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Sex, Lies, and Potions, Oh My. Review: Grimm — “Face Off”

Season 2, Episode 13 – “Face Off”

Air Date: Friday, March 8, 2013, 9/8c on NBC


“The will to conquer is the first condition of victory.” —Grimm

At last, Grimm returns to our television screens. But this is no ordinary return, oh no; Grimm comes roaring back, kicking, screaming, and with guns blazing (literally). If you were disappointed with the fall finale, “Season of the Hexenbiest,” fear not, my avid Grimmers. “Face Off” provides an action packed showdown between Nick (David Giuntoli) and Cpt. Sean Renard (Sasha Roiz) that I didn’t expect to see so soon oh and little lust, a little more lust, betrayal.

(at the scene of a quadruple homicide – the one he and Monroe were involved in) Nick knows Cpt. Renard is the other man…can Nick refrain from unleashing his anger?

Nick knows who Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch) has feelings for, and things go from bad to worse fast. Meanwhile, Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) anxiously awaits Rosalee’s (Bree Turner) return because he knows, together, they’ll be able to cure (sort of) Juliette and Sean’s perplexingly lustful dilemma before someone gets killed. “Does anything not end in death?” Oh Nick, you’re a Grimm; there are very few things that don’t end in death. I love how Giuntoli gives his character a sense of urgency in getting things resolved. Nick is on the verge of strangling Sean, and only Monroe is able to quell his blood thirst by being the friendly voice of reason. Mitchell is always fantastic. I simply adore the method Mitchell uses for his character Monroe, giving the vegetarian Blutbad such compassion and humor; but Monroe also has a very protective side that allows him to explore his full carnivorous nature when the situation calls for it. And I’ve missed Rosalee. She brings such a lovely warmth and sweetness to the show. The spice shop is also a great character. It holds such a vast amount of knowledge that hasn’t fully been tapped.

Sean returns the key he took from Nick. Wny is he so desperate to keep Nick (The Grimm) in Portland and away from the Royals?

Sean and Juliette’s first intimate encounter is explosive, passionate, yet frustratingly guarded. They are both under a spell that makes them feel emotions they can’t control. They don’t want to be drawn to each other, but they are. Both Roiz and Tulloch are fantastic as their characters play rough and coy with each other. During a recent conference call, Roiz talked about a scene that required a stunt coordinator because not only were they throwing things, but they were grabbing each other while trying to walk away; pushing, shoving, and clothes ripping make for one juicy lustful scene. I’m still fanning myself to cool off. (You can check out the full transcript of that call here.)

Adalind (Claire Coffee) is a conniving, manipulative woman but I love that about her. She no longer has her Hexenbiest power so she’s adjusting her strategy and using what she has to work with. But, she’s no fool. If she doesn’t get that key from Nick, the Royals will tire of her sooner rather than later. What I enjoyed most about Adalind in “Face Off” is how she manipulates a very (sexually) frustrated Sean to get something she wants…and it’s not just the sex but what it can produce. Remember, Sean is half Hexenbiest/half Royal, bastard or not. I don’t know Adalind’s end game but I’m now more interested than ever in her character. She’s a little twisted and a whole lot of kinky too. “I want you, the real you. I want what you would never show to her. (Sean smiles and transforms.) Now we’re talking.”

As “Face Off” comes to a close, Nick has to make a choice whether to believe Sean. Nick also has to take the same purification potion Sean took in order to help break the spell but it’s a painful process. To ask if Nick will survive is moot; we know he will, but the real question is, how will this change him as a Grimm?

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Tune in to Grimm, Fridays at 9/8c on NBC.

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Judy Manning

Dream chaser extraordinaire! Judy tends to be a tad sarcastic and kind of goofy! She is an avid admirer of all things supernatural, paranormal, celestial and mystical. She loves to read, write, and watches way too much TV. She enjoys many genres of film and music (and let's be honest, most music from the 80s). She also has a wicked sweet tooth. Cupcakes beware.
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