuses and alcohol don’t mix so well.”

Jules: “What? The glasses are too big for their little hands?”


Gabe: “I fucking broke my dick. Oh my God.”


Thor (Stephen Wallem), when he learns Gabe took Zoloft®: “Anti-depressantsnot always the friend of the penis.”

Zoey: “Aren’t they a friend of the vagina?”


Jules, about the Vicodin O’Hara gives her: “Nah, I figure I got three weeks left, and I don’t want to miss one miserable second.”


Jules: “I would not say no to some Jagermeister!”

Jackie: “Alien and Predator—frat boys. Who knew?”


Coop (Peter Facinelli): “Sometimes, I sing Happy Birthday to my penis.” TMI, Coop! TMI!


A “F*ck It” List and a Possible Penis Fracture. Review: Nurse Jackie – “Slow Growing Monsters” 5

Looks like Edie Falco had a fun time shooting this episode.

They say laughter is the best medicine and if it’s true, those watching “Slow Growing Monsters” will be instantly cured. This is one of the best episodes so far this season. The writers are at the top of their game with the fantastic sharp and witty dialogue. I had some good deep belly laughs; as a matter of fact, I laughed my ass off—well, not literally, although that certainly wouldn’t hurt if you get my drift. But, while giving us plenty to laugh about, “Slow Growing Monsters” also sets up the serious situation Jackie’s sure to be facing as the season progresses.

Tune in to Nurse Jackie Sundays at 9:00 pm ET/PT, only on Showtime.

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All photos courtesy of David M. Russell / © 2012 Showtime Networks, Inc., a CBS Broadcasting, Inc. company. All rights reserved.


Love TV, movies, and books--mostly mysteries, with a good love story thrown in every now and then. I have four adopted dogs who I adore. I love trying new recipes, and enjoy eating what I make. English language perfectionist. Reading in bed, Italian food, warm weather, the beach, all types of games = favs!

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