Your Entertainment Corner

Review: The Closer, S7, E6 – “Home Improvement”

Air Date: Monday, August 15, 2011, 9/8c on TNT.

I know The Closer isn’t a comedy, but they bring a comedic aspect to just about every episode. I love it. I couldn’t handle watching this show if it were strictly a drama because the writing is so on point the dramatic elements are sometimes overwhelmingly powerful. We need the comedy to break up the severity of the cases the team handles. Case in point, Gavin Q. Baker III (Mark Pellegrino, Lost), Brenda’s (Kyra Sedgwick) attorney. Pellegrino is hilarious. He portrays Baker as a know-it-all with a dash of snobbery. His attitude seems so over the top, yet it comes across as genuine. I loved Pellegrino in Lost. Seeing him in this role is refreshing. As you know, I love guest stars and this one is no exception.

What an interesting storyline this week. A sex offender is found murdered on a job site. And the laughs just continue on. “Sure you don’t want to just cover him up and call it a day?” Yes, I laughed when Lt. Provenza (G. W. Bailey) said that, but I thought, “He better watch his mouth. Aren’t they already in enough trouble?” You know they haven’t forgotten the lawsuit against them where they’re being accused of contributing to murder. Why say something so insensitive that can be easily overheard? Provenza needs to be more careful. Though, I’m sure his comment would be ignored, considering the dead guy was a sex offender. Because that makes it better, right?

Brenda’s still frazzled. She can’t find her tennis shoes and has to tromp through a crime scene in a beautiful pair of red heels. The costume department has truly stepped it up this season. Brenda looks fabulous on the outside though we know she’s nervous, guilty and disorganized on the inside. Her lack of funds to pay for a proper attorney seems to override everything in her life. She can’t keep from cracking wise comments when anyone mentions money or lawyers. Sheer hilarity. What’s interesting is how “Home Improvement” mimics real life. The details in the storyline revolve around the city laying off workers, the lack of employees for construction jobs, and of course, Brenda not being able to afford her lawyer’s exorbitant $25,000 retainer. Leave it to the writers of The Closer to parallel the story with the current state of our economy. Not that I need to be reminded though.

Funny Lines:

Sgt. Gabriel: “Nice dress, really nice.”

Brenda: “Really? Does it make me look like the Queen of England? ‘Cause that’s how much money you need to be to be a police officer these days.”


Brenda: “Well, somebody bashed his head in so he can’t have been the most popular person. Or maybe he was a lawyer.”


Dr. Morales during autopsy: “All I can tell you about the murder weapon is its conical. Pointy at the top, widening at the base.”

Lt. Provenza: “Sounds exactly like my second wife.”


The two suspects Greg (Josh Casaubon) and Maylin (Robyn Cohen) are so annoying and obnoxious I couldn’t wait for them to be arrested. I honestly don’t get how stupid some people are. I’m not sure I like how this case comes to a close because it seems too easy—almost too simple. Maybe even ridiculous, in a good way. This episode made me laugh so much it brought tears to my eyes. I can’t even tell you how hard I was laughing when Provenza accidentally gets hit in the balls. He doesn’t make a sound yet looks like he’s in excruciating pain. His facial expression alone is enough to convey the agony he feels. I’ll be honest, I’d watch the episode again just for that. Two thumbs up for the comedic aspect of “Home Improvement.” I truly love this show. Oh, and can there be any more product placement on TV nowadays? My goodness.

Tune in to The Closer, Mondays at 9/8c on TNT. For more on the show, visit

Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.
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