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Things Are Not Always How You Remember Them. Review: It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia – “High School Reunion, Part 2: The Gang’s Revenge”

IT'S ALWAYS SUNNY IN PHILADELPHIA: L-R: Rob McElhenney as Mac, Kaitlin Olson as Sweet Dee, Charlie Day as Charlie, Danny DeVito as Frank and Glenn Howerton as Dennis. CR: FX

Review: It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia – Season 7, Episode 13 – “High School Reunion, Part 2: The Gang’s Revenge”

Air Date: Thursday, December 15, 2011, 10:00 pm ET/PT on FX



You know how sometimes, things don’t turn out to be exactly how you remember them? That’s exactly the case with “High School Reunion, Part 2: The Gang’s Revenge.” When Dennis (Glenn Howerton) and Dee (Kaitlin Olson) are left alone at a table during their high school reunion, they begin to formulate a plan to get back into the good graces of those who left them there. (See review of Part 1 here). Until Dennis decides seeking revenge would be much better than trying to reconnect and Dee agrees.

Highlights and observations:

Dennis (Glenn Howerton) grabs tools to use in his plot for revenge

Dee making fun of “Fatty McGoo” is hysterical. The way Olson uses her voice, facial expressions and body movements to taunt poor Ingrid Nelson (guest star Judy Greer) is perfect, albeit a little over the top. While I’m not a fan of making fun of overweight people, Olson hits the nail on the head with her crazy performance.

The visual of Charlie (Charlie Day), Frank (Danny DeVito) and Mac (Rob McElhenney) hanging from the bathroom stalls is pretty funny, but even more laughable is when Dee leaves them there, swinging away, because she doesn’t like the “freight train” plan they devise. Of course, when she can’t come up with a plan of her own, she asks them if she can join in. I love the freight train “initiation” she must first undergo.

Dennis plans to get his revenge on Tim Murphy (Ian Reed Kesler) by sleeping with his wife Christie (Frances Turner). Too bad his plan doesn’t work out when Christie realizes something isn’t right about Dennis—she thinks he’s gay! Love her reasoning! I mean, make-up and a girdle, Dennis?

Dennis is so outraged over Christie’s rejection, he goes berserk and decides to get revenge another way by joining the “freight train” instead. Charlie and Mac think he’s be the perfect replacement for “Psycho Pete” who doesn’t show due to his threat to burn the school down. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Howerton with such an angry look on his face. In fact, he is so angry, Dennis almost looks possessed! He plays these scenes to perfection. Oh yeah, there’s more than one.

The Gang convinces Dennis to join the freight train

The plan the Gang comes up with is hysterical. I’m so sad their dance turns out to be a figment of their imaginations. Let me just say, Charlie Day has some freakin’ awesome dance skills, and watching Dee dance in her “Aluminum Monster“ brace is pretty funny.

Funny lines:

Mac and Charlie, in a sing-song chant, explaining the “freight train.”

Mac: “Our conductor is insane.”

Charlie: “Our cargo is pain.”

Mac: “Freight train!” (pulling an imaginary train whistle)


Dennis agreeing with Christie about how boring Tim is: “Trust me Christie, he’s boring as shit. I know that. I’d rather get blasted in the balls by a battering ram than to have a conversation with the guy!”


Charlie and Fatty McGoo discussing Psycho Pete’s sense of humor:

Charlie: “Ya gotta lighten up around Pete.”

McGoo: “Really? Was he joking when he cut his family up into little pieces and ate them for Christmas dinner?”

As season finales go, “High School Reunion, Part 2: The Gang’s Revenge” isn’t the greatest Sunny has given us. I’ve seen better and funnier episodes this season. I didn’t get as many laugh-out-loud moments or deep belly laughs as I’ve had in previous episodes. That’s not to say the individual performances were bad because they certainly weren’t. I just think Howerton and McElhenney could have done a better job with the script.

Nonetheless, I’ll be happy when the hiatus is over and we get a brand new season of laughs to enjoy with the Sunny Gang, won’t you?

What did you think of the season finale? Let’s discuss below!

All photos courtesy of Patrick McElhenney / © 2011 FX Networks, LLC. All rights reserved.

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Love TV, movies, and books--mostly mysteries, with a good love story thrown in every now and then. I have four adopted dogs who I adore. I love trying new recipes, and enjoy eating what I make. English language perfectionist. Reading in bed, Italian food, warm weather, the beach, all types of games = favs!