Your Entertainment Corner

Outlander –“The Wedding” Review. The Key That Unlocks Jamie’s Heart.

Season 1, Episode 7

Air Date: Saturday, September 20, 2014 at 9PM ET/PT on Starz


“I’m Jamie’s wife.” – Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp Randall Fraser

No, this isn’t the wedding we were waiting to see.

The mood is quiet, almost somber as “The Wedding” opens. The setting has changed; the couple we see is not the couple we expect. We don’t actually get to see events progress in order because this is an artistic expression of one woman’s creativity. The juxtaposition of flashbacks … flashbacks … flashbacks (pretend that’s an echo) and the present puts everything out there. The who, what, where, and how are not scandalous enough to warrant the help of Olivia Pope. The actors throw themselves into the role of newlyweds who barely know one another, and are getting married to save one another’s skin. And a party, because who doesn’t like a wedding reception?

Not Enough Wedding

Watching “The Wedding,” knowing how the wedding night plays out in the novels is a bit nerve wracking. The pace of the scenes between Claire (Caitriona Balfe) and Jamie (Sam Heughan) seems maddeningly slow. Having read the books puts me at a bit of an advantage; I know the characters already. I know they know one another too. But, for the television series, they haven’t a clue who the other is. “The Wedding” plays out more like a reminiscence of the times of old. There is Jamie’s story, Claire’s story, then the two intertwining, and laughs over drinks. I don’t really get a romantic vibe from this hour of television at all. But that is the point. Claire and Jamie don’t have a case of insta-love. They are working toward a romance for the ages. You have to wonder if the wedding night scenes were the first ones filmed during production in order for the newness of each other to ring true.

Random Tidbits

I loved the tender moments between Claire and Jamie.

Claire is nervous, and rightly so. She’s just wed another man, knowing out there in the future somewhere her husband is waiting, looking for her. OK, so maybe that’s not exactly what she is nervous about.

For what it’s worth, Heughan and Balfe do an excellent job convincing me of Jamie and Claire’s hesitant desire for one another. You can clearly see by Heughan’s facial expressions what Jamie is feeling for Claire. He looks like a curious little boy sitting on the bed talking with her. The youthful glee in his eyes shines through, painting him as a novice in all things to come. Jaime has a deep rooted interest in the woman who’s fallen into his world and run away with his heart. I mean, the wedding ring he has made for her? Tell me that isn’t the most romantic thing ever. Not to mention, he wants Claire like he wants a nice glass of Claret, but holds back to make her feel comfortable. Balfe keeps her cool while depicting Claire’s reluctance to move on with her life as a last resort of epic proportions. She doesn’t merely change her marital status (again) but her acceptance of Jamie is almost like she’s giving up on Frank (Tobias Menzies). Why else would she get married if she knows she’s going to return to her own time?

Poor Frank. While not completely forgotten (because he is featured in the very first flashback), he is not thought of until the afterglow of lovemaking, when Claire’s gold wedding band falls into plain view. I mean, damn. Does Jamie put it down so well Claire forgets her um, husband. Yeah, her husband. “Take off your shirt.” Wait, who were we talking about again?

With this ring…

Dougal (Graham McTavish) throws me for a loop once again. I guess I should know better by now that there are two sides to the man. He can’t be trusted with things precious to Jamie, that’s for sure. I am still waiting for the day Dougal proves himself worthy of Claire’s trust and respect. For now, she would be wise to stay away from him when she might otherwise be caught alone. Who knows what he might do given the opportunity?

Could Claire’s boobs be pushed up any further? I could swear the things would flop from her dress if she breathed any harder. Come on, costume department. You’ve done quite well up until now.

Memorable Lines

Claire: “It’s getting late. Perhaps we should go to bed?”

Jamie: “To bed or to sleep?”

Claire: “Well?”

Yeah, Jamie has mad game.


Priest: “I have a knife too, and I’m not afraid to use it.”

A knife wielding priest. I bet no one interrupts his sermons.



Jamie Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser, better known as JAMMF. You’re welcome.

Outlander brings it on home with flesh, bums, and enough grunting to rival a woman squeezing into jeans two sizes too small. How does “The Wedding” fare with thee? Too much sexy times? Not enough Claire and Jamie bedroom magic? Would you have liked to see more of the wedding festivities? If you’ve read the Outlander novels, how does “The Wedding” live up to your interpretation? Drop me a line in the comments section or tweet me @ellemoe to discuss. Tune in to Outlander, Saturdays at 9PM ET/PT, only on Starz. For more on the show, visit the official site.

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Photo credit: © 2014 Starz Entertainment, LLC. All rights reserved.


Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.