Vampires Should Fear the Sun! Review: The Vampire Diaries “Before Sunset”


Air Date: Thursday, May 3, 2012 8/7c on The CW


“If you’re trying to be the good guy again, why don’t you just give us one day; one day without any vampires in it?” – Jeremy


Vampires Should Fear the Sun! Review: The Vampire Diaries "Before Sunset" 1

When Klaus comes knocking, would you let him in?

“Before Sunset” brings to mind the movie of the same name, though it has nothing in common with this episode of The Vampire Diaries. Instead, the title refers to the time period in which things must be sorted out before the big bad vampire hunter can commence to killing some vamps. *yawn* There is excitement and intrigue as we find our resident badass has a plan to make a break for it with the ever unprotected doppelganger. “Before Sunset” is literally heart stopping indeed, but leaves viewers wondering “What now?”

Observations and thoughts:

“We’ll protect each other, like we always have. Always and forever, Nik.” I don’t think Rebekah (Clair Holt) realizes how close to death she comes each episode. If Klaus (Joseph Morgan) wasn’t around to remove the dagger constantly shoved into her heart, she’d never be out of her coffin.

“If you tell anyone where you’re going, I will kill her.” Don’t you think Alaric (Matthew Davis) plans to commit murder no matter if Elena (Nina Dobrev) follows his instructions or not? That’s his M.O. now, isn’t it? He’s the ultimate vampire killer and he’s supposed to kill any and all creatures that cross his path. “How many times do I have to tell you, Elena? Stop trusting vampires!” I wonder, when will she learn? Do you think Alaric has a point? He is a vampire now after all.

Vampires Should Fear the Sun! Review: The Vampire Diaries "Before Sunset" 2

Will Jeremy always be the sacrificial lamb?

Klaus is a definite badass and I love the energy his character brings to the show. Morgan is electrifying and knows how to captivate an audience. The writing in “Before Sunset” highlights his charismatic eloquence—the way he strolls up to Elena’s house with fence posts in his hand and an upbeat tempo accenting each step just sends chills down my spine. I love every moment Klaus is on screen because you know he’s going to cause some kind of trouble that’s not been seen before.

Poor Caroline (Candice Accola). She always gets the short end of the stick when it comes to vampire torture. How many times has she been captured or almost killed? Her life has gotten worse since she’s been turned and I’ll admit to missing the chipper teenage drama queen.

So… how about that moment between Klaus and Caroline? The sexual tension there is palpable and Klaus’ eyes were definitely smoldering as he looked at her. He cares about Caroline whether she wants to believe it or not. She cares more for him than she realizes. The expression on her face says it all.

I like Alaric the super vamp, though yes, I can admit I miss watching his bromance with Damon. The fact that he’s stronger than an Original is beyond cool. Why hasn’t someone thought up that storyline sooner? Mikael (Sebastian Roché) was impressive as a vampire who hunts vampires, but Alaric takes the cake. Not only does he appear to be indestructible, he doesn’t discriminate. He knows vampires (most, not all) are evil and wants to rid the world of them all. But where would we be without the sexy bloodsuckers?

Vampires Should Fear the Sun! Review: The Vampire Diaries "Before Sunset" 3

Bonnie is quite the pawn and she doesn't even know it.

“You know once you pick a Salvatore, you’ll destroy that bond.” Wow! Talk about insight. I didn’t think about it that way. I have to give Klaus his props for figuring that one out and keeping a sense of humor about that situation. “Just between us girls, who would you choose?” if he hadn’t sounded so serious when he asked that, I don’t think it would have been half as funny. Gotta love a vamp with a wicked sense of humor.

The amount of blood loss Elena sustains should have left her in a much worse state. You know, pale, lethargic, near death… So why is she able to be up and walking around like everything’s okay? We know she’s the leading lady but come on! If she’s going to be bled dry, at least make her look a little less perfect. Not too realistic there, writers.

“If I choose one of you, then I lose the other.” Very touching words, Elena, but that’s a cop-out. Just tell Stefan (Paul Wesley) and Damon (Ian Somerhalder) to deal with it. You can’t help who you love and loving them both isn’t an option. So pick one, tell the other we can still be friends, and call it a day. Caroline agrees with me: “You know that sooner or later, you’re gonna have to choose. Right?” Although, the boys seem to have come up with a plan for appeasing the loser of Elena’s heart. I don’t see how running away to let the other brother be happy is going to work. Nothing good will come of Elena’s choosing one brother over the other.

Funny lines:

Damon: “Don’t blame me. Blame Bonnie the blood bank. She’s the one who fed him.”


Klaus: “I’m leaving town; just need to pick up a few necessities: spare tire, flashlight… doppelganger.”


Damon: “Bonnie, what does that mean? I don’t speak witch.”


Only one more episode left. You know it’ll be amazing because The Vampire Diaries comes up with the best finales to leave any viewer hungry for the next season. I’m not celebrating like the rest of the gang because I don’t want them to have a “Klaus free life.” How boring will things be now that he’s been laid to rest. At least Alaric will be around to cause trouble. While I don’t think he’ll be as creative or vindictive as Klaus, he’ll be enough of a pain in the butt to keep the Salvatore brothers preoccupied for a bit.

Tune in to the season finale of The Vampire Diaries Thursday, May 10th at 8/7c on The CW.  For more on the show, visit

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Photo Credit:  Annette Brown/The CW ©2012 The CW Network. All Rights Reserved.

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Vampires Should Fear the Sun! Review: The Vampire Diaries "Before Sunset" 4
Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.

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