Is Linden Going Too Far? Review: The Killing “Off the Reservation”


Air Date: Sunday, May 13, 2012, 9/8c on AMC


“Are you even listening to me? I don’t want to stay here.” – Jack Linden


Is Linden Going Too Far? Review: The Killing "Off the Reservation" 1

What will she do now that Jack is gone?

So far Linden’s (Mirielle Enos) succeeded at alienating herself and her son Jack (Liam James) from everyone around them, as well as ensuring she’s doubted when it comes to getting help at the police department. I don’t know how she continues to push through this murder investigation, but she’s putting up one hell of a fight. But now I’m afraid for her life. She’s gone beyond the call of duty and it’s getting her into even deeper shit.

Observations and thoughts:

It’s interesting how 21 days after the murder of Rosie Larsen (Katie Findlay) the police are once again searching for a missing person with no hope. The only difference is Linden feels Holder (Joel Kinnaman) isn’t dead and she has some idea where he is. Linden always has a keen eye for observation, almost like a sixth sense. Most of the time she’s dead on, to the point where it’s scary how right she is. Her intuition pays off since she gets the search team headed in the right direction before they’re forced off “sacred ground.” What I don’t get is, since Linden knows there’s something of value out on that island, why not get the feds involved? Why keep pushing and pushing to find out what she can on her own when she’s being threatened every five seconds? This reasoning is why I believe her ‘personal issues’ are going to screw up this case. She’s got to focus and concentrate on getting her life in order before she can bring Rosie’s killer to justice. Linden really can’t afford any screw-ups with this. Everything has to be by the books or what’s it all been for?

Is Linden Going Too Far? Review: The Killing "Off the Reservation" 2

This scene should have knocked some sense into Linden. One can only hope, though.

I thought Councilman Richmond (Billy Campbell) was going to step up and answer the question “Where were you the night Rosie Larsen was murdered?” But of course, that would be too much for viewers to ask for. Instead, Richmond’s guard dog Gwen (Kristin Lehman) jumps in to avoid his having to answer. Why? He said last week he would admit to spending the night with Gwen so why did she cut in and brush off the question? Does she not want anyone to know about their secret relationship? Does she have something to hide we aren’t privy to? But then I’m even more confused because later they talk about the question as if Richmond didn’t want to answer. Is he having second thoughts about involving Gwen in his problems? Maybe I’m missing something important here or the writers are throwing us for a loop to keep us on our toes. Either way, I hope this story arc gets wrapped up quickly.

Holder’s sister never stuck up for him before, so why is she up in Linden’s face now? “Maybe you should go.” Linden is more involved with Holder than his sister has been so she has just as much right to be there as anyone. Typically partners are more like family anyway, so what’s up with the cold shoulder? Aren’t police officers always at risk in their profession?

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Do you think Richmond will bounce back from the bad press?

“I’m the one who found Rosie’s backpack.” Yet another player enters the game, possibly providing a clue to what Rosie was up to at the Wapi Eagle Casino. Thanks to Mary (Q’orianka Kilchner, The New World), we know Rosie was a maid as well and was at the casino sometimes working as a waitress. (Make a note if you’re keeping track of these clues being dropped.) If Rosie’s backpack was found on the island, does that mean she was killed there or just roughed up a bit before being locked in the car trunk? I don’t remember exactly where the car was pulled from so I’m having a hard time piecing this all together. But if she was killed close to the reservation, what does that mean?

I don’t know how much heartbreak Stan (Brent Saxton) is going to have to go through before he gets some answers. How dare that woman approach Stan to “speak to your daughter” with the intent of ripping him off? I wanted to reach through my television screen and choke a bitch! So now mediums are going to help him out? Linden was right when she warned Stan about the creeps who will come out of the woodworks with tips just to get at that reward money. And here Stan thought he was making a difference. What a blow to his confidence.

Memorable lines:

Lt. Erik Carlson (Mark Moses): “Linden, you stay away from that reservation. You hear me?!”


Councilman Richmond: “Bad luck either makes you or breaks you, and I don’t intend to let this break me.”


I finally feel like we’re making a little headway in Rosie’s case. Things seem to center around the casino and the island of mystery *insert spooky ghost noises*. Once the feds are brought in, maybe we’ll begin to find real answers. At the very least, a motive for Rosie’s killing would be helpful because at this point, I get the feeling she may have just been in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Tune in to The Killing, Sundays at 9/8c on AMC. For more information on the show, visit

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Photo credit: Carol Segal/AMC © 2010-2012 American Movie Classics Company, LLC. All rights reserved.

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Is Linden Going Too Far? Review: The Killing "Off the Reservation" 4
Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.


  1. LMAO! “Choke a bitch” haha! And I think, which may be good or bad, if Richmond’s previous alibi was he was with Gwen, but now we know he was taking a suicide dip off a bridge – what is Gwen’s alibi for those hours Richmond was supposedly with her?? We know Richmond had a thing for brunettes – could Gwen have gotten jealous of a pretty young thing like Rosie sniffing around her man? And the Rez’s chief is a beeotch!! Something about her vexes me. She’s dirty.

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