Review: The Walking Dead “Secrets” Apparently No One Can Keep Them


Air Date: Sunday, November 20, 2011 9/8c on AMC

“Everything’s food for something else.” Carl Grimes

Review: The Walking Dead "Secrets" Apparently No One Can Keep Them 1

Dale and Lori chat about her secret

“Secrets” is all about secrets—those being kept for other people and those shared among confidantes. It’s obvious who can keep a secret and what the cost is for keeping mum. The truth always comes out though and when it does for the characters of The Walking Dead, how will they cope with the outcome? A pregnancy can be hid, but not effectively when one is constantly surrounded by people and watched. A barn full of flesh eating zombies can only stay hush-hush for so long. There’s no telling who will wander across the field and hear something strange and out of the ordinary.  I doubt the secret will stay kept then.

Observations and thoughts:

Some of the Walkers being kept in the barn are the loved ones of the farmhouse crew. It makes sense—why else would they keep so many creatures (which are hazardous to their health) around and alive? How will the rest of the survivors react to this knowledge?

“I suck at lying. I can’t even play poker; it’s too much like lying.” Glenn (Steven Yeun) is in a world of trouble.  He seems to know everyone’s secrets yet Dale (Jeffrey DeMunn) harbors them too. He gets the scoop from everyone in the camp and goes around dropping little nuggets where he thinks they’ll do best. I like him, but I think he’s being meddlesome. It’d be nice if he kept some things to himself. Or better yet, tell Glenn to keep his mouth shut.

Review: The Walking Dead "Secrets" Apparently No One Can Keep Them 2

Of course you had to know these two would fall into lust with one another

Shane (Jon Bernthal) loves Carl (Chandler Riggs). I can see it in the way he looks at him and figure that’s why he’s sticking around. But boy, is he an emotional rollercoaster. One minute he’s up, the next he’s down, and then he’s pulling loop-de-loops, flipping out on people. He slips up and reveals his card to Dale though. “I know what kind of man you are.” Yeah, Dale, so do we. How long will it take for the rest of the group to figure it out?

See, I’m not the only one who thinks Lori (Sarah Wayne Callies) is extremely thin. Glenn says something to her about her weight and needing to take care of herself. I don’t doubt why she isn’t telling Rick (Andrew Lincoln) what’s going on, but for him to find out the way he does isn’t right either. There’s no way to tell who the father of her baby is and probably never will be.

Daryl (Norman Reedus) tells Andrea (Lori Holden) “You shoot me again, you best pray I’m dead.” That speaks to his mindset about being shot because he’s awfully calm at the moment. I’m still reeling over the fact she shot him thinking he was a Walker. If I were Daryl, I’d be mighty pissed.

“We put down a Walker,” Dale says. “You killed a person.” Hershel (Scott Wilson) is thinking rationally about the condition of the Walkers he’s keeping as pets and hopes for some way to bring them back from their current state of undead. “My wife and stepson are in that barn.” I knew there had to be loved ones in there, but I never thought Hershel would admit it. Now where do things go from here?

So where are all the Walkers? And just how secluded is this farmhouse? It reminds me of the movie 28 Days Later where living in a house out in the country was the safest place to be. But it can’t be that safe if there are Walkers on the property. They’d have to get there to infect those who weren’t infected, right?

Review: The Walking Dead "Secrets" Apparently No One Can Keep Them 3

I think is going to be a problem for Maggie's father Hershel

I knew something was going to get Maggie (Lauren Cohan). I was just waiting for it. Now she understands why there’s no love lost among the survivors who know about the Walkers in the barn. She feared for her life; she thought she was close to dying and wanted the Walker killed in order to save her life. But will that change her mind about the hidden Walkers? Will she see there’s no coming back from their affliction? I don’t understand how anyone could think zombies could be cured and revert back to human beings. I just don’t see it being a possibility. The condition of their bodies—the decay, the cannibalism. There’s no coming back from that.

This episode should have been titled “Lori’s Choice” since she’s faced with such a huge decision. It’s not an easy one to make considering the predicament they’re in, but she makes the right choice for herself. The issues handled in “Secrets” are tough. I didn’t think Lori would confess to Rick when he asked if there was more he didn’t know about and I didn’t expect him to react so calmly. I guess that says a lot about what people consider important. They can all die at any moment and holding grudges is stupid. So is keeping secrets. The Walking Dead rarely disappoints and “Secrets” is no exception. While there was a little suspense and action, there was enough drama to satisfy.

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Review: The Walking Dead "Secrets" Apparently No One Can Keep Them 4
Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.

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