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There Goes the Neighborhood. Review: The Walking Dead – “Too Far Gone”

Season 4, Episode 8

Air Date: Sunday, December 1, 2013, at 9/8c on AMC.


“We can still come back. We’re not too far gone. We can come back. I know, we all can change.” – Rick Grimes

To the writers and producers of The Walking Dead, you are some evil geniuses. To leave things in such turmoil, making your loyal viewers wait for two months to find out how it all ends, just isn’t fair. I’m so flummoxed right now. I’m teary eyed, upset, and out of my frigging mind. You guys are good. Too good. You know I’m tuning in when the show returns in February, but for right now, I’m not talking to you. One word: Hershel (Scott Wilson).

Observations and thoughts:

No Words

I really have no words to explain how I feel after watching “Too Far Gone.” It’s an amazing, yet shocking, episode. I can’t figure out how the writers come up with these storylines and how they will affect what happens down the line. I love the potential behind the deaths (one good, the others very bad) and the utter chaos that’s occurred. You have to wonder where Carol (Melissa McBride) is and how differently might things have happened had she been at the prison during the standoff.

Just Desserts

So, all the lovely things I may have thought about the Governor (David Morrissey) in the last two episodes have been pushed to the side. This mofo is beyond crazy. I’m not sure why he thinks he needs to have the prison, why he feels he has to have it to protect the ones he’s responsible for now. For a man who doesn’t care to have the lives of others in his hands, the Governor sure does relish the opportunity. He’s taking advantage of a bad situation. He’s taken the reins of his newfound camp and is attempting a coup, with a damn tank in tow! “I got more people, more firepower … we need this prison.”

Our Fearless Leader

I don’t like seeing Rick (Andrew Lincoln) beg. What it comes down to is he’s afraid of what will come of his charges. He’s in charge, whether he wants to be or not. There’s a council, but its members still look to Rick for guidance. He’s the natural born leader. So what’s a leader to do when he finds his home is being threatened? How does he go up against a tank and a bunch of armed men? With his six-shooter on his hip, that’s how. “We’re not leaving.”

History Repeats Itself

I’m almost convinced the things that happen to the characters on this show occur as a result of something they’ve done. When faced with a decision to do the right thing, how often do those with hearts full of evil intent choose to do wrong anyway? Karma is no joke in the zombieapocalypse. I think the Governor is plagued with bad juju. He’ll never have another kid who doesn’t fall to the bite of a zombie. He has his chance to do the right thing and chooses what he typically does.

The Governor is a master manipulator (in case you hadn’t noticed). He always makes moves to counteract others before they even know they’ve been conned. How else do you think he gets a camp full of good people to turn into murderers?  He doesn’t allow himself to lose. He shows us his true colors and doesn’t apologize for it. I think this characteristic is the final nail in the coffin for Lilly (Audrey Marie Anderson). I get the feeling she’s had her doubts about the man she knows as “Brian,” and seeing how cold and calculating he is proves her point.

Random thoughts:

I should have known something was up when Bob (Lawrence Gilliard Jr.) steps into a medical role. First hint, right? I still didn’t see it coming and I’m not going to be the same.

And everyone is split up, yet again. I can’t wrap my head around what’s going to happen and who is with whom.

Did anyone else yell at their TV for Hershel and Michonne (Danai Gurira) to stop wasting gasoline? Have they forgotten how precious everything is during an apocalypse? I would think walkers were flammable enough as it is.

In the Governor’s race to keep everyone alive, he sure does screw up. In what turns out to be a long line of deaths, Meghan (Meyrick Murphy) pulls a Penny. How sad is that? The Governor doesn’t even realize how foolhardy his plan is because he’s blinded by his maniacal need to destroy.

Isn’t it interesting how Lilly is so focused on the danger in front of her, she doesn’t see the danger right next to her until it’s too late? Kind of puts things into perspective. I’d never take my eye off my child. She is always my first priority. I’d assess the danger and get to her, all while remaining aware of my surroundings. I get that Lilly doesn’t want to fire her gun, for obvious reasons, but it is all for naught. Bet she won’t let her guard down again.

Carl (Chandler Riggs) finally drops the I’m-a-grown-man-cause-I-shoot-good façade. In what has to be the first time since his mother’s death, we see an emotion from the man-child that doesn’t include a scowl and attitude. The chip falls from Carl’s shoulder as he breaks down sobbing in a heartrending scene, proving he’s still just a little boy thrust into adulthood. But I think with this revelation comes something we won’t expect. Carl may be headed down an even darker path—there’s rage behind those tears and someone’s gonna pay.

Memorable lines:

The Governor: “They’re the key. We can have the prison without killing anyone. But, we need to be prepared to.”


The Governor: “You’re a good man, Hershel. Better than Rick.”


Hershel: “If you understand what it’s like to have a daughter, then how can you stand to threaten to kill someone else’s?”

The Governor: “Because they aren’t mine.”


Rick to the Governor: “You have a tank, you don’t need hostages.”


Rick to the Governor: “We can all live in the prison or none of us can.”


Rick: “Don’t look back, Carl. Just keep walking.”


“Too Far Gone” begins with a slow burn but gradually blazes like an inferno. I didn’t expect anything that happened nor did I think I could bear to watch anymore of what transpired. But I did. I kept my tears in check and got through one of the tensest hours of television I think I’ve ever seen. So yes, I’ll be around for the remainder of the season. How can I not? I’ll see you in February. Don’t forget to drop me a line to let me know what you thought of “Too Far Gone” in the comments section or tweet me @ellemoe.

The Walking Dead returns in February, only on AMC. For more on the show, visit the official site.

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Photo credit: Gene Page/AMC © 2010-2013 American Movie Classics Company, LLC. All rights reserved.


Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.