Movie Review: A Prayer Before Dawn – Brutally Violent and Hauntingly Beautiful


Movie Review: <em>A Prayer Before Dawn</em> - Brutally Violent and Hauntingly Beautiful 1Genre: Drama

Director: Jean-Stéphane Sauvaire

Cast: Joe Cole, Pornchanok Mabklang, and Vithaya Pansringarm

Studio: A24

Runtime: 116 minutes

Release Date: In limited theaters August 10, 2018

Rated: R


A Prayer Before Dawn, directed by Jean-Stéphane Sauvaire, is A24’s latest release and follows the true story of English boxer Billy Moore (Joe Cole). Moore is living in Thailand and makes his money boxing in amateur matches in order to support his drug habit. When life finally catches up to him, he’s arrested and ends up in prison where he’s abused by other inmates and corrupt guards. When he discovers that prisoners compete in Muay Thai tournaments, a combat sport popular in Thailand, he decides to fight to hopefully win his freedom.

Movie Review: <em>A Prayer Before Dawn</em> - Brutally Violent and Hauntingly Beautiful 2

Joe Cole Stars as Billy Moore

I’ve been excited for this movie ever since seeing the first trailer back in October, particularly because it’s an A24 release. A24 has brought me some of my favorite films over the last several years. However, I’m always cautious when it comes to sports movies because of the amount of tropes they fall victim to. And while, yes, it does get into the familiar sports movie trappings, A Prayer Before Dawn is a devastating and savage film about earning peace through violence.

Sauvaire’s direction is so visceral and grimy, you feel like taking a shower afterwards. While in prison Moore is beaten, witnesses gang rapes, uses all manner of drugs, and yes, boxes other inmates. Sauvaire doesn’t shy away from this brutality for a single moment. He keeps the camera up close on the characters constantly, to the point that you see every individual bead of sweat or drop of blood that falls. The shots linger on the characters in an almost sensual way, illustrating how they nearly fetishize the violence they commit. This leads to some truly beautiful but ferocious looking boxing sequences. The camera is positioned right next to Moore as he spars, allowing you to see in detail the impact of each punch and kick.

Movie Review: <em>A Prayer Before Dawn</em> - Brutally Violent and Hauntingly Beautiful 3A Prayer Before Dawn contains sparse dialogue and subtitles are not provided for the foreign language that’s spoken. This puts you perfectly into Moore’s shoes because like him, you feel like an outsider. Because the movie utilizes very little edits, instead opting for long tracking shots, and was shot on location in a real Thai prison, it is one of the most immersive experiences you’ll have this year.

Cole is revelatory as Moore. I’ve only seen him in 2016’s Green Room, an under appreciated horror gem, and while he was good in that movie, he is exceptional here. He gives a raw physical performance filled with pure adrenaline and rage. He’s able to portray so much by saying so little. Cole manages to create a character that has the potential to be one-dimensional and turns him into a tragic and sympathetic one.

Where the film falters a bit is in its characterizations of secondary characters. Cole strikes up a relationship with transgender prisoner Fame (Pornchanok Mabklang) and while we do learn a bit about her character and why she’s in prison, we don’t learn enough to care about her. While Mabklang does have believable chemistry with Cole and her performance is subtle but surprisingly layered with how little screen time she has, the script doesn’t really raise her character above being a plot device.Movie Review: <em>A Prayer Before Dawn</em> - Brutally Violent and Hauntingly Beautiful 4

While the first half of A Prayer Before Dawn is more a harrowing prison drama, the second half starts to feel like a traditional sports movie, complete with training montages and the stereotypical big match our hero has to win or he’ll lose everything.  It’s not necessarily bad but more predictable, especially compared to the white-knuckled experience the first half is. However, it is executed with the same grit and brutality, which keeps it tense and hard to watch.

Despite the minor criticisms, A Prayer Before Dawn is a beautifully made film featuring a career-defining performance by Cole. The movie is heartbreaking and filled with unforgettable sequences, but it is also a testament to the power of the human spirit. If you have the stomach for it, it’s a must-watch.


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Movie Review: <em>A Prayer Before Dawn</em> - Brutally Violent and Hauntingly Beautiful 5

Dustin Kogler

Professional amateur movie watcher. Dustin is a laid-back nerd who loves discussing pop culture. He loves listening to 80s music, playing video games and watching netflix all day. He's pretty sarcastic and if you tell him your favorite movie he can tell you why you're wrong.

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