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Review: The Big C, Season 2, Ep. 10 “How Do You Feel?” (Baby Wipes, Boobs, and Cutting – Yep, I’m Fine)

Air Date: Monday, August 29, 2011 10:30 PM E/P


Like the weather outside, things seems a little gray and cold in “How Do You Feel?” Lee (Hugh Dancy) isn’t doing as well as Cathy (Laura Linney) with Dr. Atticus’ (Alan Alda) clinical trial. His tumors are growing while Cathy’s are shrinking. You can sense how difficult it is for her to share her good news with him. She doesn’t want to make him feel bad but she learned her lesson during “Last Thanksgiving” not to keep secrets from her “mole-mate.”

Poppy (Parker Posey) gives Adam (Gabriel Basso) a noogie after he cracks a joke about her age

I’m worried about Lee. He tries to focus on the positive, which is commendable, but on the same token, he seems to be hiding the fact (and not too well) that he’s sicker than he’s letting on. When you start talking about your bucket list, it’s a good indication you’re not being optimistic. Lee tells Cathy he wants to, “Ride on the back of a fire truck, and get my hands on a bottle of 1982 Lafite Rothschild, and, judge me if you want, but I would still like to have more adventurous sex…with a man.” Now, I don’t want to read too much into this but the look he gives Cathy when emphasizing “a man,” then cut to later when Cathy lets him cop-a-feel of her bare breasts, makes me think Lee has formed an unintentional attachment. He cares for Cathy very much but I wonder if it’s leaning towards something more intimate than friendship.

Cathy’s also worried about Sean (John Hickey). After Rebecca’s (Cynthia Nixon) miscarriage, he doesn’t seem to be coping too well. He’s off his meds, making him even more susceptible to the manic emotions running rampant in his mind, not to mention he’s giving away all the baby stuff…save one item—this has to be the funniest line I’ve heard in ages. Sean to Cathy: “Oh hey, you looking for baby stuff? Everything’s available, uh, except the infant baby wipes, those stay. Those gems are like a deep, wet tongue kiss on my hemorrhoids.” LMAO! However, the visual (scratches eyes) will haunt me for a while.

Cathy (Laura Linney) talks to Poppy (guest star Parker Posey, L) about her relationship with Adam (Gabriel Basso, R)

Another funny moment in “How Do You Feel” happens when Cathy addresses the peculiar relationship Poppy (guest star Parker Posey) has with Adam (Gabriel Basso).

Cathy: “Well, he’s 15 and you’re closer to menopause than puberty so just tell me there’s nothing sexual going on here…Ok. Fair warning – you hurt my kid, I will hurt you and I’m not above spitting or hair pulling.”

I think it’s safe to say – Poppy is possibly a can short of a six-pack. I mean, hanging out with a 15-year-old boy is odd enough but taking him to your 20th high school reunion – really? But I will say I love Adam for stepping up and deflecting some of the back-handed comments Poppy gets thrown at her. It’s a shame some of those high school bitches never grew up and still have to put others down to make themselves feel superior. However, I’m concerned about Poppy cutting herself. It’s a little TMI when she mentions to Adam she has “fuzzy privates” when she asks him to get her tampons to hide the fact she’s cutting herself. I still don’t know what purpose this plot line has in store; I can only hope the writers don’t make Adam a cougar chaser. Please don’t!

NOTE: The Big C will be back on Monday, Sept 12th – only 1 more episode before the season finale!

Tune in to The Big C, Mondays at 10:30pm E/P only on Showtime

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Judy Manning

Dream chaser extraordinaire! Judy tends to be a tad sarcastic and kind of goofy! She is an avid admirer of all things supernatural, paranormal, celestial and mystical. She loves to read, write, and watches way too much TV. She enjoys many genres of film and music (and let's be honest, most music from the 80s). She also has a wicked sweet tooth. Cupcakes beware.