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Mama Saves the Day. Retrospective: Lost Girl Season Finale – “Those Who Wander”

Season 3, Episode 13

Air date: Monday, April 22, 2013, 10/9c on Syfy


What a shit storm of Fae proportions.” – Bo

No kidding, Bo (Anna Silk). In the electrifying season finale, it’s all on her shoulders to save everyone she cares about: Tamsin (Rachel Skarsten), Dyson (Kris Holden-Ried), Kenzi (Ksenia Solo), Trick (Rick Howland), and even her own mother, Aife (Inga Cadranel). Someone is bound to die.

Bo gets ready to take on Dr. Felt

I knew Kenzi would be in the hot seat but The Morrigan (Emmanuelle Vaugier) torturing her for information? (“I have some very specific questions about the Succuslut’s lineage.”) Not a smart move, not if you know anything about Kenzi. That girl would rather die than betray Bo. Especially impressive is Kenzi’s ability to befriend Bruce (Rob Archer), The Morrigan’s bodyguard. It’s quite the detour seeing a human side to a member of the Dark Fae’s protective squad because we never get a chance to hate them. Instead, they’re intimidating hulks so it’s nice to see someone have an actual conversation with Bruce. He’s the one who tells Kenzi she was protected from The Morrigan by the Twig of Zamora:

Bruce: “To Clan Zamora, a gift bestowed, immune to evil deed, to blow, for he who carries sacred twig, immortality shall cling.”

Kenzi: “Holy ball sauce, Bruce!”

Bruce: “I have a Ph.D. in Medieval Fae Verse.”

And to think he saves Kenzi, which makes The Morrigan’s defeat all the more sweet.

What did you think of Vex’s (Paul Roger Amos) reappearance? His hilarious capture of The Morrigan Her Royal Thighness is ready for delivery” is a sweet taste of revenge. I may have never really cottoned to Vex but he comes out on top here.

Lauren is horrified when she learns of Dr. Felt’s plans

Well, I have to admit, Lauren fooled me for about a minute. No way in hell that dumbass Dr. Felt (Shawn Doyle) was going to be successful in creating a mutt race of half humans/half Fae. Lauren’s long speech to Bo proves to be just a trick to fool Dr. Felt:

“The Fae have ruined my life, Bo. They have cursed my girlfriend;, they have held me prisoner, sometimes literally, and all the while, my brain, my talents… Don’t you see? This is a chance for me to do something meaningful to save my kind.”

Pretty smooth, eh? I have to hand it to Palmer for imbuing this scene with pure conviction.  Lauren even convinces Bo she’s gone to the human side.

Just when I thought Tamsin was going to betray Bo, she does an about face. So now she’s cursed, and who is going to save her? She’s reached the end of her lifespan so how much use will she be to Bo now? It’s all a huge question mark after she and Dyson escape from Dr. Felt’s prison.

What I really loved in “Those Who Wander” is the brief conversation between Dyson and Aife about their sacrifices for Bo. It’s a touching scene where Aife is clearly deranged but her mission remains clear: to save Bo. This rare conversation between the two gives us the first hint of who Bo’s father might be. And when it seems obvious she’s going to die in a Cabbit Fae’s arms, Aife sucks the chi out of her. Whoa, Nelly!

It only takes the thrill of taking down Dr. Felt to bring out Dyson’s wolf

Trick and Stella (Deborah Odell) reunite, and leave for Scotland, thanks to Hale. Which means Bo will be left alone to deal with The Wanderer. Where is everyone when she needs them?

What do you think next season will bring? I’m expecting a good old reunion.


Lost Girl returns for a fourth season in 2014.

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