VIDEO: Interviews with THE 100 Cast and Series Creator at Wondercon 2016 - Your Entertainment Corner
Check out the interviews with The 100 cast members including Bob Morley who plays Bellamy Blake, Richard Harmon who plays John Murphy, Christopher Larkin who plays Monty Green, Devon Bostick who plays Jasper Jordan, Eliza Taylor who plays Clarke Griffin, series creator/writer/executive producer Jason Rothenberg, and Lindsey Morgan who plays Raven Reyes. Despite the numerous times I’ve conducted round table interviews, I always have a touch of nerves when asking questions. Thankfully, each cast member and Rothenberg were absolutely delightful to talk to. I could listen to Morley and Taylor talk all day with their awesome Aussie accents. Larkin is quite funny and he mentioned how he varies from his character Monty in that he isn’t so tech savvy showing us his flip phone…yes, a flip phone.