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The Future’s So Bright… Review: Lost Girl – “Barometz. Trick. Pressure”

Review: Lost Girl, S2 Ep 13, “Barometz. Trick. Pressure”

Air date: Monday, July 16, 2012, 10/9c on Syfy



It’s a rare thing, indeed, but the blood moon is out and Trick (Rick Howland) is determined to see the future. What’s he gotta do? Put on a serious-looking gas mask and inhale some funky substance called barometz. I’m not sure how this works because I got momentarily distracted by my cat—who was meowing madly for attention—but I do know he has to get this substance from a truth seeker named Wei Lin (Kyra Harper). Come on, the truth hurts, y’all, and you want to force Trick to go through this AND inhale the barometz? Geez. Evil’s practically nipping at his heels.

Bo goes against Trick’s wishes

At least, now we know the truth about Dyson’s (Kris Holden-Ried) feelings for Ciara (Lina Roessler). It ain’t love. Poor Ciara. And they’re going to move in together! How long will this charade last? Dyson needs to just come clean, but knowing him and how sensitive he is to hurting others’ feelings, he’s going to prolong this. Tsk, tsk. Did I say poor Ciara?

So, Bo (Anna Silk) can’t contain her rage toward The Ash (Vincent Walsh) after Lauren (Zoie Palmer) tells her she’s pledged her devotion to him. Bo’s seriously got it in for The Ash now, and even when Trick dissuades her from going after The Ash (“I’m telling you to stand down”), she doesn’t heed him. What does this say about her respect for Trick? It turns out she was right to question The Ash but how will this affect her relationship with the Blood King? By the way, why is Det. Hale (K.C. Collins) the only person who didn’t know Trick is the Blood King? Isn’t he Fae like Dyson and the rest of them? I don’t understand. Did the writers have no clue what to do with him other than make him laugh while Trick was talking? Highly inappropriate, don’t you think?

OK, I’m not feeling Kenzi (Ksenia Solo) and her new mate Nate (Aaron Ashmore), a remnant from her past who’s made a sudden reappearance. You’d think she’d have better taste than someone who totes a guitar and sings stupid cheesy songs (read: talentless). When he asks her to go with him on tour, she says yes! I guess you can’t get over childhood crushes; you tend to think of them in a favorable way, even as adults. (Though that’s not true in my case. I just assume my crushes are either gay or married.)

The Ash tells Bo about the Garuda

Well, well, here I was thinking The Ash was the bad guy, when he’s actually… not? I assumed all of those heads in his treasure chest were part of some sick collection, but turns out, he’s been fighting the Garuda (Raoul Trujillo), a creature that’s hell bent on destroying all Fae. Oh, lordy. And he wants Bo to be his “champion” in their battle against the Garuda. (By the way, doesn’t the Garuda look way cool, with those wide-spanned, fire-y wings, all angel like?) He can turn on the charm, can’t he? I’ll probably like him more now that he’s one of the good guys, but it’d be even better if he let Lauren off the hook and enjoy her happy-ever-after life with Nadia.

As an aside, I’m really happy to see an actor of color on Lost Girl besides Collins. Although Trujillo’s is a recurring role, it’s a small step in the right direction toward promoting diversity. But let me say this: If the writers kill off Hale, lawd help me, I will raise a damn ruckus!


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