Review: #WilfredFX , Season 1, Ep 10 “Isolation” (Won’t you be my neighbor?)


Air Date: Thursday, August, 18, 2011 10:30 PM E/P


“Isolation is a self-defeating dream.” ~ Carlos Salinas de Gortari

A treat for us – two Wilfred episodes, back-to-back! I will say “Isolation” is much funnier than “Compassion,” – at least to me.

Review: #WilfredFX , Season 1, Ep 10 "Isolation" (Won't you be my neighbor?) 1

Ryan (Elijah Wood, R) meets one of his neighbors Gene (George Coe)

I love the stellar guest stars on Wilfred. “Isolation” brings us George Coe, who plays Gene, an elderly neighbor with a penchant for gardening. Then there’s Peter Stormare, who plays Trashface. Yes, Trashface. He’s the neighborhood bum with a heroin addiction. And Eric Stoltz, who plays Doug, another neighbor who seems to find it odd that they’ve lived in the neighborhood for 11 years and know everyone except Ryan (Elijah Wood).

Jenna (Fiona Gubelmann) thinks Ryan’s been on vacation because his blinds are closed and she hasn’t seen him in three days. Well, Ryan’s home on a “stay-cation,” as it were. More like a weed-cation because he’s been smoking it up and even has some bong water on his shirt when he opens the door.

Wilfred (Jason Gann) seems a bit perturbed by Ryan’s absence, thinking he’s avoiding him. But as they continue to chat, Wilfred mentions the neighbors think Ryan’s a bit weird, “Like ‘it puts the lotion in the basket’ weird.” As long as we don’t find any exotic moths or a sewing machine in Ryan’s house, I think we’re safe from him becoming Buffalo Bill (think Silence of the Lambs). And how the hell does Wilfred know all the neighbors? More often than not he’s at Ryan’s getting stoned. Just saying.

Why does Ryan think he has to impress his neighbors? I mean, are they paying his bills? Are they put-out by his lack of participation in block party meetings? I don’t say hi to all my neighbors because let’s be real, some of them are scary as hell! But Ryan looks harmless, but I guess that’s what people thought of Jeffrey Dahmer at one point. I digress.

It seems to bother Ryan that his neighbors think he’s weird. When he goes to Jenna’s for the meet and greet, the neighbors are intrigued and begin asking questions. Everyone huddles together, whispering, while Doug and Charlie (Wayne Wilderson) probe deeper about why Ryan isn’t a lawyer anymore. Ryan literally loses his tongue. Fortunately, it was just a dream.  He never makes it to the meeting. Or did he?

Review: #WilfredFX , Season 1, Ep 10 "Isolation" (Won't you be my neighbor?) 2

L-R: Ryan (Elijah Wood) walks with Wilfred (Jason Gann) and he introduces them to some of their neighbors

Oddly enough, Jenna comes by after the meeting to ask if he burglarized their neighbors. Well, hello to you, too. But, the fact Ryan woke up with a hammer in his bandaged hand does seem ominous. Or is it? He’s been smoking a lot of weed lately and has been out of it…so he could have done it…right?

Ryan: “I would never…”

Wilfred: “Never what? Shit in your neighbor’s boot? Have sex with a stuffed giraffe in front of a small child? You’d be surprised what we’re capable of doing once we put our mind to it.”

Ryan: “Our mind?”

Hmmm…the plot thickens. I’ve said I believe Ryan is either hallucinating or Wilfred is his alter ego. Now I am thinking maybe he’s a bit of both. Confused? Me too! LOL! I can’t tell what’s real anymore but I like it! I like that I can’t figure it out – it’s glorious! Is Wilfred real? I think he is because Jenna is his owner, right? Hell, I don’t know…is Jenna real? I’m just throwing it out there.

What really throws “Isolation” into frenzy is Andy (Maxim Knight), a local kid who keeps messing with Wilfred. He teases him terribly, driving Wilfred crazy. It’s hilarious to see but also strange. I mean, Wilfred is pretty smart – he manipulates the crap out of Ryan all the time. But not seeing through Andy’s shenanigans seems a bit far-fetched (no pun intended).

So, when Wilfred gets young Andy arrested for the burglaries, it’s all so deliciously dark and humorously vindictive. All the talk about the “pack” taking care of its own means nothing more than Wilfred taking care of Ryan so he won’t be ostracized for being the thief by his neighbors. Which I believe Wilfred instigated in the first place. But of course, Ryan can’t allow a 10-year-old kid to go to jail. But when he tries to fess up, Trashface is found dead from an overdose with all the stolen items conveniently in his cart. I guess Wilfred giving Trashface $20 to buy food, “not heroin,” is just a coincidence; although, Trashface did offer Ryan a little rub-n-tug for a $20 spot earlier.

Is there a moral to the story? Did Ryan learn any life lessons? Moral – be kind to your neighbors because never know when you’ll need them? Don’t get hand-jobs from heroin-addled bums…just don’t… period.

At the end, Ryan refuses an offer to hit the bong with Wilfred. He wants to sober up a bit – clear his head. My questions – why is Wilfred trying to keep Ryan high and unemployed? What is he up to? And will we see Ryan’s mother Catherine (Mary Steenburgen) and her cat Mittens again soon?

Tune in to Wilfred, Thursdays at its regular time, 10PM E/P only on FX.

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Review: #WilfredFX , Season 1, Ep 10 "Isolation" (Won't you be my neighbor?) 3

Judy Manning

Dream chaser extraordinaire! Judy tends to be a tad sarcastic and kind of goofy! She is an avid admirer of all things supernatural, paranormal, celestial and mystical. She loves to read, write, and watches way too much TV. She enjoys many genres of film and music (and let's be honest, most music from the 80s). She also has a wicked sweet tooth. Cupcakes beware.


    • Rocky on August 20, 2011 at 5:46 pm
    • Reply

    Wilfred in human figure is not real – I think we can establish that. Wilfred is this show’s answer to Tyler Durden. But I do think that Wilfred the dog is real (at least everybody sees him), and that Jenna is real for sure. How else could Ryan’s mother have met her last episode? But, of course Ryan could be dreaming/imagining the whole thing as well, as bizarre as this is 🙂 One thing is sure: there is definitely more to the plot than scratches the surface!

    1. The whole thing is beginning to take its toll on my mind – I can’t figure what is up or down or right-side up! LOL! But I love the show! This week’s episode (Thur 8/25/11) stars Dwight Yokam and we get some insight on the strange relationship between Ryan and Wilfred…it seems it may not be as unique as we thought.

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