Your Entertainment Corner

Review: The Big C, Season 2, Ep. 203 “Sexual Healing”

Air Date: Monday, July 11, 2011 10:30PM E/P


Andrea (Gabourey Sidibe) runs from Adam (Gabriel Basso) after playing a practical joke

The title says it all. With the cancer treatments and piling insurance bills, Cathy (Laura Linney) doesn’t feel much like having sex with Paul (Oliver Platt). And even though he says he’s ok with just being her “can-cierge” it’s obvious he nursing some blue balls. Which leads to some severely awkward tension between Paul and their new house guest, Andrea (Gabourey Sidibe), who is staying with the Jamison’s while her parents in Ghana do some “missionary positions.”Oops, I mean missionary work

for their church. It’s funny how Paul and Andrea are joking around one minute then the next she’s walking in on Paul “burping his baby.”  It’s also refreshing how the writers include new pieces about Andrea that Cathy doesn’t know, like Andrea wanting to attend the University of Minnesota to study fashion. Andrea addresses Cathy’s surprise, “Maybe I was trying to keep a little mystery in our friendship.” I think it was thoughtful of Cathy to take Andrea in but it’s possible she has other motives. She’s worried about Adam (Gabriel Basso) being an only child and having Andrea around is like having a surrogate sibling.

It seems everyone in the neighborhood related to Cathy is having intimacy issues. Adam’s girlfriend Mia (Alexandra Socha) doesn’t want to rush into things but Adam doesn’t want to hold back. It’s unfortunate that he caves to the advances of another girl at school, however, I’m sure this incident will come back to bite him in the ass.

Sean (John Benjamin Hickey) is now medicated. At first, Rebecca (guest star Cynthia Nixon) loves the affectionate compliments but as with anything too good to be true, there are side-effects. Sean seems to notice all of Rebecca’s flaws, like her “hairy-olas” and the dimples in her buttocks. Come on, you don’t criticize a hormonal, pregnant woman about her body! That’s just…cruel. I do think Rebecca is overly sensitive though. Frankly, calling her hairy nipples “hairy-olas” is quite humorous.

Paul (Oliver Platt, R) is trying his best to be Cathy's (Laura Linney, L) "can-cierge" but he's needing some TLC of his own.

Despite all the care Paul is doting upon Cathy, the lack of sex is really making him edgy. How low of him to bring up Cathy’s ex-lover Lenny (Idris Elba) from last season. It’s not like Paul didn’t have an affair too. Granted Cathy dove into the infidelity pool first, that doesn’t mean two wrongs make a right. Cathy said if she could turn back the clock, she wouldn’t go back two months to erase the affair with Lenny (who exudes sexy better than frumpy Paul), she’d go back 20 years and “slather on more sunblock.” That statement alone is profound but I wonder if Cathy never got sick, would she be content to stay in a mediocre marriage, never tasting the other side of life? I’m not saying I condone her affair but I think there is something to be said about her open-mindedness to try new things rather than be satisfied with the day-to-day routine. She was obviously unhappy in her marriage and though the affair and her telling Paul she has cancer brought them closer, is she any happier? Sometimes I think she is, but most of the time I still feel like she’s a bird trapped in a large cage.

Another great one liner  – “I for one think you’re a pretty brave bitch.” ~ Andrea to Cathy.

Tune in to The Big C Mondays at 10:30PM E/P only on Showtime.

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Judy Manning

Dream chaser extraordinaire! Judy tends to be a tad sarcastic and kind of goofy! She is an avid admirer of all things supernatural, paranormal, celestial and mystical. She loves to read, write, and watches way too much TV. She enjoys many genres of film and music (and let's be honest, most music from the 80s). She also has a wicked sweet tooth. Cupcakes beware.