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Underwear and Badasses. Just Another Day in Harlan. Review: Justified – “Get Drew”

Season 4, Episode 10

Air date: Tuesday, March 12, 2013, 10PM E/P on FX


“If she had somebody she could count on, I guess she wouldn’t be sucking hillbilly dicks for money, would she?” – Teri (Cathy Baron)


Mystery solved. Drew Thompson is Sheriff Shelby Parlow (Jim Beavers), but it’s a race to see who can find him now that he’s on the lam with Ellen May (Abby Miller) in tow. The writers are keeping Ellen May in the mix because she still poses a serious threat to Boyd (Walton Goggins) and Ava (Joelle Carter).

Limehouse ain’t in the ‘ho’ business…but he knows he’s got a catch with Drew Thompson

The unexpected surprise of “Get Drew” is seeing our old pig-slaughtering friend Limehouse (Mykelti Williamson). I should have expected it since I mentioned in my review of the season premiere that his storyline wasn’t done. But, nevertheless, the writers stealthily squeezed him in there, which makes me happy. Williamson is a great character actor and his turn as Limehouse showcases an ornery side that makes you appreciate Limehouse’s strategy. His piggy banks were cleaned out after the whole Quarles (Neal McDonough) debacle (last season), so he’s strapped for cash. A financial golden opportunity falls into Limehouse’s lap like it’s raining money in Nobles Hollar. But, will Limehouse be able to fend off an irate Boyd after the deal changes? I’ll be looking forward to seeing what Boyd does in the remaining episodes.

Throughout “Get Drew,” Raylan (Timothy Olyphant) seems to be a bit off his game. I think he’s just pissed at himself for not putting the pieces of the puzzle together sooner and figuring out that Shelby was indeed Drew. I know how you feel, Raylan. I feel like a prized idiot for not thinking of it myself.

What I enjoyed seeing in this episode is the return of Rachel (Erica Tazel). She’s such an interesting character and the writers really underutilize her. I’d love to know more of her back story, especially with the brief mentions about Rachel leaving her husband. How long were they married? Did she get married before she became a U.S. marshal? It may seem trivial, but a person’s history influences their life choices and careers. I’d love to know more, especially after the line Rachel utters when Raylan discusses undergarments found at Shelby’s house:

Raylan: “He had ladies’ underwear.”

Art (Nick Searcy): “What?”

Raylan: “Not like ladies’ underwear; like whore’s underwear; he’s got Ellen May…”

Rachel (casually): “By the way, I have that same pair of panties.”

The banter between Raylan and Rachel is amusing. Raylan is even surprised by a back-handed compliment Rachel gives him while scolding him:

Rachel: “Listen, I can deal with your aloofness; it’s annoying, but I let it slide because you get your job done and you’re easy on the eyes. I can even deal with the fact that if you catch Drew Thompson, you might even be my boss, but if you don’t get in the car right now, I swear to God I’m gonna start singing show tunes.”

Raylan: “Promise?”

Boyd trusting Colton (Ron Eldard) again will come back to not just bite, but rip off, a piece of his backside. And treating his cousin Johnny (David Meunier) so poorly all these years is fueling Johnny’s animosity. I had no idea Johnny has been holding a grudge since he and Boyd were kids. This latest blow from Boyd—taking a lying Colton back into his good graces—ignites a fire in Johnny’s veins but the twist in his allegiance and strategy baffles me. Meunier is a skilled actor and I can only hope this change in Johnny’s trajectory will lead to something even more surprising than what transpires in “Get Drew.” I think Raylan is pretty damn surprised by Johnny’s actions too.

Who stays? Who goes? Ellen May has dirt on Ava and Boyd but Drew Thompson can make their future much brighter.

There are a few things that made my eyes widen, but none more than Ellen May’s reaction to the choice Boyd and Ava make when deciding who to take with them when the two-for-one deal at Limehouse’s goes awry. The look on Ava’s face shows shock as well as a hint of betrayal because she knows she just saved Ellen May’s life. Taking Drew is business; leaving Ellen May is courtesy. It sounds backward since Boyd and Ava had planned on having Ellen May killed, but their joint decision is truly meant to save Ellen May…at least for a little while.

Interesting conversation:

Art: “First thing we’re going to do is acknowledge this guy [Drew] is awesome.”

Rachel: “What?”

Art: “He shoots Theo Tonin, fakes his own death in a spectacular fashion, pushes a guy out of an airplane while he’s flying it, parachutes into Harlan County with enough coke and cash to jump start the economy of a small country, and then he has the balls to get a job in law enforcement, not once, but two times. He spends a couple of days riding around with you [Raylan] while you’re looking for him, and now he’s run off with a hooker that’s half his age. That’s some badass shit.”

Raylan: “It’s pretty badass.”


The season is coming to an end soon and now that Theo Tonin’s (not shown) chance to get Drew Thompson in his clutches has slipped away, will we see the Detroit hotshot make an appearance in Harlan? The U.S. marshals have Drew in custody, but for how long?

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Judy Manning

Dream chaser extraordinaire! Judy tends to be a tad sarcastic and kind of goofy! She is an avid admirer of all things supernatural, paranormal, celestial and mystical. She loves to read, write, and watches way too much TV. She enjoys many genres of film and music (and let's be honest, most music from the 80s). She also has a wicked sweet tooth. Cupcakes beware.