Review: American Horror Story “Smoldering Children” (Dead is better? Enduring is such sweet sorrow) #ahsfx


Review: American Horror Story, Season 1, Ep. 10 “Smoldering Children”

Air Date: Wednesday, December 7, 2011 10PM E/P on FX.


Review: American Horror Story "Smoldering Children" (Dead is better? Enduring is such sweet sorrow) #ahsfx 1

Tate (Evan Peters) as Rubber Man attacks Ben (Dylan McDermott)

Wow! Wow! Wow! I did not see this turn of events coming…well, at least not in this particular way. I’ve had my suspicions about Tate (Evan Peters) wanting to keep Violet (Taissa Farmiga) with him forever but never did I entertain the idea that Violet overdosing on  sleeping pills in “Piggy, Piggy” actually killed her. I thought Tate was able to make her vomit everything up but sadly we find that is not the case. The resulting scene is both jarring and extremely pitiful. She had such a promising future.

Tate seems truly in love with Violet; he’s willing to go to great lengths to protect her even if it means hurting her father Ben (Dylan McDermott), who wants to send Violet away to boarding school. Well, it’s obvious that won’t happen now but after Moira (Frances Conroy/Alexandra Breckenridge) told Ben he’s finally seeing things for what they are, when he will see Violet for who she is – his dead daughter? And how long will Tate be able to hide Violet’s body? The blow flies are already infesting the house and killing the exterminator is only going to make things more complicated. Another dead body equals more blow flies and another ghost. (As if there aren’t enough already!)

And the Emmy® goes to… Jessica Lange. Lange fully embodies the character of Constance Langdon so much so I actually believe she is Constance. She’s a resolute and fiercely independent southern woman who has “endured” many things that would make lesser women crumble. The deaths of her children, albeit staggered over time, is gut wrenching in and of itself; her husband’s infidelity; and now she must contend with being potentially charged with her former lover Travis’ (Michael Graziadei) murder.


Review: American Horror Story "Smoldering Children" (Dead is better? Enduring is such sweet sorrow) #ahsfx 2

Jessica Lange as Constance Langdon

Lange’s demeanor—the way she emphasizes her syllables and lingers on certain words, the way she looks and uses facial expressions—lends much to her captivating performance. I’m blown away by her remarkable ability to be both charming and venomous while she courts her way into your heart, making you empathize with her. But don’t get too close, she’s no delicate flower no matter how softly the tears flow.

The guest stars on American Horror Story continue to impress me. This week, the indelible Charles S. Dutton (Gothika) stars as Det. Grainger who is investigating Travis’ murder. Travis is now known as “the Boy Dahlia.” Dutton has such a commanding presence and the way he throws question after question at Constance is absolutely riveting. We learn a lot from his interrogation regarding her tainted past and how the police were very close to arresting Constance for the strange disappearances of her husband Hugo (Eric Close) and young Moira. 

Review: American Horror Story "Smoldering Children" (Dead is better? Enduring is such sweet sorrow) #ahsfx 3

Larry (Denis O'Hare) is set ablaze by a spiteful Tate (not shown)

“Smoldering Children” also introduces us to the ghosts of Larry’s (Denis O’Hare) wife and children who are literally still smoldering with fiery embers. The special effects are nothing short of brilliant. Poor Larry. He left his wife to be with Constance because he thought she actually loved him. The way Constance treats Larry, I am nearly heartbroken for him…nearly. Even though he makes the ultimate gesture to show his love for Constance, Larry is not to be trusted. We also learn how Larry becomes disfigured. It seems Tate didn’t really approve of his mother taking him as her lover so naturally he decides the only way to take care of the problem is to pour gasoline on him and light a match. Dysfunctional is an understatement.


          Why would Larry make another huge sacrifice after being released from prison for supposedly burning his family alive? We, of course, know his wife is the real culprit in the fire, but why did he take the rap then and why is he taking another one now? Does he think this atonement will soften Constance? Again, Constance’s icy recoil at Larry’s seemingly selfless act is like a slap in the face and a spit on the grave.

          How do 16 days of absences go unchecked? As a parent, I think I would know if my child were missing that much school. Is Ben so disconnected from reality that he can’t remember his own kid, or is the house affecting his memory in more ways than one?


          Thank you for the shower scene with McDermott but did they have to keep the towel on lockdown? There is no way in the real world a towel would stay on during a scuffle of that magnitude. I mean, Ben is being tossed around like a ragdoll by Tate (aka Rubber Man) and the towel doesn’t budge! Seriously, a cheek – that’s all I’m asking for. I digress.

Review: American Horror Story "Smoldering Children" (Dead is better? Enduring is such sweet sorrow) #ahsfx 4

Ben (Dylan McDermott) and his immovable towel fight off Rubber Man/Tate (Evan Peters)

As much as I enjoy “Smoldering Children,” I am still feeling a bit confused. What is the purpose of continuously introducing new characters into the show? There are already too many story arcs in play and most of them should be eliminated – Hayden (Kate Mara), for one, should definitely be done with.

I’m very eager to find out what will happen next week in “Birth.” Will we get to see the demon-child? Will Ben even realize the exterminator is missing?

Tune into American Horror Story Wednesdays at 10 PM E/P only on FX.

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Review: American Horror Story "Smoldering Children" (Dead is better? Enduring is such sweet sorrow) #ahsfx 5

Judy Manning

Dream chaser extraordinaire! Judy tends to be a tad sarcastic and kind of goofy! She is an avid admirer of all things supernatural, paranormal, celestial and mystical. She loves to read, write, and watches way too much TV. She enjoys many genres of film and music (and let's be honest, most music from the 80s). She also has a wicked sweet tooth. Cupcakes beware.

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