Recap: Snowpiercer, Ep. 7 “The Universe Is Indifferent” – Cold Blooded

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Snowpiercer, Season 1, Episode 7 “The Universe Is Indifferent”

Air Date: Sunday, June 28, 2020 at 9:00 PM ET/PT on TNT

Reviewer Rating: 4 Stars


“How would you like to know the dirtiest little secret on the whole damn train.” – Andre Layton

This week’s Snowpiercer episode, “The Universe Is Indifferent” is filled with love, hope, anger, betrayal, and a desperate daring act that will end in tragedy. In the opening scene, we see Miss Audrey (Lena Hall) performing on stage in the Night Car. This scene will be duplicated at the end and it comes full circle. As the crowd watches, a recently freed LJ (Annalise Basso) is waiting her turn for the Night Car special experience. She provides the narration for this week’s episode of Snowpiercer.

“To be human is to be self-involved. Everyone believes they’re the center of the universe. We can’t help it. It’s in our nature. We scheme, we plot. We play our silly little games. Like, why do we think we’re the most important thing in the world? We’re just not. See, I understand something most people are afraid to admit. The universe is indifferent. It doesn’t care about our stupid little plans, or our fragile little hearts. The universe has its own plans for us aboard Snowpiercer, 1,001 cars long.”

It’s a bit ironic that LJ would say something so profound since she’s the queen of playing “silly little games” and completely “self-involved.” She helped kill and castrate a man so she could feel something different. Granted, the world is now encased in a lengthy tin-can going around the frozen planet in continuous circles, but here’s a feeling – grateful – how about feeling some of that? Basso does a great job, almost too great, of making me loathe her character’s existence. I’ve never wanted to shake sense into someone so much than when LJ opens her mouth. I kind of wished Melanie (Jennifer Connelly) would have put LJ under the train but then, that would cause bring more attention to the long absence of Mr. Wilford.

There is so much tension on the train. First it was the murders, the investigation into said murders, then another murder of the first accused suspect, and finally the trial of LJ. To add to the pressure, the train suffers a serious malfunction that nearly derailed in in “Trouble Comes Sideways.” So, to say the passengers, especially those in Third Class, are wound up is an understatement. But there is also a mutiny brewing in First Class to dethrone Melanie from her position of power.

I loved the tender moments between Layton (Daveed Diggs) and Josie (Katie McGuinness). They finally were able to properly consummate their relationship thanks to the upgraded quarters provided by their ally Dr. Pelton (Karin Konoval). Their romantic escape is cut short when they hear Melanie give the morning announcements. Since one of the engineers lost his life trying to fix the train, they must fast-track an apprentice to replace him. When Melanie says Miles’ (Jaylin Fletcher) name, both Layton and Josie know they don’t have much time to organize the revolution against First Class.

Their final embrace seems ominous. Layton wants to say those three words, but he pauses. He kisses her and they go their separate ways. Layton is off to see Miss Audrey and rally support from Third Class because he’s “…got a story to tell.” Josie must see find a surreptitious way to see Miles and let him know about their plans. [Note: No Cuties (tangerines) were harmed in this episode].

Meanwhile, Ruth Wardell (Alison Wright) is enjoying her day off. An unexpected date with Commander Nolan Grey (Timothy V. Murphy) turns into more than just sushi and sake when the Folgers walk in. Ever since their daughter’s trial, Lilah (Kerry O’Malley) has been gunning to get Melanie away from Mr. Wilford. Soon they will learn the truth and that’s when all hell will break loose. [Side note: It’s interesting to hear Ruth’s backstory and how she met the real Mr. Wilford.]

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Josie (Katie McGuinness) is pulled from the Tail to answer questions about Layton –Snowpiercer – Episode 107 “The Universe Is Indifferent” — Photo Credit: Jesse Giddings/©2020 TNT, a WarnerMedia Company. All Rights Reserved.

Melanie’s desperate search to find Layton before he tells her secret comes to a head when she visits Zarah (Sheila Vand). Melanie uses her Zarah’s pregnancy as leverage to get information on who helped Layton escape the drawers. “You know, it’s a privilege to have a child on Snowpiercer. It’s not a right. And privileges…well, they can be taken away just as easily as they were given.” Damn, Melanie. I know Zarah thought what she did was the right thing to do for her unborn child but ratting out Josie isn’t going to sit well with her baby daddy Layton.

The most intense moments come when Melanie takes Josie into an interrogation room and tells Brakeman Bess Till (Mickey Sumner) to wait outside. Bess knows this bodes ill but there isn’t much she can do about it. Bess already has issues with her girlfriend Jinju (Susan Park) regarding her disappearance the night Layton escaped. And the fact that Jinju is practically best friends with Melanie makes her biased. But is there more to this than meets the eye? What else does Jinju know about Snowpiercer since she’s the resident scientist?

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Brakeman Bess Till (Mickey Sumner) is asked to leave the interrogation by Melanie (Jennifer Connelly) –Snowpiercer – Episode 107 “The Universe Is Indifferent” — Photo Credit: Justina Mintz/©2020 TNT, a WarnerMedia Company. All Rights Reserved.

Melanie does something so reprehensible; it’s cruel, unjust and simply deplorable. I didn’t care that her actions made her vomit. I wanted her to choke on her puke. But it’s what Josie does next that is more shocking and daring leading to a tragic end. I know this had to happen because it is the catalyst to sparking to final revolution of Third Class and the Tailees.

McGuinness gives such a nuanced performance; there is such conviction as though she truly feared for her life in this scene. She is shaking and breathing erratically adding a powerful dimension to her compelling portrayal of Josie in her final moments. Brava!

When Bess gives Layton the news and Josie’s message, it’s heartbreaking. As the opening scene comes full circle with Audrey singing a haunting rendition of “Bad Religion,” Layton lets his anguish out inside the Night Car. As LJ enters the room for her experience, she finds Layton waiting for her. “I’ve been thinking about you and how much you like dirty little secrets. How would you like to know the dirtiest little secret on the whole damn train?”

This doesn’t seem like the best partnership but sometimes you must go against your better judgement for the greater good.

Editor’s Note: There were not very many photos available for this episode.

Tune in to Snowpiercer, Sundays at 9/8c on TNT.

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Photos ©2020 TNT, a WarnerMedia Company. All Rights Reserved.


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