What the hell is SAMCRO doing? Review: Sons of Anarchy #SOAFX “Una Venta”


Review: Sons of Anarchy, Season 4, Ep 4 “Una Venta”

Air Date: Tuesday, September 27, 2011 10PM E/P on FX


What the hell is SAMCRO doing? Review: Sons of Anarchy #SOAFX "Una Venta" 1

Ron Perlman as Clay Morrow

What the hell is going on with SAMCRO this season? Is it me or is this season dragging like a cheap hooker after a gang bang?  Seriously, that sentence has more excitement than “Una Venta” could even fathom. I love SOA – I became a fan during season two; did a marathon of season one and two in order to attend the season three red carpet premiere last year; and now I’m stuck with Gemma (Katey Sagal) and her green thumb—or lack thereof; Clay (Ron Perlman) literally losing his grip on his club, the SAMCRO Charters, and his handlebars; and I have no idea what Tara (Maggie Siff) and Jax (Charlie Hunnam) are doing. It seems like the momentum of the show is in desperate need of a jolt and I’m hoping the Galindo Cartel and AUSA Linc Potter (Ray McKinnon) can bring it!

Why is Gemma getting chummy with Sheriff Roosevelt’s (Rockmond Dunbar) wife Rita (Merle Dandridge)? Is she really interested in saving some garden in Charming? Short answer – no. Gemma is just trying to get information – leverage for future use – and the possibility of shutting Mayor Hale’s (Jeff Kober) development of Charming Heights down is certainly appealing. What I find most interesting is Rita’s acceptance of Gemma’s $5,000.00 cash donation (c/o Dr. Tara Knowles) and her poise in standing up to Gemma when Gemma tries to throw her weight around. It feels like the power Clay and Gemma had isn’t as electrifying as it once was. And after Clay’s little man-handling in “Dorylus,” Gemma doesn’t seem to be too loving at the moment.

A SAMCRO charter in Arizona is cooking up and dealing meth. As if it weren’t enough that Clay has his club transporting for the Galindo Cartel, now there’s a SOA charter he can’t seem to control. I guess that patch over is wearing out. Even after uncovering two of their guys murdered a member and ousted another for getting this meth deal pushed through the vote, Clay’s strong arm is looking more like a puny runt.

What the hell is SAMCRO doing? Review: Sons of Anarchy #SOAFX "Una Venta" 2

Mark Boone Junior as Bobby

I do commend Bobby (Mark Boone Junior) for standing up to Clay and voicing his opposition to dealing meth but he needs to tread safely – his life might be in danger if he keeps speaking out so vehemently. That goes for Piney (William Lucking), too. He’s trying to find out what Tara’s been reading from his old friend John Teller (actor unseen). The saying, “Dead men tell no tales,” doesn’t ring true because John’s speaking volumes!

I wish I could praise the show but right now, I’m frustrated at the pace and direction this season is going. I won’t abandon ship just yet. I have faith that Sutter and the gang are just keeping us idle right now. It did not go unnoticed that Linc shows up at the prison to visit Otto (Kurt Sutter) and casually mentions they’re reopening the case on his wife Luanne’s (Dendrie Taylor) murder. Oh, and he lets it slip the semen found on Luanne belongs to Bobby. Hmm. Weren’t Bobby and Otto best buddies? I have to say I really like Linc Potter. He’s a smooth talking, motorcycle riding, chain smoking, chocolate milk drinking pot stirrer. He’s a little kooky (like standing on tables humming while he moves his legs like he’s River dancing) but I dig it. It’s a refreshing change from the usual biker personas littering Charming right now.

Tune in to Sons of Anarchy, Tuesdays at 10:00 PM E/P only on FX.

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What the hell is SAMCRO doing? Review: Sons of Anarchy #SOAFX "Una Venta" 3

Judy Manning

Dream chaser extraordinaire! Judy tends to be a tad sarcastic and kind of goofy! She is an avid admirer of all things supernatural, paranormal, celestial and mystical. She loves to read, write, and watches way too much TV. She enjoys many genres of film and music (and let's be honest, most music from the 80s). She also has a wicked sweet tooth. Cupcakes beware.
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