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Don’t Eat the Soup! Review: Lost Girl – “Food for Thought”

Review: Lost Girl, S1 Ep6, “Food for Thought”

Air Date: Monday, February 20, 2012, 10/9c, on Syfy


My mother always says, “What kind of person just walks into someone’s house and eats their food?” She hasn’t watched enough Lost Girl to know that Kenzi (Ksenia Solo) does whatever she wants, whenever she wants. That’s part of her appeal, seeing where her actions take her. She hasn’t suffered nearly enough consequences, but this time, she falls deathly ill.

Kenzi (Ksenia Solo) falls mysteriously ill

In “Food for Thought,” we‘re introduced to the Aswang, the oldest of the Faes. Their distinction is eating dead bodies. They don’t kill people; Halima (Lynne Griffin) gets her bodies from the local funeral home. There’s confusion about Halima’s illness because she ingests all sorts of diseases, from the plague to Ebola. Upon hearing this, Kenzi vigorously scrubs her tongue clean. Think she will learn her lesson and practice some caution in the future? I hope not because she’s the funny bone. You know she’s not going to die just because she eats diseased soup.

Something I wasn’t so happy about: not enough Dyson (Kris Holden-Ried)! Disappointingly, there is no hot interaction with Bo (Anna Silk), although there is plenty of sexual tension between Bo and pretty doctor Lauren (Zoie Palmer). It’s like Dyson and Lauren’s roles are switched, with Lauren taking Bo out on a date under the pretense of “testing” Bo’s self-control. But it is clear as day that Lauren is smitten with Bo, probably more than she should be. Because Lauren is a doctor, she must maintain her professional role, which Palmer effectively conveys with a series of intense looks, and measured tone and actions. In fact, Palmer is one of the best actors on Lost Girl. I know nothing of her past roles or professional training, but she is a disciplined actress who is compelling to watch. You get the sense there is a lot of emotion yet to be mined from Lauren. Why exactly is Bo so appealing to her? Is it because she’s the first succubus she has met, and the first she’s been attracted to? I think we can rely on Palmer to reward us with the revelation of her character’s true feelings in future episodes. We may well have a love triangle to look forward to.

With Kenzi falling ill, Bo and Lauren team up to find a cure for her and Halima. Seeing them work together so seamlessly, with no argument from either (as Bo has with Dyson at times, making them more fun to watch) leads to a satisfying end. The surprise (only slightly, though) here is how everyone rallies around Kenzi despite the fact she’s a human hanging around with a bunch of Faes. I suppose it’s because she’s “owned” by Bo and even though Bo has not taken sides with the Fae, she’s still Fae and the Fae are family. This is clearly demonstrated here. We see a soft paternal side to Trick (Rick Howland), who sells a fiercely treasured possession so he can pay for the antidote. He nurses Kenzi in the basement of the Fae bar, but she can’t stay, and because Dyson leaves her after promising he will remain with her throughout her illness, she wanders off.  How he finds an utterly alone and cold Kenzi in the cemetery is probably my favorite scene, because we witness a burgeoning respect between Dyson and Kenzi. Seeing them together, and seeing how fragile Kenzi is—a state we rarely witness—makes  for a tender moment, with Kenzi plaintively saying, “You promised you wouldn’t leave.”  From this simple statement, it’s clear she has abandonment issues. If the writers are smart, they will reveal more Kenzi history. Holden-Ried and Solo do a fine job of conveying their characters’ genuine empathy for each other.

Bo (Anna Silk) and Lauren (Zoie Palmer) on a "date"

Altogether, “Food for Thought” is a fine episode, furthering Bo and Lauren’s relationship, as well as Dyson and Kenzi’s.

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