Your Entertainment Corner

Review: The Vampire Diaries S3, Ep. 2 “The Hybrid”

Air Date: Thursday, September 22, 2011 8/7c


Damon and Elena need to come clean with one another

I think it’s safe to say The Vampire Diaries is the best supernatural/vampire/werewolf show on TV. Yes, even better than True Blood, the show which—to me—should still be able to claim that title. Why do I feel this way? It’s simple really. The show has intrigue, suspense, excellent writing and acting, and compelling storylines. Plus, the special effects rock. To see Damon and Ray (7th Heaven’s David Gallagher, bet you didn’t recognize him either) going at it in the woods like the animals they are, is exciting as hell and what I expect to see when a vampire and werewolf come into contact. It would appear The CW knows how to hook their viewers. There are cliffhangers just about everywhere: from the opening scene to the closing where we’re left saying, “WTF?! Don’t leave us like this!” All of those things make The Vampire Diaries sit securely at the top of the TV food chain.

The surprises just keep coming. A new character comes into play (Jack Coleman from Heroes) and he’s someone I would never have expected to see, let alone learn he’s Caroline’s (Candice Accola) father. And speaking of the poor, helpless Caroline, why is she always being abducted? Is there no one else to pick on? I know she’s a baby vamp but my goodness! What’s most interesting about the character of Caroline is how she’s changed over the seasons. I used to be thoroughly annoyed when she showed up on screen, but now I look forward to seeing her and how she interacts with Tyler (Michael Trevino). Her growth is amazing and it leads me to hope Elena (Nina Dobrev) may one day grow up too. She’s getting to be annoying. The way she denies her feelings for Damon (Ian Somerhalder) is ridiculous. She’s transparent when he’s around and I think she’s trying to hold onto Stefan (Paul Wesley) because she’s afraid of how she feels. Sure she wants to help get Stefan back, but she’s the one who’s hiding from her true self. Someone needs to pull her out of her pit of denial because the damsel in distress act is getting old—quickly.


“The Hybrid” obviously refers to Klaus (Joseph Morgan) and his new status in life, but there’s more to it than that. We know about Klaus, and apparently so do other supernatural beings. But his drive to create “comrades” fails because of one little detail. The doppelganger isn’t dead. I’m sure Klaus knows this simply from the look the two exchange during his temper tantrum. So, what does that mean? Will Klaus try to force Stefan to reveal the truth to him, or will he simply return to Mystic Falls to find Elena? Either way, I know Klaus is onto whatever deception he’s been subjected to. I’m excited to see what happens next.

Matt (Zach Roerig) seems to be tapped into the vein of the supernatural and human communities. He knows about the vampires, werewolves and what humans are doing to cope with the menace in their town. I’m curious which side he’ll end up on if it comes down to it.

Alaric (Matt Davis) needs something to preoccupy his mind and I think Elena has just given it to him. “I’m keeping the ring, then.” It’s his anyway, right? And I might have whooped a bit when he said that because well, he’s waking up. Elena’s speech about them not having anyone is blunt, but necessary. I’d like to see Alaric come back from this pity party stage and get back into the ass-kicking dude we know he can be.

Funny lines:

Damon to Elena on why he didn’t tell her about tracking Stefan: “Happy Birthday, Elena. Stefan killed Andie. Cake?”

Alaric to Elena on why they’re just sitting in the car: “Let the vampires fight the hybrid zombie mountain man.”

Damon to Elena when he asks why she changed her mind about finding Stefan: “You had a bag full of weapons and a teacher with an eternity ring.”

While I’d love to know what the hell is going to happen to Caroline, I’m more interested in the moment Elena and Damon have in her bedroom. Serious sexual tension reverberates between them and it’s coming from both sides. I love Damon’s line: “Because when I drag my brother from the edge and deliver him back to you, I want you to remember the things you felt while he was gone.” If that didn’t make her weak in the knees… Anyway, what will Elena do once Stefan returns to the fold? Love triangles sure can be messy.

Tune in to The Vampire Diaries, next Thursday at 8PM/7c on The CW. For more on the show, visit


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Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.