Review: New Girl “Bully” (Scissors, Cheese and Schmidt is a Sex Dog)


Air Date: Tuesday, February 21, 2012, 9/8c on Fox


“Did you have a sexual guest?” – Jess


Review: New Girl "Bully" (Scissors, Cheese and Schmidt is a Sex Dog) 1

A student who punks her teacher. What is the world coming to? LOL!

“Bully” doesn’t revolve around the kid (a cute 12 year old girl) who’s bullying one of Jess’ (Zooey Deschanel) students. The entire episode kind of focuses on our favorite not-quite-a-couple couple who are doing the dirty with cheese! (You have to watch the episode to know what I’m talking about.) Now, while I’ve been dying to see Cece (Hannah Simone) and Schmidt (Max Greenfield) together, they seem to be walking a thin line. Cece says, “I’m 100% ashamed of you.” I’m not sure how the two of them can have anything but a sexual relationship with the way they are handling sleeping with each other. Does Schmidt think so little of himself that he’s ok with sneaking around with Cece as long as he gets to sleep with her? I mean, why is Cece running back to Schmidt if she can’t or won’t be seen in public with him? He’s not as bad as the other guys she’s dated, is he?

Observations and thoughts:

The robe, kimono, whatever Schmidt is sporting is beyond ridiculous. Seriously, what is with the woman’s kimono he insists on wearing? I love Schmidt in all his Schmidty goodness, but he has to get a robe that completely covers his ass. He’s such a crazy metrosexual so I can’t be mad at him, but come on!

Review: New Girl "Bully" (Scissors, Cheese and Schmidt is a Sex Dog) 2

Winston brings the fun and scissors to the party.

Julia (Lizzy Caplan) breaks up with Nick (Jake Johnson) and no one really cares. At least I don’t. I knew it was coming, was hoping for it, and am glad to see it happening so quickly. Now, do we move on to Nick and Jess hooking up or must we entertain the thought of him having another ridiculous girlfriend? Because we all know where his heart lies though it seems he isn’t privy to the information. I just can’t take another failed Nick relationship when I know he and Jess should be together. Heck, even Julia said so in “Jess and Julia” so why so slow on the uptake, Nick?

Winston (Lamorne Morris) brings Jess scissors to fix a robot arm. Need I say more? “Those are my good scissors.” Why does he bring her scissors and what is with the kid putting the scissors in his mouth? I don’t know why these events are in this episode, but they are fricking hilarious! Again, Winston is the witty line guy and the go-to friend when in need, but he doesn’t appear to have his own place in the New Girl world. I’m wondering what the writers have in store for him because right now he’s just a sidekick who yells and says goofy, inappropriate things. “Your daughter sucks. Ok, she is a demon seed, she is a spawn of Satan.” See what I mean.

Funny lines:

Schmidt to Cece after having sex: “Did you feel that? Did you feel me sweeping you along with the current of my body? You’re like a canoe on my body river.”


Winston to Schmidt after missing his sexual guest: “I like to pretend like I’m your lover, on the down low, Theodore Cambolitz. (In a weird sexy voice) Damn Schmidt, in our bed where we shave each other?”


Cece to Schmidt about getting on with the sex: “How about just a little good old fashioned car sex?”

Schmidt: “I can’t do any of my moves in there. I like to improvise with my body. I’m like a sexual snowflake: each night with me is a unique experience…”


I laughed more than once and quite loudly actually, during “Bully.” We’re getting back to the good stuff it seems and it’s about damn time. I’d like to see Winston have a better role on the show and I don’t know, maybe some more funny scenes overall. Schmidt and his ridiculousness can’t carry the show. Although maybe he could…

Tune in to New Girl, Tuesdays at 9/8c on Fox. For more on the show, visit

Photo credit: Patrick McElhenney/FOX © 2012 Fox Broadcasting, LLC. All rights reserved.

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Review: New Girl "Bully" (Scissors, Cheese and Schmidt is a Sex Dog) 3
Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.

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