Your Entertainment Corner

My Very Fun Interview with Henry Winkler of USA Network’s “Royal Pains”

On Tuesday, February 22, 2011, I was given the fantastic opportunity of participating in a conference call with Henry Winkler, who plays Eddie R. Lawson on the USA Network’s hit series Royal Pains. I must say, of all the conference calls I’ve participated in, this was the most fun and most informative. Winkler was gracious and exhibited a wonderful sense of humor. Since I have been a fan of his since his days as “The Fonz,” this was a particular treat for me.

Henry Winkler and "Royal Pains" co-star Mark Feuerstein. Photo courtesy

He began the Q&A session by telling us how he initially became involved in Royal Pains:

Do you know what?  I think because of what you said; I think that they, first of all, I imagine in the middle of the winter there’s this beautiful blue sky show that just takes you away to a place you want to be.  Number two, I think because it is well written because after everything is said and done no matter how good the actors are, if it’s not on the page, there’s a famous expression, if it’s not on the page, it’s not on the stage.  If it’s not written well then we actors, you, it’s hard to memorize; it’s hard to make real.  It’s hard to get going, so I think that that combined all together, made me a fan. You know what, my wife and I watched every episode; we were appointment television viewers of the show before I ever got the call to see if I was interested.

Winkler was recently awarded the Order of the British Empire and explained why the Queen bestowed this honor on him.

All right; I got a letter that said, “You must keep this a secret. If the Queen decides to give you an award, would you accept it?”  I said, “Can I say yes I would.”  I would be okay with that.  And then six weeks later I get a letter saying, “The Queen of England has graciously agreed to confer on Henry Winkler the order of the British Empire,” for the work that I do in England also with children who learn differently.  My books, Hank Zipzer: The World’s Greatest Underachiever that I co-write with Lynne Oliver, are also popular in the UK and I go over there to tour for the books and I’ve spoken to, oh, I want to say a hundred thousand students over there also.  And so, my work with children who learn differently is what got me to this wonderful honor.  The Queen.

I was particularly thrilled and honored that Mr. Winkler asked me a question in addition to answering my questions.

L. Seide                                Hi, it’s such a pleasure to speak with you.

H. Winkler                           Thank you; that makes me feel good.

L. Seide                                Tell me, do you know if the show has been renewed for next season?

H. Winkler                           Oh absolutely, I believe, if I’m not mistaken, the show is the highest rated on USA and the third-highest rated show in all of cable.

L. Seide                                That’s fabulous.

H. Winkler                           I think USA when I saw them at the press junket in Los Angeles, a few weeks ago, were just thrilled.  So yes, we’re renewed.  I would not be surprised if we’re renewed for the fourth year –.

L. Seide                                That’s really, really fabulous.  I have been a fan of the show since the very beginning.

H. Winkler                           Can I ask a question?  Can you hear my answers to the others?

L. Seide                                Yes I can.

H. Winkler                           So do you agree with me?  Am I in the right area of why you think the show is a hit?

Winkler had previously given his opinion on why he thinks Royal Pains is so successful:

Do you know what?  I think because of what you said; I think that they, first of all, I imagine in the middle of the winter there’s this beautiful blue sky show that just takes you away to a place you want to be.  Number two, I think because it is well written because after everything is said and done no matter how good the actors are, if it’s not on the page, there’s a famous expression, if it’s not on the page, it’s not on the stage.  If it’s not written well then we actors, you, it’s hard to memorize; it’s hard to make real.  It’s hard to get going, so I think that that combined all together, made me a fan.”

Mark Feuerstein as Dr. Hank Lawson and Henry Winkler as Eddie R. Lawson on "Royal Pains." Photo courtesy of NBC Universal Media

I agreed with him, also saying, “Oh absolutely, I think the writing is absolutely stellar and the relationships between all of you come across as so genuine…And Mark is just so adorable. I, of course, was referring to Mark Feuerstein, who plays Dr. Hank Lawson on the show. Winkler agreed about Feuerstein, commenting, “Oh, my god, he is so adorable.  He has got more energy.  There must be 15 people lying on a dog bed because he’s got all their energy,” which brought a hearty laugh from me. He continued, “Curled up somewhere, I’m not kidding.  He is an incredible leader on that set, always filled positively…And that’s no joke, I mean — That just is the truth.”

I then asked him, “So tell me, how do you envision a different Eddie R. next season or will Eddie not be different,” to which he responded:

H. Winkler                           Do you know what?  I don’t know that; I thought about that and I don’t try to second-guess the writers because they are so precise.  They are there all the time; the writer of the episode, now the writer’s room is in California, the set is on long Island.

L. Seide                                Oh –.

H. Winkler                           Over in Brooklyn.

L. Seide                                Right.

H. Winkler                           And the writer who writes the episode is flown out so that they can be there on the set so that if you turn to them and you say, “Oh, my gosh, I need to say something about this,” or, “I can’t say that, but how about this,” they will rewrite on-the-spot.

L. Seide                                Oh, that’s very interesting.

H. Winkler                           Yeah and you know, Andrew and Michael are very clear and I think that’s another reason that the show is so successful because you have to have a point of view if you’re going to stick and those boys do.

L. Seide                                What would you like to change about your character if you could?

H. Winkler                           I’d like to be in more episodes, thank you –.

L. Seide                                Of course!

H. Winkler                           I’ll be here all week, try the veal.  No, I, that’s if I had to change, I would like to be in all episodes.

L. Seide                                Ah, well, we would love that, too.

H. Winkler                           Thank you, I’m just, I’m starting a write-in campaign.

L. Seide                                Ha, ha, ha, ha, I will be the first one-.

H. Winkler                           I just started and I’m going to start a Twitter campaign.

L. Seide                                What is your Twitter ID so I can friend you, follow you?

H. Winkler                           Hwinkler4real.

L. Seide                                Okay.

H. Winkler                           Hwinkler4real and I try to write funny things. My friends Rob Cordry or Rob Hubel, they write funny, funny things every day.  This morning I wrote, “It’s hard for some of us to say no when we should.”

L. Seide                                Well that is very true.

H. Winkler                           I didn’t get a lot of laughs.

L. Seide                                Ha, ha, ha, I’m laughing.

H. Winkler                           Thank you.

L. Seide                                Thank you very much.

H. Winkler                           A pleasure.

I enjoyed Winkler’s answer when asked whether it was fun to play such flawed characters as those on Royal Pains and Arrested Development after playing The Fonz who was so very cool.

You know what is interesting is that I went to college and studied drama.  I went to drama school and got a master’s degree.  So I really wanted to be prepared; I really love my job. I am filled with gratitude that I get to do my job.  The Fonz was as far as me as you could possibly be. I’m playing this tough Italian; I’m a short Jew.  He rode a motorcycle and I had trouble with a two-wheeler.  So that’s my job, is to create these people and make them come so to life that I’m having fun and you’re having fun watching.  So I thoroughly enjoy and I thoroughly enjoy  Eddie and I’ll repeat it again because there is this room of writers in Los Angeles and they are young and then there are veteran writers in that room who could, and each one of these people could run their own show. So when I say it’s well written, it, these people are great at what they do.”

During the call, we learned Winkler and his writing partner, Lynne Oliver, had finished the Hank Zipzer series, which is comprised of 17 novels, and had just completed the first novel of the new series they’re doing for Scholastic. He also spoke about what advice he would give aspiring writers.

Oh, that’s a good question.  I got involved, somebody said to me, there was a lull in my acting career; who knew there would be a lull in your acting career.  And he said to me, “Why don’t you write books for kids about your learning challenges?”  And I didn’t immediately picked up on it because I literally thought I have nothing to say, I can’t write a book; I’m stupid. I was told I was stupid; I was lazy.  Two years later he said the same thing and this time I said, “Okay,” and I met Lynne.  He introduced me to Lynne Oliver and since 2003 we’ve been writing together.  And how we write is I go to her office every day; it usually takes about two-and-a-half months to write a novel.  They’re 133 pages long.  And I walk around her office and she sits at the computer and we literally argue over every word.  We literally write it together and what I would say to young people is this.  There is more than one way to get to where you want to go; there’s always somebody who can help you do what you don’t know how to do.  And just sit in front of your computer if you can use one and write five minutes a day; just write whatever comes to your mind.  And pretty soon, you’d be shocked at what you have.”

It was fun to learn a lot of personal things about Winkler, like he’s 5’6-1/2”; his favorite shows are The Good Wife; Rachel Maddow; Royal Pains, of course; The Chicago Code; Modern Family; and Burn Notice. His favorite place to eat burgers in New York is The Burger Joint; his dream role would be playing a mute where all the communication would be done through his body; and as a youngster, he wanted to play Zorro. The greatest day of his producing life was when Richard Dean Anderson walked through the door to audition for MacGyver, and the most difficult thing he’s had to do as a producer was trying to find sources for MacGyverisms.

It was such a pleasure to participate in this call with such an iconic actor who is so sociable and forthcoming, you feel like you’re speaking to a good friend or family member.

John Legend on "Listen to the Music," the season finale of "Royal Pains," Feb. 24th at 9:00 pm EST. Photo courtesy of NBC Universal Media

Be sure to tune into the season finale of Royal Pains on Thursday, February 24th at 9:00 pm EST on the USA Network.


Love TV, movies, and books--mostly mysteries, with a good love story thrown in every now and then. I have four adopted dogs who I adore. I love trying new recipes, and enjoy eating what I make. English language perfectionist. Reading in bed, Italian food, warm weather, the beach, all types of games = favs!