The X-Files – “My Struggle” and “Founder’s Mutation” Review. Always Believe. - Your Entertainment Corner
The use of flashbacks to Roswell circa 1947 gives viewers clues to the bigger puzzle being presented in “My Struggle.” The reemergence of a key character raises some eyebrows as to how deep the so-called alien colonization conspiracy goes. If you aren’t familiar with the history of The X-Files, it’s too complex to sum up in just a few words. “Founder’s Mutation” gives The X-Files’ fans the dynamic and sarcasm they’ve come to love and appreciate about Mulder and Scully. It dives into what I love about The X-Files —strange and wondrous cases about peculiar oddities and unexplainable phenomena. Be warned, if you are sensitive to sounds like high-pitched tones and screeching, you may have some difficulty watching parts of this episode. Also, the mutations of some of the children are quite jarring.