And It Glows, Folks! Review: True Blood – “Don’t You Feel Me”


True Blood S6 Key art (featured)Season 6, Episode 66

Air Date: Sunday, July 21, 2013, 9/8c on HBO


“You assured me this would be violent.” – Sarah Newlin

So it takes until I’m almost three-quarters of the way through the episode before I get the big ‘aha’ moment I’ve been hearing about. That moment is where I discovered the confusion my friends were talking about. You really want to go there, True Blood? I’ve stuck through with you for some off the wall antics, but this kill-all-vampires initiative is getting downright scary. “Don’t You Feel Me” started off good. I was into it; I could see where the point of the episode was going. Then there was weirdness, more weirdness, and glowing private parts. What. The. Hell?

Observations and thoughts:

So I’m just going to say this and you can either go along with me, or not. Was this episode supposed to be reminiscent of The Matrix or what? Eric (Alexander Skarsgård) and Pam (Kristin Bauer van Straten) floating through the air was hilarious. It wasn’t cool or awesome, just funny. However, I don’t think it was meant to be, but I couldn’t help thinking how ridiculous the two looked in their harnesses. Yes, I could tell the actors were wearing harnesses. Couldn’t you? You can’t take two badasses and make them look stupid, thinking this will in fact make them appear awesome. It does not.

Jason (Ryan Kwanten) goes all good ol’ boy while trying to join the vampire police task force, or whatever the heck it’s called. I loved Kwanten in this scene because he doesn’t just do a southern accent, he becomes Southern. He digs in and exudes Jason Stackhouse, vampire killer. I love it!

Who is this James, and will we be seeing more of him?

Who is this James, and will we be seeing more of him?

Lafayette’s (Nelsan Ellis) in his element now. I’m enjoying Ellis getting back to the roots of the character, even if all he does is brandish a pink glue gun. The blunt smoking, hair scarf wearing, cooler than cool dude is making his presence known in Bon Temps. Now if only he had a true purpose.

“Well, if you don’t want to hurt me, why don’t you just not?” Sookie (Anna Paquin) is blowing my mind right now (and not in a good way). Has she completely forgotten the nature of vampires? Does she think asking a vampire not to hurt her is enough to prevent them from attacking her? Where is the strong, smart, kick-ass woman from previous seasons? Who is this imposter Sookie? I’m beyond disappointed in her and her lack of self-preservation. And don’t get me started on the end of “Don’t You Feel Me.” I can’t even go there. Glowing snatch? Sorry, I had to say it.

Warlow (Rob Kazinsky) is quite the conundrum. During the day, he’s a creature of the light. At night, well I’m sure you can figure that out. So tying together some vine and sealing it with fae light is supposed to keep Sookie safe? <This is me laughing.> I don’t get it. Every season there seems to be something new to add to the list of how to prevent vampires from attacking. This is unbelievable, even in this realm.

I can hear Morpheus saying, "He is the one." Oh, Billith.

I can hear Morpheus saying, “He is the one.” Oh, Billith.

Governor Burrell (Arliss Howard) finally gets what was coming to him. Am I satisfied Bill (Stephen Moyer) delivers his personal form of justice? Uh… maybe. I think I would have liked more from the scene. It was too short. I’ll hate myself for saying this later, but Billith came onto the scene like a boss! Of course, he’s the one. (Get it? The Matrix.) He was confident, on a mission, and not to be swayed. I do wish he would have invited Eric along to toy with the governor for a bit. The brevity of the scene short changes us. An extra minute or two or drama would have made more of an impact. But you know what, I won’t cut it down. I was happy to see Bill in his element. Since he can’t be made deader, he might as well be made useful. His experiments are intriguing, too. Just what is he onto with the transfusing of fae blood?

Jessica (Deborah Ann Woll) finds herself in a predicament. She’s the toy of the sadistic Sarah Newlin (Anna Camp) who keeps going above and beyond in her tormenting of vampires. I’d love to know where her obscene hatred stems from. I get her sister being turned or whatever, but this depth of feeling reaches far deeper than what we’re being told. It’s possible I’ve forgotten a thing or two about her prejudice but there’s been so much crap thrown at us by the writers, I can’t keep anything straight. I’m appalled at the state in which I find this show. At least the vampire James (Luke Grimes) lets us known right off that he’s “a vampire, not a rapist.” I’m not sure what was supposed to be done with this scene except to shock and repulse. Why is Jessica being portrayed in such a weak light? I remember not that long ago when she was under Eric and Pam’s tutelage that she was tough and in charge of herself. You mean to tell me hanging with her maker has made her childlike and dependent on a savior? Way to keep the womenfolk in their place, writers.

Funny lines:

Lafayette: “So let me get this hetero straight; so, you’se a vampire that can come out in the daytime? Oh, well there goes the damn neighborhood.”


Jason: “Oh, and uh beheadinism. Just cutting their head right off by the throat. Yeah, just slicing that motherfucker across his or her neck is a pretty strong weakness I bet.”


Lafayette: “Terry, now what the fuck?”

Terry: “Nothing. There’s no ‘the fuck’.”


Sarah: “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

Jason: “Grabbing you by your pretty little Texas balls.”


This moment almost had me in tears.

This moment almost had me in tears.

I have to take at least a sentence or two to mention the out-of-the-blue occurrence with Terry Bellefleur (Todd Lowe). I’m curious about this because it shadows one of the plot points from a Southern Vampire Mysteries novel, penned by Charlaine Harris. I’m not sure if the show is taking on that plot, or a derivative thereof, but I’m not following. Last I remember, Terry’s friend didn’t agree to shoot him. Am I missing something? Can someone please explain this to me? Also, the name Andy (Chris Bauer) gives his daughter… Seriously? The writers just had to throw in a Charlaine reference, didn’t they? This is me shaking my damn head.

Tune in to True Blood Sundays at 9PM ET/PT on HBO.  For more on the show, visit the official site.

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Photo Credit: John P. Johnson/HBO ©2013 Home Box Office, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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And It Glows, Folks! Review: True Blood – “Don’t You Feel Me” 1
Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.

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