Witches of East End – Season Finale “Box to the Future” and “For Whom the Spell Tolls” Retrospective. All Good Things. - Your Entertainment Corner
After watching the Witches of East End season two finale, make no mistake about it. In the world of the supernatural genre, the writers know how to weave a well-driven ensemble piece with evolving characters and storytelling that pushes boundaries. In the aftermath of the thrilling two-hour season finale (episodes “Box to the Future” and “For Whom the Spell Tolls”), I’m still processing the weight of the surprising turn of events, as well as the impact they will have on the future of the series as a whole. 'Darkness is rising' is not only the theme for season two, it’s the foundation for so much that transpires in the finale. Episodic writers Richard Hatem and Maggie Friedman go all out with shocking revelations and heartbreaking losses.