Review: The Vampire Diaries “Dangerous Liaisons” (A Ball, Botched Murder Attempt, and Unrequited Love)


Air Date: Thursday, February 9, 2012 8/7c on The CW


“You’re pathetic. Both of you.” – Rebekah


Review: The Vampire Diaries "Dangerous Liaisons" (A Ball, Botched Murder Attempt, and Unrequited Love) 1

Elena and Stefan get a little too close for Stefan's comfort.

We’re off in a positive direction with this delightfully eye-opening episode. Motives are revealed, a spell is cast and feelings are shared. When we learn how dangerous it can be to befriend any member of the original family without some sort of consequence, we understand how aptly titled “Dangerous Liaisons” is. Not only do the vamps look out for themselves, they also have serious hidden agendas that won’t remain hidden for long.

Observations and thoughts:

Holy shit! Elijah (Daniel Gillies) comes to Elena’s (Nina Dobrev) rescue and all I can think of saying is da-yum! Doesn’t Gillies exude a different type of charm and savoir-faire than Klaus (Joseph Morgan)? He seems more refined, elegant and simply delicious in a suit, tux, anything really… but I digress. I think Elijah’s reactions to the little things say a lot about the difference between the brothers. Klaus is more inclined to fit into the surrounding world while Elijah stands out as someone other. He revels in his difference and doesn’t apologize for it making himself appear scarier than most vamps.

Okay, so by now we all know (or should know) mama Original Esther (Alice Evans) was the mystery person in the spelled casket. Not too exciting, but interesting in its own right. What I want to know is how long has the evil plot she’s developed been lurking in her mind and what will happen if she actually succeeds at it. It’s funny how everything circles back to the doppelganger and her sacred blood. So what happens if Elena doesn’t play along and do what Esther wants?

Review: The Vampire Diaries "Dangerous Liaisons" (A Ball, Botched Murder Attempt, and Unrequited Love) 2

Is Elena really that blind? Damon would do whatever it takes to love her.

Does anyone truly believe this call for peace is going to last or hold true between the Mikaelsons (how funny and fitting their last name is since most last names are derived from the patriarch) and the town of Mystic Falls? Can you imagine how things would be if Mikael was still around? There’d be no talk of a truce, no pretense to go about plotting the demise of his family. He’d be completely honest about what he was doing and just do it. Much scarier and deadlier that way, I think. Maybe a more subtle approach would work effectively in ridding the world of its menace. I have to be honest though, I don’t want Klaus gone. He’s too much fun.

The love triangle is getting old but there might be some juice left in the lemon. Stefan (Paul Wesley) cares that Damon (Ian Somerhalder) is in love with Elena, although he insists he doesn’t care about much of anything since losing his humanity. Could be an inconsistency but I’m thinking it means Stefan is coming back. He’s not quite out of the I-am-only-vampire state but he certainly isn’t dwelling on the woes of the world. “And you care about killing Klaus more than you care about anything.” A true statement, but I don’t think it’s entirely accurate. Stefan is showing us how much he cares about Elena by… well, caring. He may say he doesn’t feel but I’m not buying it. As soon as Elena decides who she wants to be with, the world will be a better place. I mean, when a guy (Damon) tells you “I’m mad at you because I love you,” you might want to at least say thank you, or tell him it’s not gonna happen. Stringing him along like a love sick puppy will only make things worse. But I think Damon is finally getting the hint.

Review: The Vampire Diaries "Dangerous Liaisons" (A Ball, Botched Murder Attempt, and Unrequited Love) 3

New couple alert! This one would be scorching hot.

Caroline (Candice Accola) is either insane or deeply in love with Tyler (Michael Trevino). Why else would she rebuff Klaus’ advances? Oh, right… he had Tyler bite her which should have killed her. I’m glad she hasn’t forgotten that little tidbit but I also wonder if she isn’t thinking about the positives. Dating Klaus could be beneficial. Why not use her feminine wiles to get the inside scoop on him? He has to have some other weakness as evidenced by his coffin obsession. And they would make a cute couple. (Psst… Don’t tell Tyler I said that.)

Now that Esther has her sights set on undoing her “abomination,” what does that mean for Mystic Falls and its resident doppelganger? Will Elena finally be safe once the Original family is out of the picture or is the real trouble just lurking around the corner? There are hybrids still out there somewhere.

Tune in to The Vampire Diaries Thursdays at 8/7c on The CW.  For more on the show, visit


Photo Credit:  Quantrell D. Colbert/The CW ©2011 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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Review: The Vampire Diaries "Dangerous Liaisons" (A Ball, Botched Murder Attempt, and Unrequited Love) 4
Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.

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