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<i>The Affair</i> – “104” Review. The Web We Weave.

Season 1, Episode 4

Airdate: Sunday, November 2, 2014 at 10:00 pm ET/PT on Showtime


I think we’re all just doing our best to get by.” – Alison

Sir Walter Scott wasn’t kidding around when he wrote “Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive” in Canto VI, Stanza 17 of “Marmion” (1808), an epic poem about the Battle of Flodden Field in 1513. Let’s face it, lies beget more lies, until you can’t even remember what you lied about in the first place. We all know truth will out, and eventually, that’s what’s going to happen on The Affair.

Noah’s Story

Nice sweatshirt, Alison, but Noah isn’t a sweatshirt buying kind of guy.

Now that Alison (Ruth Wilson) has agreed (or offered, depending upon whose version you believe in last week’s episode, “103“) to be Noah’s (Dominic West) Montauk tour guide, they take a ferry to Block Island, a remote isle off Montauk. Are they really going to do research for Noah’s second book, or is this just a chance to get away and be together? “104” gives viewers a chance to become more intimately connected to the two soon-to-be lovers. Episodic writer Melanie Marnich provides another small look into Alison’s relationship with her grandfather, as well as some insight into Noah’s high school and college days, which may explain why he’s having a sort of mid-life crisis now. At least, that’s what it seems to me. The view of the bluffs from the wooden steps descending to the in is absolutely breathtaking. As Alison relates a love story of sorts, we learn the spot has historical roots that go back to the days of the Mohican Indians. I love that we are able to learn such interesting facts about real life events in a series that is pure fantasy. But are they real or made up? Both Wilson and West embody their characters, making the audience believe they can’t wait to get their hands on each other; their onscreen rapport is spot on.

“104” raises the question, “Can you love two people at the same time?” From her description, it sounds as if Alison is in love with Noah. I think the problem lies with that age-old adage, ‘Familiarity breeds contempt.’ Unlike Alison’s husband Cole (Joshua Jackson), Noah represents something she doesn’t have, and obviously needs—the feeling you get when you first fall in love. I think, however, she may be confusing love with lust. After all, she hardly knows the man. “104” also shows us a side of Noah we haven’t seen before—a man who is loath to cheat on his wife Helen (Maura Tierney). Nevertheless, as Noah finishes his tale, it appears he and Alison are more than ready to take their relationship to the next level.

Alison’s Story

Alison’s version of the truth begins exactly where Noah’s dissertation leaves off, in a hotel room, and works its way backwards. In her account, Alison is upset by her actions while Noah acts like it’s just another daily occurrence. First off, may I just say thanks for the eye candy!

What’s a kiss between friends, especially after Alison weaves such a lovely story about the bluffs.

When Alison and Noah visit the bluffs, contrary to the story she tells him in his version of the events, this one has nothing to do with love. It’s a frightening tale, at best, but it leads to more interesting stories about Noah’s upbringing. And yes, it brings the two lovers closer together. At the Inn at Old Harbor, I chuckled when Noah and Alison let their inner child run free, acting like typical teenagers who don’t want to get caught doing something they shouldn’t be doing—and I’m not talking about sex here! .

Alison can be very mercurial when she wants.

West and Wilson dig deep for the raw emotions both display during the scenes on the ferry and back at the dock. I’m not sure why Alison rebuffs Noah but I’m sure she has a reason. Too bad Noah is so bewildered by her actions but at least he offers to do the “right thing.” Nothing, however, prepared me for the gut reaction I had to Alison’s explanation of her son’s death. I knew the tattoo on Cole’s back would come into play at some point, and I was right.

Humorous Line

The owner of the Block Island Heritage Museum: “I could never understand yoga. In my day, if you wanted to twist yourself into a pretzel, you got into bed with someone. People lie on a mat, stick their hiney in the air. You ask me, the reason people are so miserable nowadays is they’re all doing yoga when they should be having sex.”

I like the way this lady (Donna Mitchell) thinks!


“104” is the most honest episode of The Affair to date. It pulls no punches in furthering Alison and Noah’s story line. “104” takes The Affair from being the tale of a sordid affair to the genesis of a true love story. I can see the events that take place in the episode happening in real life as two people get to know each other and fall madly in love. The acting is superb and the town of Montauk comes to life through the episode’s stunning cinematography. Interestingly, there aren’t that many differences in Noah and Alison’s stories this time around. Although, we learn one curious thing in “104” — no one seems to know Alison is being questioned by Detective Jeffries (Victor Williams). I wonder why that is; I thought for sure Cole, or someone else from the huge Lockhart family, would realize she’s not where she’s supposed to be.

What did you think of “104?” Leave me a comment below or tweet me @SeasideTV. I’d love to discuss it with you.

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And for fans of Joshua Jackson, join JoshuaJacksonFans @JoshuaJFan.


All photos © 2014 Showtime Network, a division of CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.



Love TV, movies, and books--mostly mysteries, with a good love story thrown in every now and then. I have four adopted dogs who I adore. I love trying new recipes, and enjoy eating what I make. English language perfectionist. Reading in bed, Italian food, warm weather, the beach, all types of games = favs!