Your Entertainment Corner

Review: True Blood, S4, E43 – “Cold Grey Light of Dawn”

Air Date: Sunday, August 7, 2011 9PM ET/PT

I’ve come to realize that I’ve been looking at this all wrong. Alan Ball must have something big in store for us and I just haven’t been open to it. I started off watching True Blood before I knew anything about the Southern Vampire Mysteries series. So I’d like to think I’m not biased when I say, “WTF has happened to my show?!” But then again, I’m getting what I wanted. Eric (Alexander Skarsgård) and Sookie (Anna Paquin) being together has been building for the past three seasons and now it’s here.

So why am I complaining? Why am I disappointed? Because these past few episodes have been so lackluster that I’d rather not watch two actors “act” like they are in love. I need to feel it, taste it, and experience it as if I’m reading a book. Come on guys! We know you have it in you. There was chemistry from season one to season three. Where the hell has it gone? I’m seriously ready for Alcide (Joe Manganiello) to step up and claim his woman. At least the chemistry would be on point. Season one was the ultimate in defining this series and it didn’t stray from the book too much (which I hadn’t read at the time). So, I’m giving up. I won’t expect much; I’ll watch until the big thing that’s supposed to happen does and I can smack myself for not seeing it coming. Right now, all I see is a big mess that gets messier with each passing episode. End of rant—for now.


Can Marnie (Fiona Shaw) get any more awesome? I mean she’s controlling vamps (via Antonia) and levitating. She’s definitely going to give the town of Bon Temps a run for its money. And King Bill (Stephen Moyer), psh! He’s got his work cut out for him.

Can all vamps fly? Apparently all of them except Bill, of course. Lame, writer dudes. Lame.

I thought vampires only needed their teeth and strength to protect themselves against other vampires. They’re toting guns now? With silver bullets? That’s so… human.

Now while I love Tara (Rutina Wesley) to death, she has to know better. You can’t go up against a vampire and expect to win. To do so is suicide. She had a death wish last season, but this season’s brought about a stronger, more “in control of herself” Tara. I don’t get the regression.

Lafayette (Nelsan Ellis) is not the same guy we know and love, yet I want him to be. I keep forgetting he was tortured and suffers from PTSD as a result. But now he’s a medium? Can you throw anymore onto the man and expect him to flourish? Cut him a break, at least for a little while. As an aside, Ellis is really breaking out of his shell this season. His reactions are on point, from being jumpy, to screaming at the slightest thing. Lafayette should be reacting this way and Ellis does an excellent job portraying his plight. Lafayette’s not over his ordeal and probably won’t be until he gets the proper help. And no it isn’t in the form of witchcraft.

I really like Sookie’s wardrobe this season. But where did it come from? She’s been gone a whole year… doesn’t work… usually shops at Wal-Mart. Where has the wardrobe department been hiding her outfits? Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy we won’t see any more of those hideous handkerchief dresses.

I hate Moyer’s southern accent. There, I said it.

While I loathe Ginger (Tara Buck) screaming every five seconds, I couldn’t help but laugh my ass off as she vibrates atop Pam’s (Kristin Bauer van Straten) coffin, squealing like a stuck pig. Talk about hilarious.

“Vampires are not immortal. They are only harder to kill.” Antonia/Marnie has some interesting thoughts on vampires. I only wonder how far she will go to rid herself, and the world, of them.

Although there were no funny lines that caught my attention this episode, I kind of enjoyed it. I am willing to stick it through and see what the writers have planned for the rest of the season. I won’t complain too much if said writer is Alexander Woo because “Cold Grey Light of Dawn” was better. Much better. Maybe we’ll see another love triangle, perhaps. Eric will eventually get his memory back and no matter what Alcide tells *cough* lies to *cough* Debbie (Brit Morgan), he cares for Sookie more than he’s letting on.

Tune in to True Blood, Sunday nights at 9 pm ET/PT. For more on the show, visit


Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.