Review: The Closer, S7, E6 “A Family Affair”


Air Date: Monday, August 22, 2011, 9/8c on TNT

I often wonder about opening scenes and what effect they are supposed to have on us. “A Family Affair” is no different. Only this time the scene opens with a young woman whose cause of death is being disputed by her mother, Detective Ortega (Roxann Dawson). From comedy to drama, The Closer doesn’t want to fit itself into typical television fare. It breaks out of that mold and creates its own category of entertainment. It’s what I like to call fantastic. Everything about it pulls you in and holds you fast.

“Do you know how hard it is to do your job while humoring so many difficult people?” Things are really getting to Brenda (Kyra Sedgwick). Her cool from last week’s episode “Home Improvement” is slipping through her fingers with this new case.

Along with the dramatic opening, this episode is action packed. Sgt. Sanchez (Raymond Cruz) is on fire as he lays out a couple of perps with precision shooting. The scene kept me on the edge of my seat as Brenda walks into a room and Sgt. Gabriel (Corey Reynolds) has to push her out of the way of a shotgun blast. Talk about fast on his feet! Though I know Brenda isn’t in danger of being killed (we’ve still got a few more episodes to go this season), seeing her in harm’s way snaps her character back into the reality of her job. She’s a cop first and foremost. She often puts herself into dangerous situations knowing someone always has her back. I don’t think there’s anyone better to run into a building with than Sanchez and Gabriel. They are always on top of things and keep the chief out of trouble. At least as much as they can.

That seemingly vindictive Capt. Raydor (Mary McDonnell) is back again. I think I want her to be done with the audit more than Brenda does. She lurks in the recesses of the office just waiting for a chance to jump out and bombard Brenda with her cool demeanor and grating questions. But I know she wants to help. Capt. Raydor’s not really in any position to clear Brenda but she’s trying to work out the best way to make the entire process easier on everyone. If only she smiled more. I think McDonnell does a great job portraying the captain and the lack of emotion plays a great part in that. She comes across as unfeeling and cold. But I’d like to think we know better. I’m waiting for the moment when Capt. Raydor pulls a rabbit out of her hat and shows Brenda she never had any doubt about her.


Lt. Tao (Michael Paul Chan) knows what a clutch is? How hilarious is that? I can only imagine how he knows that and why he feels comfortable enough to correct Lt. Flynn’s (Tony Denison) mistake of calling the clutch “a little bag.”

The stand out actor during this hour is Cruz. He’s stoic, never wavers in his stance and has a secret stash of sweetness under that tough demeanor.

Only one funny line this episode, and it goes to my favorite guy:

Lt. Provenza (G. W. Bailey) after the shootout: “I… I feel terrible about the fish. I’ll cry later.”

“A Family Affair” ends on a somber note. Essentially, the victim is killed for nothing. It’s unbelievable how callous some people can be. Greed is all powerful and doesn’t discriminate. Neither does wanting to know where you come from. The victim only wanted to meet her family after having found them and ends up dead because of one selfish, callous sibling who believed she wanted money. What a waste.

Tune in to The Closer, Mondays at 9/8c on TNT. For more on the show, visit

Review: The Closer, S7, E6 "A Family Affair" 1
Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.

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