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<i>The Walking Dead</i> – “Service” Review. Negan Has ‘Em By the Short and Curlies.

Season 7, Episode 4

Air Date: Sunday, November 13, 2016 at 9/8c on AMC


“This is how we live now. I had to accept that too, so I can keep everyone else alive. You have to accept this; all of us do, or it won’t work.” – Rick Grimes

Michonne takes aim and misses but practice makes perfect. Right?

The ‘Big Bad’ decides to visit Alexandria and huff, puff, and blow smoke up people’s asses with his “little pig, little pig, let … me … in …” reenactment. But what he doesn’t know is Alexandria has people who are not going to sit back and simply take what Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) is dishing. The Alexandrians are willing to fight because they’ve had a major awakening and are in the know. The wool has effectively been removed from their eyes and they aren’t going back to living in the dark. In this case, ignorance isn’t bliss. They know about the dangers of the new world; they aren’t afraid to fight for their home and their people. But what follows in this extended 90-minute episode is not what I expected. The Walking Dead (TWD) takes its viewers on an interesting ride with “Service.” I’m not quite sure where things are going, nor do I think I’m going to be able to stomach it much longer.

Where to Begin

Well, Daryl (Norman Reedus) is definitely not making it back to his group. He’s become a sort of pet project for Negan and Dwight (Austin Amelio). I’m curious to know if Negan thinks he has Daryl right where he wants him or if there is still more work to be done. You know, a few more days of “Easy Street” on repeat never killed anyone. I am worried about Daryl’s state of mind because he looks defeated. This is not the Daryl we know and love. This is not the same guy who named Judith “little ass kicker.” While we know Daryl is no longer alone or seeking to belong somewhere, he’s still riding the guilt train. What happened to Glenn (Steven Yeun) is kind of his fault. Sorry, not sorry. This pity party Daryl is on has gone on long enough though. He needs to keep his head up and figure out a way to escape Negan and the Sanctuary. If not, I’m worried Daryl will break, and he might not come back from it.

If Carl isn’t afraid, why is everyone else?

Am I missing something here? Why are Rick (Andrew Lincoln) and the group still cowering to Negan? Ah yes, it’s a numbers game. The Saviors outnumber the Alexandrians so it’s a lose-lose fight. But if Rick and the gang stood against the Governor (David Morrissey), are you telling me they can’t stand against Negan in the same way? I can’t stand seeing Rick behaving like he has no spine, nor can I watch Daryl walking around looking like Pigpen with a damn scarlet letter on his chest. What is this? This isn’t my show. This version of TWD seems warped and not in the best interest of keeping my attention. When Carl (Chandler Riggs) has “giant man-sized balls” and his daddy doesn’t, we have a serious problem. I’m actually pissed at the way the show is going. The characters we’ve come to know and love are acting completely out of sorts. Where is the bravery in the face of this new menace? Why aren’t the Alexandrians more prepared when Negan shows up? With the arsenal they have, a plan should have been in place to blast them bastards to kingdom come as soon as they showed their faces. But what do we get? Acquiescence and hanging heads throughout the entirety of “Service.” Of course, on the brighter side of things, a few characters are rebelling in their own ways. “Everything we have, we got from fighting.” That’s right, Michonne (Danai Gurira). At least she isn’t ready to give up the good fight. The ladies seem to have more balls than the men. Where the hell is Carol (Melissa McBride) when you need her?

After thinking on it, I get why Rick doesn’t use Lucille on Negan. He hangs onto the beloved weapon like he’s holding his wife’s purse at the mall. Seriously, what the hell? I digress. There are too many unknowns in this scenario. Negan is a keeper of scum—you take him down and the guys he keeps on a short leash will run wild. We see that in the few interactions between the Saviors and the Alexandrians. It’s also dangerous for any one person to catch Negan’s attention. Look at where Daryl is now. That could be Carl with the way things are going. A reckoning is coming but all this pain, fear, and anger feels unnecessary. I don’t like the way TWD is making me feel.


Missed opportunity here. Rick hesitates for the good of his people.

“Service” leaves me in an agitated state. I want there to be more action on the part of the Alexandrians but I know their hands are tied. Or are they? Why is everyone so docile because of one man with a baseball bat? Negan can’t be that single minded. I’d like to see another side to him before Rick takes Lucille to his head. Maybe Sheva will take a bite out of his charismatic, smiling ass. And who in the hell burns mattresses when there are no more furniture stores around? Assholes.

Let me know what you think about “Service” by dropping me a line in the comments section below or tweet me @ellemoe.

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Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.