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<i>The Walking Dead</i> – “First Time Again” Review. Zombie Parades Suck.

Andrew Lincoln as Rick Grimes - The Walking Dead _ Season 6, Key Art - Photo Credit: Frank Ockenfels 3/Gene Page/AMC

Season 6, Episode 1

Air Date: Sunday, October 11, 2015 at 9/8c on AMC


“No, Rick, we’re not ready.” – Carter


How badass do you have to be to volunteer to lead a zombie parade?

I don’t think I’m ready for this premiere of The Walking Dead (TWD) either, Carter (Ethan Embry). The opening shot of “First Time Again” is almost as shocking as it is amazing. But here’s the thing—there is no way something bad isn’t going to happen. There is a plan set in motion, a good one too, but it coincides with someone else’s plans. Yeah, I haven’t forgotten the sign on the car in the season five finale, “Conquer,” that read “Wolves are near.” That isn’t just a coincidence, is it? No, the end of the episode brings about a revelation. There is someone out to get the Alexandrians. We just aren’t sure who yet.

You’re Almost Home

We see our favorite characters, are assured of their safety, yet something is still missing. Rick (Andrew Lincoln) has gone into asshole mode but it’s warranted. He has assumed control over of caring for the community of Alexandria, and can’t be a softie. My problem is I don’t feel like I know what’s going on. Rick’s plan looks like something that has been in the making for a long damn time, all while the show has been on hiatus. We need some catching up, hence the flashbacks in the form of black and white scenes. More than anything, they make me feel like we’re in Mayberry and Andy Griffith is going to show up at any moment. While a happy-go-lucky mood doesn’t overshadow the characters, there is an omnipresence suspended over Alexandria. It’s the quiet before the storm. Does this new format work? Maybe. Every new season premiere hits us with something we’ve never seen before.

Initially, my thoughts on the episode’s title “First Time Again” were anything from a first kill to remembering any of the firsts people go through in their lives. So, what first time are we seeing here? The initial period of getting to know people, really getting to know them. Case in point: Morgan (Lennie James) and Rick’s relationship. I don’t see Morgan following along blindly with the way Rick is running things. He wants to believe the man he found is the man he knew once upon a time but he’s beginning to question himself. And with good reason. “Gotta get to know each other again, for the first time. Again.”

What Do You Think About…?

Michonne can lie with a straight face. She totally ate Morgan’s last granola bar.

Lennie James’ name is in the opening credits! Love that he’s part of the cast now. No more wondering when Morgan will make an appearance. We can expect to see him all season.

I’m surprised the opening credits don’t contain a new montage of some sort. It’s the same thing we saw last season and doesn’t clue us in to what’s going to happen in season six. But I could be wrong about that. Did you notice anything new?

Has it only been two weeks since the group infiltrated Alexandria? I could swear they were there much longer than that.

Many of the previews have led us to believe the people the Alexandrians are defending themselves against are the Wolves. Not so in “First Time Again.” So why the subterfuge TWD? Why?

I find it interesting that Morgan is reading “The Art of Peace” during a time where there is anything but. Does he really think the world can go back to some semblance of normalcy when most of humanity is no longer human?

When did Abraham (Michael Cudlitz) lose his sense of self? I don’t like seeing our survivors questioning whether they should continue fighting the good fight. Last season it was Sasha (Sonequa Martin-Green)  and she seems to be doing better now but what will happen with Abraham and who will be able to pull him back from the brink?

Daryl (Norman Reedus) and Rick have a little disagreement about finding more people to bring into Alexandria. According to Rick, “Well, people out there, they gotta take care of themselves, just like us.” While I kind of agree with what he’s saying, I don’t see how he can feel this way. My feelings on this stem from watching the TWD marathon this past week. You see how most people trying to survive are scared more than anything. They aren’t turning into cutthroat bastards to ensure they make it over everyone else. There is still a sense of community in the world and most people cling to that. But there are those who throw everything away and succumb to their basest nature.

Memorable and funny lines

Eugene can now converse with someone else on his #HairGame.

Rick to Morgan: “I don’t take chances anymore.”


Eugene: “You might want to talk to Deanna and get it from the horse. Her mouth, you know.”

For a self-proclaimed smart guy, Eugene (Josh McDermitt) sure can be an idiot.


Morgan: “I’m a killer, Rick. I am and you are too.”



The Walking Dead usually has amazing season premieres. I cannot say the same for this one. I’m not bowled over by the epicness of “First Time Again.” It does provide a bit of levity with funny dialogue, and the actors showcase great comedic timing. Eugene gets the MVP award this week for being funny without even trying. It’s needed considering the biggest zombie herd I’ve ever seen on a single episode of TWD is promising to wreak havoc on Alexandria. But it isn’t enough to make me think this is the best season premiere yet. I don’t like the black and white flashbacks. It made me feel like I was watching Kill Bill again, and not in a good way. I can only hope next week’s episode brings it. Let me know what you think about “First Time Again” by dropping me a line in the comments section below or tweet me @ellemoe.

Tune in to The Walking Dead, Sundays at 9/8c only on AMC. For more info on The Walking Dead, visit the official site.

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Photo credit: Gene Page/AMC © 2010-2015 American Movie Classics Company, LLC. All rights reserved.

Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.