Your Entertainment Corner

Review: The Killing, Season 1, Episode 20 – “I’ll Let You Know When I Get There”

Air Date: Sunday, May 29, 2011, 10 pm ET/PT


Well it would appear Councilman Richmond is hiding something

I think I am so off on my theory of who killed Rosie (Katie Findlay), but I don’t care. The excitement each episode of The Killing brings is enough to keep me watching—even if the killer isn’t revealed for another few seasons. Wouldn’t that be interesting? I often wonder what will happen when the murderer’s identity is finally revealed. A trial, of course, but what else? So far it seems the show centers around the killing and trying to locate the elusive murderer. There won’t be much of a show left once the culprit is found and apprehended. I’m curious to see what else the writers have in store for us.

The opening scene of “I’ll Let You Know When I Get There” is fascinating. The broken glasses and broken body of Bennet Ahmed (Brandon Jay McLaren) lie in the steady downpour. I feel absolutely horrible for what happened to Ahmed. But, it was the action of a desperate man—desperate for answers, vengeance, relief. I don’t think Stan (Brent Sexton) knew any other way to handle his emotions. He just wants someone to pay for his daughter’s death. And well, Bennet Ahmed was the unlucky guy to fall into the path of Stan’s wrath. Who’s to blame? Mitch (Michelle Forbes)? Linden (Mirielle Enos)? Linden definitely holds herself responsible for telling the Larsens Ahmed was a person of interest.

Linden and Holder find something interesting in Belko's bedroom

“I’ll tell you one thing, I’m not gonna let myself lose any sleep over it.” Holder’s (Joel Kinnaman) words may seem cold about Ahmed’s predicament, but I think he’s just being pragmatic. This case already seems too personal for Linden and I think Holder sees it and wants to help ease her mind. She’s too involved in the case and needs to pull herself out of it as a mother and deal with it as a police officer. She’s letting her personal feelings get in the way of making rational decisions.

I have to mention the bacon maple donut Holder brings Linden for breakfast. I don’t think I heard anything the two said while she was eating it. That alone makes me want to hop on a plane to Seattle. Oh, and did you know Holder was a vegetarian? I don’t usually pay attention to what characters eat, but I don’t remember him eating any salads in previous episodes. I just learned something new.

I must say, Stan Larsen is definitely an interesting man. He beats Ahmed almost to death, then calls 911 to take him to the hospital. What’s more shocking, his guilt leads him to turn himself in! Now my question is why? Why almost kill the man, then turn around and save his life? Is Stan thinking he doesn’t want to go back to being the man he used to be, or is he just full of regret? No matter the answer, it won’t change his actions and there will be consequences. I’m not sure how far those consequences will go, but we are at day ten and still no closer to finding Rosie’s killer.

I don’t know if you are, but I’m keeping a tally on the different pieces of evidence being found surrounding Rosie’s case. There are keys, a tee shirt (which Mitch found in the laundry) and a few other odds and ends. The tee has caught my attention. We know Rosie went home at some point before she was killed, but why? This train of thought leads me back to her aunt Terry (Jamie Anne Allman). I still think she has some small part in this whole debacle and she shouldn’t be let off the hook.

Belko's "interesting" mother provides his alibi

Although, after what Holder and Linden find in Belko’s (Brendan Sexton III) bedroom, I’m a bit inclined to listen to Terry’s complaints about him. At least now I know why he was rummaging through the Larsens’ garbage. Speaking of Belko, is anyone else as creeped out about Bev (Patti Allan), his mother, when she refers to Belko as her “little man” repeatedly? Something’s not right with that relationship. Poor guy, it certainly seems like he has his share of sexual issues stemming from his childhood.

I previously discounted Councilman Richmond (Billy Campbell) but I’m thinking of revisiting my decision now that Valerie (Diana Bang), a techie in Richmond’s office, found a clip of him shaking Rosie’s hand during a campaign stop. Didn’t he say he didn’t know who Rosie was?

I was tired of waiting for you to come to me, but that’s never going to change, is it Sara? I’m always going to be waiting, won’t I?” Not to say I thought Rick (Callum Keith Rennie) was going to come back for Linden, but man, do I feel sorry for him. This case may be the end of things between them and Sarah’s no closer to finding a killer. Do you think it will be worth it to her in the end?

Tune in to The Killing, Sundays at 10PM/9c on AMC. For more on the show, visit


All photos ©Carole Segal/2011 AMC Entertainment. All Rights Reserved.

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Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.