Your Entertainment Corner

A National Treasure. Recap: Castle – “Get A Clue”

[warning]WARNING: Spoilers Ahead![/warning]

Season 6, Episode 6
Airdate: Monday, October 28, 2013, 10/9c on ABC

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go home to wallow in what is perhaps the most disappointing day in my crime solving career.” – Richard Castle

As you can tell by my five-star rating, I truly loved tonight’s episode of Castle. “Get a Clue” was such a delight to watch because once again, it recalled the playful and mischievous episodes of earlier seasons, and sparked a longstanding curiosity of mine —historical treasure. I mean, who doesn’t believe in secret passageways, coded messages, hidden clues, and ultimately, buried treasure secreted by our founding fathers?! I’m pretty sure Richard Castle (Nathan Fillion) and I would be the best of friends!

There is one more random factoid I’d like to point out before beginning my recap: Kate Beckett’s (Stana Katic) hair. I swear, I just witnessed the epitome of hair porn (extremely sexy hair). You simply cannot deny how amazing her hair is. However, I am aware her hair it is mostly comprised of extensions this season. My statement still stands.

On to Recap-land!

Susannah Richland (Sarah Molasky) is this week’s murder victim. Found in an alley posed like a crucifixion, Richland’s case is an intriguing tale. According to Dr. Lanie Paris (Tamala Jones), the cause of death is a double-edged sword to the throat. And that’s not all; the palms of Richland’s hands were scraped off to hide symbols of dark magic! After a visit to Richland’s apartment, and an interview with Henry Collins (Aaron Craven), Susannah’s cousin, Castle and Beckett learn she had a fixation on different types of symbols, most dating back to our Founding Fathers. In case you haven’t seen National Treasure, unlike Beckett, these symbols include the All Seeing Eye and a pentagram.

Castle: “A lot of our Founding Fathers were freemasons.”

Beckett: “Yes, I saw National Treasure.”

Jason Byford (Erik Jensen), an expert in ancient languages and symbology, helps to makes sense of these symbols and also sheds new light on the case by introducing a new piece of evidence. When Byford last saw her, Susannah was in possession of a letter from 1798 — a letter that just happens to be the last will and testament of Theodore Rose, with a twist! Curiosity piqued?

Back at the precinct, Ryan (Seamus Dever) and Esposito (Jon Huertas) track down Benjamin Wade (James MacDonald), a mystery Monk who was caught following Susannah on the night of her murder, although he denies killing her. He claims a man with long hair and glasses was creeping up on her at the church, asking all kinds of weird questions. Being the upstanding citizen Wade is, he followed Susannah and saw her hailing a taxi with a banner ad for Wicked on its roof.

The next scene happens to be one of my favorites. I’m always a happy girl when Castle starts spouting off a crazy motive about Monks trying to take over the world while Beckett and Esposito look on in amusement. Then Ryan joins in with bad news about Wade, prompting Beckett to assign seemingly impossible tasks for the boys to do.

Ryan: “Really, you want me to track down a cab off a banner ad for Wicked?”

Beckett: “Impress me.”

Ryan: “You know there are times I wish she stayed in D.C.”

All the clues bring Castle and Beckett to an old-fashioned blacksmith store where someone – I’m sure you can guess who – gets into a real life sword fight! That someone – Castle, if you didn’t figure it out – kicks some booty, unveilings a secret in the process. The symbols, letter, and mysterious clue are all a part of a scavenger hunt for the New York Historical Institute. Huge let down? Not quite!

Now, the last 15 or so minutes of “Get a Clue” were my absolute favorite. There were so many different giddy moments, it made my heart swell.

Heading home after a disappointing discovery, Castle continues to obsess over the symbols Susannah left behind. The ball starts rolling after that mystery is solved! Castle and Beckett head back to the church where they find a secret lever to a hidden room. Castle just went all National Treasure: Book of Secrets on us — even going as far as Castle jokingly screaming about getting his hand stuck or mauled! I can’t tell you how big my smile was. There is also an Indiana Jones reference, and a nice throwback to The Librarian: Curse of the Judas Chalice for all you ultimate Stana Katic fans. I’m freaking in love with this episode!

The case rounds itself out in the end with plenty of other goodies. A trap, historical treasure, startling discovery, and confession to murder by a relative, just to name a few. The writers completely outdid themselves with this episode. I was extremely engrossed by all the twists and turns, and seriously couldn’t tell you who the actual murderer was until the end. Now that’s what I call entertainment!


  • Oh man, the dialogue was pure gold.
  • Castle: “Before you kill me, there is one thing you should know… I am really good at this!”
  • Castle: “This is not my idea of ‘going to the chapel’ with you.”
  • If you love scavenger hunts, riddles, and legendary myths, “Get a Clue” is the episode for you. It was very hard not to immediately pop in my DVD of National Treasure when it was over. Not the second movie though, that one was disappointing…


  • Do you realize I am conveniently leaving out the Alexis (Molly Quinn) and Pi (Myko Olivier) storyline? I cannot believe how out of hand this has gotten. Pi is abnormally weird and Alexis is being a little B-I-T-C-H. Poor Castle is just trying to be a good father. She shouldn’t be giving him so much grief! My word!


Tune in to Castle, Mondays at 10/9c, only on ABC.

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Emily Reynolds

Hi, you've reached Emily, your TV Goddess. She has an addiction to TV shows, especially crime dramedies and is always available to fangirl with you! She also loves coffee, sleeping, and tweeting. Read her random but awesome musings on Twitter: @tvgoddess47!!!