Your Entertainment Corner

TV News/Photos: Syfy’s <i>The Magicians</i> Panel at WonderCon 2017

Anaheim Convention Center
Saturday, April 1, 2017

Syfy returned to WonderCon with cast members and executive producers from hit show The Magicians for a Q&A panel and first look at the second season’s three remaining episodes.

The Magicians stars Jason Ralph and Stella Maeve who play Quentin Coldwater and Julia Wicker, respectively, were joined by executive producers Sera Gamble and John McNamara to answer fan questions along with an exclusive inside look at the end of season two.

With a special first look at the last three episodes, the tension that’s been building all season will come to a head. The deal that Margot (Summer Bishil) made to the fairies for Elliot’s (Hale Appleman) unborn baby in exchange for a restored magical spring will be uncovered, and the characters will travel to the Underworld in search of Julia’s lost “shade,” the part of the soul that holds emotions. Of course, the only way to travel to and from the Underworld safely is to seek out and gain favor with a centuries-old, f-bomb dropping, sarcastic dragon.

Executive producers and the stars discussed how The Magicians has explored new worlds and their unique magic with each season. Season one discovered the magical school Brakebills while season two focused largely on developing the magical world of Fillory. With their journey to the Underworld, and Penny’s (Arjun Gupta)’s contract at the Neitherlands Library, we get a glimpse of two more completely different settings.

“I love that hell is completely boring,” said Executive producer Sera Gamble. “That we have created something so mundane and non-magical like a hotel lobby where you stand around in line and watch an orientation video. Magic, in many ways, is like the transition to being an adult.”

Music has also become a central component to The Magicians, not only with scores and interludes setting the pace and mood of the show, but has been interwoven in a bigger way through larger musical numbers. For example, Jason Ralph singing a rendition of Taylor Swift’s “Shake it Off” in Season One, and the most of the cast joining for a musical number of “One More Day” from Les Miserables in Season Two.

Executive producer John McNamara wants to take this even further, with a musical number that includes the whole cast. “Music has the power to lift, we want to take it even bigger and weirder than we have done before.”

Heads up fans: Keep your eyes peeled for a magical rap battle and lots more.

The Magicians airs Wednesdays 9/8c on Syfy.


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Photos 2017© Erin Richards-Kunkel/Your Entertainment Corner. All Rights Reserved.


Erin Richards-Kunkel

The one with the overly-active imagination! Erin is a fan of all things storytelling in every form (movies, books, shows, podcasts, you name it). She is known for always carrying a book in her bag as well as paper and pen (just in case). She is also currently working on her debut YA novel. Find her on Twitter @ErinSRichards!
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