How Do You Make People Realize They Need Help? Review: Necessary Roughness – “Slumpbuster”


Necessary Roughness, S2 E4 – “Slumpbuster”

Air Date: Wednesday, June 27, 2012, 10/9c on USA Network



TK (Mehcad Brooks) is practicing as hard and as much as he can but his leg still hurts. And, he won’t discuss the shooting with Dr. Dani Santino (Callie Thorne), which she thinks is the root of his problems. Matt (Marc Blucas) thinks he has the answer to TK’s dilemma by virtue of a professional masseuse named Simone (Sharon Gee), while Dani deals with baseball’s MVP Edmond Gonzo’s (Adam Rodriguez) problem with his “slumpbuster,” Denise (Lindsay Hollister). In the meantime, Marshall Pittman (Evan Handler) and estranged wife Gabrielle “Gabby” (Liz Vassey) argue over team ownership. With all involved, there’s a central theme—needing help but not knowing it.

How Do You Make People Realize They Need Help? Review: Necessary Roughness - "Slumpbuster" 1

Gonzo (guest star Adam Rodriguez) explains what a “slumpbuster” is to Dr. Dani (Callie Thorne).

Pittman orders his attorney, Devin (Tom Nowicki), to “call a league hearing, as soon as possible, about the ownership status of the Hawks.” Given that Gabby has handed Pittman a “cease and desist order,” his back is up against the wall. In Pittman’s mind, there’s nothing worse than a woman who sticks her nose in where it doesn’t belong. He thinks that collectively, he and the team owners will be able to stop Gabby. But is that the right thing to do? She does own half the team and certainly has a right to be in on any major decisions.

Pittman tells Dani he needs her to help him get Gabby declared “mentally insane,” but when she explains that neither he nor Gabby are her patients, he dangles the proverbial carrot in her face—making her tax problems go away. How despicable can one man be!? Handler does such a great job portraying Pittman, I’ve actually come to dislike him immensely. Pittman thinks he controls everything…and everyone, and I despise men who think like that. Kudos to Handler for arousing such deep-seated negative thoughts in me about his character.

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Dr. Dani watches her new client during baseball practice

As it turns out, the person who may actually need therapy is Pittman himself. After wiretapping Pittman’s house, Nico (Scott Cohen) overhears Pittman talking to himself, planning his strategy for the league hearing. I know many people who talk to themselves—me  included—but I never thought any of us needed therapy. But Nico alludes to a previous, similar problem with Pittman and I’d love to know what that’s all about. We may not find out because Pittman fires Nico. You and I both know that won’t last long.

A shred of pity ekes out of me when a drunken Pittman shows up on Dani’s doorstep, reaching out for her help even though he doesn’t realize that’s what he’s doing. It’s obvious he knows he was Gabby’s rebound after she and Nico called it quits. But men like Pittman think they can buy people’s affections and then are hurt once it doesn’t work out the way they planned. I don’t know about you, but I was astonished at Pittman’s outburst at the league meeting. Do you think it was an act, or do you believe Pittman is still in love with Gabby?

I’d love to know what Matt told TK about Simone because the look of shock on his face when he sees her at his door is comical. I’m sure he thought Matt was sending a hooker or “private masseuse,” if you get my drift; however, Simone is anything but. To tell you the truth, I’d be scared too. From the looks of her and the t-shirt she wears that says “Massage Ninja,” she’s quite a menacing individual. Without speaking a word of English, you know this woman means business. Not that English is necessary when you have the mannerisms and facial expressions Gee utilizes to communicate what Simone wants during her professional massage sessions. I loved when she threw Rob’s cellphone out of TK’s apartment and then closed the door behind him. He’s so obnoxious, I’d want to get rid of him too!

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Dani is angry when Gonzo just won’t pay attention.

Someone please tell me, how can a woman sleep with a sports figure knowing full well what her purpose is? I’m sorry, I just don’t get it. I mean, it’s not like her relationship with Gonzo is going anywhere. Don’t slumpbusters have any self-esteem? I was surprised at how proud Denise was when explaining how she helped Gonzo break his batting slump. I have to confess—ever since his days on CSI: Miami, I have loved Rodriguez, and am so looking forward to seeing him (and all the other fine actors) in Magic Mike this weekend! From his good looks to ripped body and excellent acting skills, Rodriguez hits the nail on the head with his portrayal of Gonzo, a sexual narcissist who believes everyone should only care about him. He couldn’t care less that Denise doesn’t want to continue their relationship. Nor does he pay attention when Dani fires him after his refusal to listen to her advice. I knew that wouldn’t last for long, either. Both Pittman and Gonzo need to accept the help Dani offers.

Memorable lines:

Gonzo, explaining what a slumpbuster is: “OK, a player’s slumping. He goes out, finds the biggest girl possible and he lays wood to her…works every time! Bam, and you’ve got the boom back in your bat!”


Pittman to Dani about Gabby: “So what’s your diagnosis? Hmm? Manic depressive, bi-polar—is there such a thing as tri-polar? Feel free to break some new therapeutic grounds here.”


Pittman to Dani: “Everything is gonna be right as rain once I kick Gabby to the curb and run her over with the car.”


I’ve been a fan of Matt and Dani’s relationship since it began and was upset when it appeared it wouldn’t last after last week’s episode. Considering that Dani doesn’t want to have kids with him, seeing Matt bond with both Ray Jay (Patrick Johnson) and Lindsay (Hannah Marks) upsets her—she wants to protect her kids from another heartache similar to what they suffered when their dad split. So it’s nice that Matt realizes he’d be happy having Dani’s family as his own. I wonder how long that will last, though. The urge to have children of your own doesn’t just magically disappear. I think Matt has buried his desire and I’m afraid of what will happen once he realizes that.

Tune in to Necessary Roughness Wednesdays at 10/9c, only on USA Network.

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Love TV, movies, and books--mostly mysteries, with a good love story thrown in every now and then. I have four adopted dogs who I adore. I love trying new recipes, and enjoy eating what I make. English language perfectionist. Reading in bed, Italian food, warm weather, the beach, all types of games = favs!

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