Your Entertainment Corner

Movie Trailer: <i>Before We Go</i> Starring Chris Evans and Alice Eve

Radius-TWC Presents

Before We Go

Chris Evans’ directorial debut


Chris Evans and Alice Eve


Maria Breyman, Scott Evans, Emma Fitzpatrick, Mark Kassen, Beth Katehis, Kevin Carolan, Daniel Spink, Allie Woods Jr., Gerald Bunsen, Fenton Lawless, Turhan Caylak, Elijah Moreland, Paul Monte Jr.


BEFORE WE GO, the directorial debut of Chris Evans, follows the journey of two strangers stuck in New York City for the night. Starting as convenient acquaintances, the two soon grow into each other’s most trusted confidants when a night of unexpected adventure forces them to confront their fears and take control of their lives.

 In Theaters September 4th

Available On Demand Today, July 21st



Source: ©2015 Radius-TWC. All Rights Reserved.



Judy Manning

Dream chaser extraordinaire! Judy tends to be a tad sarcastic and kind of goofy! She is an avid admirer of all things supernatural, paranormal, celestial and mystical. She loves to read, write, and watches way too much TV. She enjoys many genres of film and music (and let's be honest, most music from the 80s). She also has a wicked sweet tooth. Cupcakes beware.