Your Entertainment Corner

Review: Nurse Jackie, S3, E11 – “Batting Practice”

Airdate: Monday, June 13, 2011, 10 pm ET/PT only on Showtime


As Grace (Ruby Jerins) gives Fiona (Mackenzie Aladjem) vitamins at the breakfast table, Jackie gazes longingly at the pills, wishing it were Roxy and she was the one taking them. Something tells me Jackie’s not going to be sober for much longer.

Kevin (Dominic Fumusa) continues to dodge Jackie at every opportunity. At batting practice, he tells Eddie (Paul Schulze) he can’t even look at her lately. The disgust and anger is clearly evident as Kevin takes swing after swing, the balls flying fast and furious. Is his rage directed totally at Jackie or did Kevin find out about their affair? Or, is something else going on? The latter, if you ask me.

Sam (Arjun Gupta) and Jackie (Edie Falco) take a minute out to chat

Akalitus (Anna Deavere Smith) refuses to lift Jackie’s probationary status, leading Jackie right down the rabbit hole. I am so disappointed when she downs a bottle of Grace’s Xanax. Geez Jackie, they’re only .25 mg – it’s not like they’re going to have much of an effect on a seasoned addict like you. And what do you plan to give Grace for her anxiety? Isn’t a mother supposed to put her children first? What a surprise Jackie admits to the deed when she asks Dr. O’Hara (Eve Best) to refill the prescription, which, surprisingly, she does. O’Hara is willing to help Jackie manage her addiction under doctor’s supervision. “Consider me a very fancy Methadone clinic.”

Kelly (Gbenga Akinnagbe) surprisingly invites Jackie out for a drink to celebrate their teamwork in the trauma unit but Jackie is apprehensive. All that changes, however, when Kelly reveals he’s the reason she’s on probation. The real surprise, though, is his confession – one which I’m sure no one expected!

Thor (Stephen Wallem) lives up to his promise and presents Coop (Peter Facinelli) with a cash-stuffed envelope, representing his winnings from the Fantasy Football League. Coop couldn’t be happier. He needs the money to foot the bill for his upcoming wedding.

Thor: “Your winnings. Big bills.”

Coop: “Ahhhh, oh my God!”

Thor: “Oh it’s like the Bat Mitzvah I always wanted but never had.”

Coop: “This was gonna be the worst year of my life, but between this and getting married, it’s the half worst, half best year ever.”

I have to give it to Coop for successfully wiggling his way out of granting Thor’s convincing request to be his best man.

Coop: “But Thor, you can’t be my best man and sing at my wedding, huh? Ha ha!”

Thor: “You’re totally right. Overkill!”

Coop’s ridiculous plans for a wedding to a girl he barely knows is crazy and finally Eddie sets him straight. After Coop asks Eddie to be his best man, Eddie vehemently refuses, “I’m not getting involved!” But he ends up agreeing. And Coop’s fiancé has a name – Cricket. I can’t wait to see what she looks like.

Poor Zoey (Merritt Wever). How pitiful she’s throwing her own National Nurses Appreciation Week party and no one wants to come. Jackie – “Can’t.” Sam (Arjun Gupta) – “Won’t.” Good old Thor comes through though, and Lenny (Lenny Jacobsen) makes a short appearance as well to compliment her on her efforts. Zoey really goes all out decorating the basement—happy face balloons with white nurses’ caps on top, streamers, big signs saying “PARTY THIS WAY” and “THANK YOU NURSES!” in all colors of the rainbow — along with candy, cupcakes, drinks and a huge cake. What did you think of Zoey’s surprise visitor? Were you as astonished as I was?

Jackie (Edie Falco) talks Ruth (Megan Byrne) out of taking codeine

I know an addict will do just about anything to get their next fix, but talking Ruth (Megan Byrne), a patient with a cough, out of taking drugs just to take them yourself is going too far in my book.

Jackie: “Look, if you have a cough, you go to the drug store. You don’t go to the ER.”

Ruth: “I don’t want to get sick.”

Jackie: “Over there, meningitis. Over here, bacterial pneumonia. If you stay around here long enough with your cough, you’re going to get sick. And unnecessary opiates could do more harm than good. If I were you, I’d steer clear of dairy, get some Chloreseptic, before you go down that road.”

Ruth: “I do eat a lot of ice cream.”

Jackie: “So, do you want those? It’s up to you.”

And needless to say, Jackie promptly goes to the bathroom and downs the codeine.

As the penultimate episode of season three, “Batting Practice” sets us up perfectly for the season finale. Jackie’s back on drugs, thanks to O’Hara; everything is in place for Coop’s wedding; and things are heating up even more between Jackie and Kevin. So tune in to the season finale of Nurse Jackie next Monday, June 20, 2011, 10 pm ET/PT only on Showtime. I don’t want to give anything away, but it’s a real stunner.

Photos courtesy of Ken Regan/© 2011 Showtime. All rights reserved.


Love TV, movies, and books--mostly mysteries, with a good love story thrown in every now and then. I have four adopted dogs who I adore. I love trying new recipes, and enjoy eating what I make. English language perfectionist. Reading in bed, Italian food, warm weather, the beach, all types of games = favs!