Your Entertainment Corner

Review: Hung “Take the Cake or Are You Packing” (Handcuffs, House Arrest, and a Girlfight)

Air Date: Sunday, October 9, 2011, 10/9c on HBO

As “Take the Cake or Are You Packing?” opens, a hypnotizing rhythm bounces from wall to wall of the night club Ray (Thomas Jane) walks into. You kind of get the feeling something unusual is going to happen and it does. Not only is Ray bested by the younger Jason (Stephen Amell), he begins to doubt his partnership with Tanya (Jane Adams).

Let me just say, I love the music in every episode of Hung. It sets the tone and puts you in the mood for whatever is to come, and it’s simply amazing. I find myself dancing while watching Ray lose one of his clients to Jason. Yes, Ray may be older but he’s not helpless. He just needs to find something the younger guy doesn’t have. Something that will make the ladies choose Ray over him. Ray’s issues lie with Tanya. I agree with Ray—she gets emotional when handling business. “Tanya, no offense but, you tend to get a little emotional during these situations, you know? A little hysterical.” She doesn’t look at things objectively and she’s unable to take control when she needs to. She’s lost her pimp hand! It probably doesn’t help that Charlie (Lennie James)—her pimp advisor—is sitting in county jail. I’d like to see more of him anyway. Remember, he got Tanya to take a belt to one of her clients and I will never forget that image.


Lenore (Rebecca Creskoff) is that bitch! I mean, she walks through a kitchen in a restaurant (which I think she owns—but she doesn’t) and no one says a thing about the dog eating from plates going out to customers. Um, hello! Who is this woman who does what she wants without feeling one ounce of regret for her actions? She’s a take charge kind of woman who walks with her head held high and knows she’s the shit. She is everything Tanya needs to be in order to get her business back to where she wants it to be. No matter what Lenore does though, I love her. She’s priceless.

Doesn’t Tanya always look frazzled? Or like her life is in total disarray. I often wonder if it has anything to do with why she can’t stay organized. She isn’t the anal type. What she is is tired of being walked on, being disregarded and not trusted. She’s constantly trying to prove herself to Ray but she tends to fail him in the end. Then she ends up having sex in the bathroom with Jason. What kind of partner is she? I want to trust her and believe she’s doing the best she can for Ray, but she really disappoints me in this episode… that is until she and Lenore have their little girl fight. The two of them going at it is hilarious! I think the pimp hand is strong once again.

Funny lines:

Tanya reading an email response to Ray: “OMG! He was totes ahmaz, seriously magic tongue. Thanks. T-h-x. It’s like hieroglyphics.”


Lenore to Sandee, (Jason’s fiancée) after telling her she screwed him: “Men are dogs, Sandee. Be top bitch.”


One scene in “Take the Cake or Are You Packing?” pulls on my heart strings. Ray finally faces off with Jason and gets left in the dust. I’m still rooting for Ray; I’ll always root for Ray but this is the first time I truly feel sorry for him. “I didn’t mind the running. It was the breathing that was the problem.” I’m looking forward to seeing what both Ray and Tanya decide to do to take down Lenore.

Tune in to Hung, Sundays at 10/9c only on HBO. For more on the show, visit

Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.