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TV News: Jack McBrayer to Guest Star on Archer

30 Rock’s Jack McBrayer lends his vocal talents to the hilarious animated comedy series Archer. His episode airs Thursday, February 23rd on FX. Don’t miss it!

Catch 30 Rock star Jack McBrayer and the charms of his southern voice on the February 23rd episode of Archer, “Bloody Ferlin.” McBrayer guest stars as “Randy,” the brother of “Agent Ray Gillette.” Although Ray is a gay-and-fabulous secret agent, Randy believes that his brother is actually a straight interior decorator.

In the episode, Archer and the ISIS gang head to Ferlin, West Virginia to help Ray’s drug-farming brother Randy out of a jam with the local sheriff.

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Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.