“It’s a townie thing.” Review: Haven, S3 “Over My Head”


Review: Haven, S3, Ep. 304 – “Over My Head”

Air Date: Friday, October 12, 2012, 10/9c on Syfy


“No days off in Haven.” —Nathan

Tattoos, invisible sharks, and hypnotherapy—oh my. You can’t say “Over My Head” isn’t an interesting episode, that’s for sure. The “trouble” this week gets everyone a tad waterlogged. Are you still feeling the creepy crawlies? (Shudders). Those crabby little crawlers freak me out.


Det. Tommy Bowen seems to be settling into Haven a bit too easily.

Nathan (Lucas Bryant) and new Haven transplant Det. Tommy Bowen (guest star Dorian Missick) are working a murder that wasn’t caused by a “troubled” person. But this case is special since the victim was killed with a bolt gun.  From previous episodes, we know of two others who have been killed with the same M.O. Here’s the kicker—the killer has the same mysterious tattoo as Nathan. There’s a prophecy that someone with that tattoo will kill Duke (Eric Balfour) one day.  Is it just coincidence or fate that everything is culminating so close to when “The Hunter” meteor storm is supposed to arrive in Haven, during in which Audrey (Emily Rose) will supposedly disappear?

Tommy: “Good thing our killer’s ink is in a different place; otherwise, you’d have some explaining to do. What’s the symbol mean anyway?”

Nathan: “It’s a townie thing.”


Dr. Claire Callahan (Bree Williamson) continues to help Audrey try to remember her past lives as both Sarah, and most recently Lucy. Maybe if Audrey can remember when she was Lucy, she can save herself from vanishing when “The Hunter” arrives. But, from the conversation below, it looks like the doctor didn’t take the proper courses at Yale to cover regression therapy.

Audrey: “Ugh! This is stupid.”

Claire: “It’s not stupid; it’s regressive hypnotherapy and I blew three days on the web trying to figure it out.”

Audrey: “It’s been three sessions and I haven’t remembered anything.”

Claire: “Regression is weird. You never know what is going to trigger a memory. You kinda just gotta wait.”

Hmm…I guess the Yale degree doesn’t mean you have common sense, does it? Seriously, writers, I need something more substantially intelligent spilling out of Claire’s mouth to make me believe she’s got an Ivy League education.

However, something must have gone right because Audrey begins remembering being Lucy. I can’t wait to see where this leads. Throughout the past two seasons, we’ve all seen flashbacks of a brunette Audrey lookalike, which is Lucy, so to have actual memories resurfacing now is exciting. I want to know several things: who is the Colorado Kid; where did Lucy go when she vanished; and can Audrey break the cycle?



Wonder Twin Powers – ACTIVATE! Form of two shady brothers who own most of Haven and are secret millionaires?

Nathan learns something about the tattooed people from Dave (John Dunsworth) and Vince (Richard Donat), which wasn’t easy to get. I love Nathan’s comment: “The days of one-way information flow are over. If you wanna get, you’re gonna have to give.” When they give each other ‘the look,’ it’s almost like they have telepathic super powers and they know exactly which piece of information to divulge. Is it wrong that I want them to have matching Teague Brothers rings, and to say the ‘Wonder Twin Powers activate’ chant when they’re being shady with the intel? Just me? Ok.


What is Nathan up to cozying up to Jordan?

Is Nathan playing with fire when he goes to see Jordan (Kate Kelton)? After all, she is part of the secret tattoo society known as “The Guard.” Did you notice the gloves Jordan is wearing as she pours Nathan a cup of coffee? Let’s just say, I don’t want to be on the receiving end of her “trouble.”

These brothers know too much but they damn sure aren’t telling anyone without getting something in return. And why are they so hell bent on investigating the serial killer? Tommy makes an excellent point after he gets a taste of Dave and Vince’s attempt at blackmail: “All the supernatural crap that goes on around here, why you two so caught up in this serial killer?”

Dave: “Make no mistake, Det. Bowen; we keep a very close eye on everything that happens here in Haven.”

Vince: Everything and everyone.”

Tommy isn’t a saint either. He doesn’t seem perturbed by “all the supernatural crap” going on in his new hometown. I still think he’s up to something that has to deal with Audrey. Did you hear his subtle inquisition to Nathan about Audrey’s whereabouts while they were investigating the murder scene?



A troubling “trouble” gets everyone waterlogged. Can Nathan, Duke and Audrey find the missing swim instructor before she drowns everyone?


The “trouble” this week is quite complex. The person’s “trouble” that’s causing so much…well, trouble, is keeping the town very soaked. Let’s just say Jaws ain’t got nothing on this “trouble.”


Audrey continues to have more memories via her dreams. In a dream sequence, she gets a surprise visit from an old friend who brings a warning:

Audrey: “Agent Howard?”

Agent Howard (Maurice Dean Wint): “You have to stop.”

Audrey: “Stop what?”

Agent Howard: “Remembering.”


Duke and Nathan continue to be at odds and it’s becoming more contentious. Audrey still pushes Nathan away but that may drive him into the arms of someone else. I can’t wait to see what happens next Friday!


Tune in to Haven, Fridays at 10/9c only on Syfy.

For more on Haven, go to http://www.syfy.com/haven.

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"It’s a townie thing." Review: Haven, S3 "Over My Head" 1

Judy Manning

Dream chaser extraordinaire! Judy tends to be a tad sarcastic and kind of goofy! She is an avid admirer of all things supernatural, paranormal, celestial and mystical. She loves to read, write, and watches way too much TV. She enjoys many genres of film and music (and let's be honest, most music from the 80s). She also has a wicked sweet tooth. Cupcakes beware.

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