Your Entertainment Corner

None of These Secrets Are Worth Revealing… Review: New Girl “Secrets”

Air Date: Tuesday, April 3, 2012, 9/8c on Fox


“Seriously, Jess it was just one secret. Everybody has secrets!” – Cece


Loved seeing Schmidt pretend to be one of Nick's conquests. He nails it!

The big secret is out. “Cece and Schmidt are sleeping together!” Winston (Lamorne Morris) cannot keep the secret to himself because apparently, it’s just too big a secret to keep. Of course. But now everyone’s acting weird and friendships are in turmoil. Nick (Jake Johnson) gets the “back sweats” when he thinks about lying (EWW!) and Jess (Zooey Deschanel) feels betrayed when Cece (Hannah Simone) doesn’t tell her about Schmidt (Max Greenfield) because they never keep secrets from one another. This behavior is juvenile (but funny). These guys are way too old to focus all their attention on something that’s really none of their business. The hijinks that ensue make me laugh repeatedly, and I’m dumbfounded because no one realizes Cece is at the apartment (in Schmidt’s room) almost every night. Come on, guys!

Observations and thoughts:

Jess quickly reverts from adulthood to childhood during this episode. Her actions are unbelievable when she finds out Cece’s secret. She runs away screaming, then screams some more, and screams yet again. Deschanel does angry well, convincing me Jess is none too happy with her best friend. I think she and Cece will be able to grow from this situation and maybe learn boundaries. Because Jess just spills her guts with no reservations.

Who would have guessed Cece likes Schmidt? I smell a relationship blossoming.

Nick asks to take douche bag lessons from Schmidt. I think it’s commendable that Nick can’t lie but asking for Schmidt’s help is another thing entirely. Telling the truth is not a bad characteristic to have. In fact, he should know he’s a rarity in the world. He’s a good guy. What’s not to like about that?

Winston sleeps with a pillow between his legs. That’s all. I can’t even…

Speaking of Winston, he always has one role to play in the show and that’s comic relief. He pulls out his made-up character, Theodore K. Mullins, Nick’s lover on the down low. I can’t begin to tell you how hard I laugh while watching him act a damn fool. This is the tomfoolery I look forward to seeing. Winston switches from this character (his deep voice kills me every time) back to himself in a matter of seconds, making the scene even funnier. I’m not sure who came up with Theodore K. Mullins, but I’d like to see him come out more often. He quotes The Color Purple, people. “You told Harpo to beat me!” Classic.

Cece is probably the best friend Jess will ever have because Cece can handle her ridiculous moods. Like Cece, I don’t get why it’s so difficult for Jess to comprehend it’s not a crime to keep a secret from her. Sure they’re best friends, but sometimes there’s just that one thing you don’t want to be judged on especially if you have a best friend who tends to judge you for your mistakes. Simone does a great job portraying her character’s frustration while keeping her anger to a minimum. How she reels it in, I don’t know, but Cece is a saint.

Jess trains for this run and comes in dead last. Way to go, Jess!

I’m totally nitpicking here, but there’s no way in hell Jess could have caught up with Cece during their charity run. Jess stood around talking to the guys for at least five minutes, then miraculously catches up to Cece who’s at least a couple of miles away. I know they needed to talk, but come on writers! We’re not complete idiots here.

Funny lines:

Schmidt, after coming out of his hiding place in the couch: “Good thing I’m a quiet breather. I learned that as a kid playing who passed out with my mom. My mom always won.”


Nadia (Rebecca Reid), Cece’s roommate: “Jew in the couch! Jew in the couch!”

Cece: “Nadia, American manners!”

Nadia: “I sorry. Jew… person in couch.”

Schmidt: “She’s not wrong.”


Nick to Winston: “Even thinking about keeping a secret turns my back into a Slip-n-Slide.”


Schmidt to Winston about revealing his secret: “Sweat back? You told sweat back?”


Schmidt: “But I mean can we just take a moment to celebrate me. Schmidty really did it this time. I mean, I’m having Indian every night.”


Jess to Cece and Schmidt about their sexual relationship: “Two moons have passed since you started doing it?”

Winston: “Why do you start talking like a Native American when you get angry?”

Jess: “Two moons have passed!”


Schmidt to Nick, schooling him on lying to girls: “I’m one of these young girls, coming in here; I want to party, I’m in college. Let’s do this. (In a female voice) Hey, what happened to your phone?”

Nick: “Jesus took it. A Jesus hawk on a speedboat. The environment. Bears. Fairy. Magic. I need your help, Schmidt.”


Cece to Jess after seeing her in coat and ski mask: “Why are you dressed like a Mexican wrestler?”


I’m not sure if anyone else notices, but “Secrets” is full of jokes relating to various races. I get it—let’s poke fun at everyone, but there’s always the possibility someone will be offended. It’s difficult to straddle the line between funny and hurtful and I’d like to think New Girl does a good job of doing just that. I thought this was one of the show’s funnier episodes, so it couldn’t have been that bad. Right? Anyone else love the episode but felt guilty about laughing at some of the jokes? Drop me a line and let’s discuss. Until next week, folks!

Tune in to New Girl, Tuesdays at 9/8c on Fox. For more on the show, visit

Photo credit: Isablella Vosmikova/FOX © 2012 Fox Broadcasting, LLC. All rights reserved.

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Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.