Review: Rescue Me, S7, E3 – “Press”


Airdate: Wednesday, July 27, 2011, 10:00 pm ET/PT on FX


Review: Rescue Me, S7, E3 - "Press" 1

Denis Leary as Tommy Gavin

Has Tommy (Denis Leary) lost his mind? He purposefully drives his car through the Verbatim store window after seeing a display of books on the 9/11 tragedy in one window, and a “Where Were You Then” memorial, complete with pictures of his fallen brethren, including his brother Jimmy, in another. He then pours a bottle of liquor on the books and lights them on fire. WTF!! With this extremely powerful opening to “Press,” I’m glued to my television as usual, in anticipation of what will happen next.

Is Lou (John Scurti) trying to kill himself? After everything the guys did for him last week to ensure he passed his physical, he’s sitting in the firehouse kitchen eating donuts! Franco (Daniel Sunjata) tries to talk some sense into him, to no avail. What I don’t understand, or should I say I don’t agree with, is Chief “Needles” Nelson (Adam Ferrara) and Tommy backing up Lou when Lou and Franco go head to head. I know the Chief thinks Franco should “respect the shirt,” but come on! He’s trying to help Lou, not disrespect him. Way to keep face though, as Needles asks Tommy to talk to Lou on the side.There have been plenty of intense scenes on Rescue Me, and this one is right up there with the best.

Review: Rescue Me, S7, E3 - "Press" 2

Tommy talking with the guys

Tommy tries to talk to Lou about his diet. I was so surprised when Lou acts like a baby whose pacifier has fallen out when Tommy withholds the plate of donuts Lou had hidden. As I’m waiting for one of them to throw the first punch, I am shocked that Tommy asks Lou to be his unborn baby’s godfather, telling him he has to lose weight so he’ll be around to be a part of the kid’s life . I know they’re friends but the question is, does Tommy ask Lou because he truly wants him to be the godfather, or does he ask him merely as a means to an end? Whatever the reason, I hope Lou takes it seriously.

Once again, I find myself saying “Poor Tommy!” He calls Janet (Andrea Roth) to find out if she needs anything from the store. Not only does she tell him to stay away for a few hours (because she just put the baby down for a nap) – prodding him with, “Don’t you have a hose or a helmet or something you can fix? – she falls asleep on the phone just as Tommy says, “I don’t say this often, but I want to tell you how much I love you and…hello…hun?”

Kelly (Maura Tierney) calls Tommy asking if he’ll meet her. She’s extremely anxious and “close to the edge.” I thought something was seriously wrong with her; that is, until Tommy gets there and she’s sitting with “the hot doc I was so desperate to have ask me out,” but who apparently is boring her to tears. “You’re a great doctor; you’re a shitty date.” I’m not sure where this new-found friendship of theirs is heading, but Tommy is doing a fine job of keeping it platonic – at least for now. You never know what to expect from him, especially when he’s drinking. Of course, he’s trying his level best to stay away from the stuff. “Just remember I can’t do the drinking thing ‘cause my sin quotient goes through the roof. When I drink, I actually start inventing sins.” As an aside, kudos to Tierney for shaving her head for this role. It takes a very self-confident person to do that, especially a woman.

Kelly and Tommy continue the fun conversation from the restaurant at her apartment. Kelly has this way of changing topics very abruptly. After talking about her new boobs, she quickly switches to God. “… you know what? I get to pick out a whole brand new set of tits, which is kind of exciting. And I think I’m gonna go bigger, which is kind of weird since I never really wanted big tits. And I’m not talking Pam Anderson two midgets just moved in on my chest big. Just a little bit. Just bigger than my original ones….Do you believe in God?”

I’m not sure if she does it for the shock value or if her mind just thinks that quickly. The conversation devolves into a very serious one when they begin discussing life and death, and the existence of God. If you recall, Kelly had a child who died. Tommy, of course, can relate given the death of his son, as do I. Something like that really makes you question whether God exists and what he was thinking by allowing a child to die before the parents. I’m a bit surprised Tommy tells Kelly about the “ghosts” he sees and even admits seeing them is a comfort at times. Really? I never thought Tommy was comfortable with those conversations.

Mike’s sexuality has been the topic of discussion throughout the six seasons Rescue Me has been on the air. It comes to light again in “Press” when he finds the perfect gown for Colleen at the dress shop and then offers to not only design a gown for her, but act as their wedding consultant as well.

Uncle Teddy (Lenny Clarke): “Some guys watch football, others design dresses. Who are we to judge?”

Black Sean and Uncle Teddy in unison: “Fag.”

I think Colleen makes a huge mistake, though, when she asks Uncle Teddy to walk her down the aisle. What’s wrong with that girl? Doesn’t she realize how upset Tommy is going to be that she doesn’t ask him?

Tommy finally sits down for his interview. As Pamela Keppler (Geneva Carr), the reporter, asks him what he would change about that fateful day if he could go back in time – “what would be a happy ending for that day” – the scene fades to black as Tommy answers, “There are no happy endings.”

Black Sean had some pretty funny lines in this episode:

No seriously, when I lose my shit, I lose the shit out of my shit.”


4,500 bucks for a dress? That shit better be made of crusted diamonds and platinum and shit.”

Tune in to Rescue Me, Wednesdays at 10:00 pm ET/PT only on FX.

All photos © 2011 FX Networks. All rights reserved.


Love TV, movies, and books--mostly mysteries, with a good love story thrown in every now and then. I have four adopted dogs who I adore. I love trying new recipes, and enjoy eating what I make. English language perfectionist. Reading in bed, Italian food, warm weather, the beach, all types of games = favs!

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