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Recap: <i>Resident Alien</i> Season 1, Ep. 5 “Love Language” – Ex-Wife, Lies, and Sexy Time

Resident Alien, Season 1, Episode 5 “Love Language”

Air Date: Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 10:00PM – 11:00PM ET/PT on Syfy

Reviewer Rating: 4 Stars

***WARNING: Spoilers Ahead ***

“Humans lie; that’s what they do.” – Harry

“Love Language” starts with a flashback to when Harry (Alan Tudyk) was a human living in New York. We find out a bit about his background in these brief few minutes, including how wife number two, Isabelle (Elvy) came into his life. The song choice for this montage is wonderful – “Nature Boy” by Nat King Cole. The words seem quite fitting for the current situation.

RESIDENT ALIEN — “Love Language” Episode 105 — Pictured: Elvy Yost as Isabelle — (Photo by: James Dittinger/SYFY)

If you recall in last week’s episode, “Bird’s of A Feather,” a mysterious woman with a British accent showed up at the end claiming to be Harry’s wife. Of course, Harry isn’t quite the same man she married. He’s an alien who took over Harry’s life after killing him. (see my previous recaps if you’re not caught up on the show).

I love the opening credits of Resident Alien. They are hilarious. This week’s opening sequence includes an alien hand and human hand trying to unhook a bra with scientific formulas all around. Why is that such a hard thing for dudes to accomplish? Then there are various yoga positions – downward dog – how to and how not to do them.

Harry doesn’t kill the kids he found in his basement. He instead takes both Max (Judah Prehn) Sahar (Gracelyn Awad Rinke) to their respective homes. The strange occurrence when Sahar tried to touch the apple in last week’s episode has affected her memory. She’s unable to corroborate Max’s claims of finding “alien technology” in Harry’s basement.

Throughout “Love Language,” Isabelle is trying to figure out what’s different about Harry. Despite coming to the cabin to have Harry sign the divorce papers, which he did, she stays. This confuses Harry who isn’t human anymore and he’s tries to get her to leave.

We finally get some clarity as to why our ornery Sheriff Mike Thompson (Corey Reynolds) is the way that he is. That saying, ‘the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,’ rings clear as a bell when we meet Mike’s father, Lewis (Alvin Sanders). The attitude and snide remarks are enough to set anyone off.

One of the most endearing (and thirsty) characters on Resident Alien is D’Arcy (Alice Wetterlund). Perhaps its wishful thinking or simply delusion, but D’Arcy thinks that she’s dating Harry. As she tries to break up with him, all he can think of is the cup of coffee in her hand. “Can I just have a sip? It will help me move my bowels.” Gotta love Harry’s honesty. [Fun fact: coffee can help move your bowels.]

After a temper-tantrum in Harry’s office, Isabelle heads to the local bar to drown her sorrows. And D’Arcy is right there to pour the shots. It’s hilariously ironic when D’Arcy says, “We’re probably dating the same guy.”

If I haven’t mentioned it before, I’ll say it now (or again), the late Dr. Sam Hodges’ (Jan Bos) murderer is probably who you think it is – his wife Abigail (Deborah Finkel). She comes to the clinic inquiring about the autopsy results. Harry is still waiting to rule cause of death as suicide or murder pending the toxicology report. If you hear someone say, “If he committed suicide, his insurance claim would be null and void, so, I’m counting on you doctor to do the right thing,” that’s not a good sign of their innocence.

RESIDENT ALIEN — “Love Language” Episode 105 — Pictured: Deborah Finkel as Abigail Hodges — (Photo by: James Dittinger/SYFY)

Max’s parents, Ben (Levi Fiehler) and Kate (Meredith Garretson), take him to apologize to Harry for breaking into his cabin. Harry doesn’t accept because he’s trying to get rid of Max (who’s the only one that can see Harry’s true alien form). Harry begins to diagnose Max with “terrafobia” and “face-blindness” suggesting Kate send him away to a school in the state of Georgia for treatment.

RESIDENT ALIEN — “Love Language” Episode 105 — Pictured: Alien Harry — (Photo by: James Dittinger/SYFY)

Meanwhile, Asta (Sara Tomko) is present for Isabelle’s tantrum, learning that Harry’s wife (whom he claimed was dead in last week’s episode) is alive and well. All the files that Isabelle threw at Harry end up on the floor. Jay (Kaylayla Raine) picks up the files and discovers Asta is her birth mother and Jimmy (Ben Cotton) is her biological father. Not the way a kid should find out but at least it’s out there.

RESIDENT ALIEN — “Love Language” Episode 105 — Pictured: Kaylayla Raine as Jay — (Photo by: James Dittinger/SYFY)

Max and Sahar have a plan to keep him from going to Georgia – make a truce with Harry. If Max stops saying Harry is an alien, Harry agrees to rescind his diagnosis. This scene is quite comical as the two kids threaten to hold their breath until he concedes to their demands.

RESIDENT ALIEN — “Love Language” Episode 105 — Pictured: (l-r) Judah Prehn as Max Hawthorne, Alien Harry — (Photo by: James Dittinger/SYFY)

Isabelle definitely has issues because despite Harry’s lack of interest, she is in the cabin preparing dinner. She broke into the basement and the freezer to get the steaks sizzling away. Thankfully, she didn’t see icicle Harry under the frozen peas. Inner monologues are some of the best parts of Resident Alien and Tudyk has a knack for wonderful delivery. Harry eats quietly, not saying anything. Isabelle, says “You’re so quiet; what are you thinking.” Harry’s inside voice, “If I could fit your body in the freezer next to the other guy.”

During the evening, Isabelle reveals a little more about human Harry’s past and reasons he may have left New York. “Men showed up at the apartment and said they needed to talk to you.” Hmm, what did human Harry get himself in to? As dinner comes to an end, she tries to get through to Harry. “Dinner’s over; what next?” And in true (alien) Harry form, “Well, I can only think of one thing – scrub the pans before you leave.”

But when Isabelle begins to sing “Nature Boy” in a beautiful tone, Harry is drawn in immediately. One thing leads to another and (alien) Harry leans in for a kiss. Not a kiss like he had with D’Arcy (who happened to stop by and see them dancing), a real proper kiss, full of passion. I think his rigor mortis in his nether-regions is back (wink-wink).

Now with the toxicology report back confirming Sam was poisoned, the only thing left to do is piece together the clues and find the killer. (hint: it’s someone who stands to gain money from Sam’s insurance). The real mystery is who those two strangers are and the so-called “General” they are taking orders from. Let’s see more of them because I need to know what they know.

Tune in to Resident Alien, Wednesdays at 10PM E/P on Syfy.

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Photos: ©2021 Syfy. All Rights Reserved.

Judy Manning

Dream chaser extraordinaire! Judy tends to be a tad sarcastic and kind of goofy! She is an avid admirer of all things supernatural, paranormal, celestial and mystical. She loves to read, write, and watches way too much TV. She enjoys many genres of film and music (and let's be honest, most music from the 80s). She also has a wicked sweet tooth. Cupcakes beware.