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Interview: An Intimate Chat with Bitsie Tulloch of “Grimm” and Fall Finale Preview

Yesterday, I had the unique pleasure of speaking with Bitsie Tulloch, who plays Juliette on NBC’s Grimm. She was extremely friendly, funny, and very willing to answer every question posed. She did, however, refrain from giving us any insight into the remainder of the season, as I expected if she wants to keep her job! Bitsie loves playing Juliette, especially this season because she’s so dark and seemingly obsessed. Grimm airs Fridays at 9/8c only on NBC. Check out the sneak peek for this week’s fall finale.


Question:                Can you give us a little bit about what’s going on between Nick and Juliette in this episode and how the return of Adalind may play into that?

Bitsie Tulloch:         Well she’s basically – Adalind is just back to sort of wreak havoc everywhere she can. And she’s trying to sort of avenge her mother’s death. And, you know, how much I play into that story line remains to be seen.

But, you know, obviously based on last week’s episode it’s coming to a place where, you know, they’re going to have to just talk about what’s going on.

But the reality is Juliette just doesn’t really understand what’s going on because she’s under a spell and doesn’t know she’s under a spell because she kind of just woke up one day and started having these intense feelings about Captain Renard. So did that answer your question?

Question:                    Well we saw her and Renard kiss at the end of the last episode so maybe you can pick up a little from there, in this episode, what’s going on with that?

Bitsie Tulloch:         Well basically, you know, the reality is they’re both inextricably connected to one another and they both don’t understand why. I mean he probably has a better understanding of it just because he’s more within that sort of Grimm world.

And, you know, he obviously had agreed to do the purification rite so that he would be pure of heart when he kissed me. But I don’t think he fully understands like what’s going on now as far as this, you know, intense attraction.

And it’s not getting any better, it’s just getting worse and worse and stronger and stronger. So I guess what I could say is that you haven’t seen the last of that yet.

Question:                    Monroe walked in on the Captain and they were kissing. Is he concerned that he will keep the secret or does he think okay, I really have to tell Nick? Can you talk a little bit about that?

Bitsie Tulloch:         I think Juliette, you know, for the most part she’s been fairly honest and straightforward inasmuch as she can be knowing that she – there’s so much that she doesn’t know and there’s so much that she’s not let in on.

So the reality is she doesn’t necessarily feel like this behavior is, you know, becoming to her. But then when it comes to, you know, the reason that they show up in the spice shop is that Captain Renard calls Juliette and says I know a way we can fix this.

And she’s like fine, okay. Let’s fix this otherwise we are never seeing each other ever again. She, you know, she is having a little hard time fighting it but she doesn’t want this to be going on. And then when she turns around and sees Monroe, she knows Monroe.

She knows Monroe knows her so – and she’s also aware that Renard is Nick’s boss so now all of a sudden it’s just this tumultuous state of affairs.

Question:                    What sort of acting challenges have you found with the role of Juliette this season, having to play her without her memories of Nick?

Bitsie Tulloch:         It’s been hard. It’s certainly a harder story line than what I had last season. But, you know, there was a very strange coincidence.

I read a lot of Oliver Sacks, that neurologist and I was reading a book called The Mind’s Eye about prosopagnosia which is facial blindness where people can’t recognize their loved ones.

So even though that’s not really what Juliette has I mean she can see his face, it was just interesting to me to think about how terrifying it is for these people who can’t recognize their loved ones.

And to just, you know, for her to wake up and just have – really play it as if – to play it as if I was just meeting this guy for the very first time was interesting to just sort of – all of the things that you use as an actor to, you know, find chemistry and everything, you sort of have to subdue all of that so that you’re coming to it with a blank slate because her mind is kind of blank right now with regards to Nick.

So it’s definitely been more fun for me, everything that’s going on this season and obviously getting to make out with two sexy guys as opposed to just one is never a bad thing.

Question:                    The scenes between your character and Sasha Roiz’s character, can you maybe just talk a little bit about having the opportunity to act more with him this season and I don’t know, maybe do you have a favorite scene so far between the two of you that you could perhaps speak a little bit about?

Bitsie Tulloch:         Yeah. You know, it was funny when they – when we read that we were going to be love interests he and I were dying because we’re like best friends. And so we were just laughing like so hard like oh my god, this is going to be kind of weird because we’re so close.

And it was definitely like a lot of giggling and sort of like this is strange, the first time we had to do a kissing scene. But there was a scene in episode 213 so that will be the first one that comes back in the New Year whenever that is… that, you know, involves him that’s amazing. But I guess as far as like what have we shot so far that was fun?

It was kind of fun shooting the scene a couple of episodes ago when we’re all at that awards ceremony and we had the whole group and he and I are both just getting so nervous around each other and he drives me home.

And, you know, and then of course I don’t realize he’s followed me into the house and that he’s like watching me take a shower. So that whole day was fun. That episode was pretty fun.

Question:                    What do you think it is about Grimm that crosses generational, all kinds of lines where people love it?

Bitsie Tulloch:         I went to – I’ll answer this with a very specific. I went to (Leonard Collins) concert last night here in Portland and I had probably four or five people varying widely in ages and ethnicity come up to me and be like Juliette, I love you on the show. Bitsie, you’re great. We watch every week. It’s amazing.

And I was even sort of like whoa, are you kidding me? You know, one of the little ladies had to have been at least 80. And I was just thinking that’s cool. But, you know, my grandma she doesn’t – she can’t stay up that late but I always download all the episodes from my iTunes so that she can watch them all. And she at one point – she watched eight in a row.

It’s just – it’s very entertaining…

Question:                    And what is it about this thing?

Bitsie Tulloch:         It’s scary but it’s not too scary. It’s definitely… suspenseful but I think like the overarching theme is that you have a lot of different sort of genres smushed seamlessly into one show. You have people like procedurals, the romance, the fantasy, sci-fi, it’s funny with characters like Monroe and Sargent Wu who are really funny.

And then you have these cool, these whole morphing creatures and the (V) effects and all of the prosthetics. You know, the guy who does our makeup won an Oscar for Star Trek and he does all of the… prosthetics for the monsters. And I think that’s one of the reasons that for the most part it’s very seamless, the morphs because a lot of shows just do (V) effects now and we still… sort of – it’s like sort of half and half.

Question:                    Personally, what do you think about the supernatural or the paranormal or even things like that? I mean are you into it, do you think – do you have an open mind? Do you think it’s all nonsense or…

Bitsie Tulloch:         I would definitely have an open mind. I’m more of – like I’m definitely a wuss. I don’t watch scary movies. I – they really scare me and I’m definitely not like somebody – I don’t go watch horror movies.

And sometimes even having read the script and doing an episode of Grimm I get a little tense because I know someone’s going to jump out of somewhere and I – but, you know, it’s been so long by the, you know, by the – we shoot an episode and it airs two months later.

So two months later I’m basically just – I’ve forgotten what it was all about so I’m kind of watching it which is one of the reasons I love Tweeting with the fans on Fridays if I can. Because we’re really seeing it for the first time with you guys.

I mean I usually have seen a snippet here or there on ADR but we’re all really watching it together. But I would say I’m open minded. I certainly wouldn’t want to encounter any paranormal activity but it’s, you know, whatever floats your boat man. If you want to party with ghosts then go for it.

Question:                    In La Llorona a couple of weeks ago Juliette describes a childhood that is similar to your own childhood from Spain. How did your back story become her back story? How did that get into the script?

Bitsie Tulloch:         Well, you know, David Greenwalt and Jim Kouf have been remarkably, amazingly generous with the cast. Sasha for example, speaks Russian because his parents are Russian so Sasha speaks Russian and a little bit of French having grown up in Montreal and they wrote that into it.

They – it’s, you know, one of the things I’m really proud of is that the cast is very ethnically diverse and multilingual. Reggie Lee speaks fluent Tagalog. He’s Philippino. I speak Spanish because I grew up overseas in Spain, Uruguay and Argentina.

And so when they decided to do La Llorona they thought what a wonderful way to sort of have this episode that’s incorporating the fact that Bitsie can actually speak Spanish and we’re doing a – what is basically a South American/Central American and Southwestern United States fairytale that I by the way had heard.

When we lived in San Diego for two years when we first moved back to the States I had heard La Llorona because my mom’s background is Spanish/Spain so I heard it too.

And so they’ve just been really great about like any sort of skills that we have that, you know, they’ve been trying to – I know that they mentioned saying to Reggie like can you think of any Philippino or Chinese or Asian fairytales that you were told as a child.

So that might happen down the road. And I think that’s one of the greatest things about working on the show is that it’s, you know, it’s very collaborative.

Question:                    You know, the Grimm’s fairytales are very rich material. But the writers have used that to create sort of a Europe based mythology with the royal families in Europe and all of that.

And yet we’ve seen Mexican and Native American legends recently on the show and I was going to ask you if that was a conscious move on the part of the writers to be more culturally…

Bitsie Tulloch:            I know that going forward into Season 2 at Comic Con they were saying one of their main intentions for Season 2 and going forward in general, was to make this show as international as possible while still staying true to, you know, the original fairy tales, the reason we’re here in the first place which were the Brothers Grimm.

But to try to – and they’ve always said – it was not just about the Brothers Grimm. They always said that it was about fairy tales in general so why not make it international?

Especially because the show does very well internationally and I think one of the reasons it does so well internationally is that it’s a format that’s fun but also kind of easy to follow in the sense that, you know, for everybody in Guam or Malaysia – like people are probably familiar with the Cinderella story.

So it was kind of fun to just see a modern twist on it.

Question:                    In La Llorona Juliette meets an older Latina lady who instantly senses that she – that Juliette’s having this torn between two men or whatever and she’s almost like psychic about it. Are we going to see that lady again? Could she help Juliette? Or did I read too much there?

Bitsie Tulloch:         I’m not sure if we’ve seen the last of her. I don’t know. She freaks me out though.

So I think my character would probably be happy to never see her again but who knows?

Question:                    When Juliette gets her memory back is there any chance she’ll aid Nick in fighting the Wesen?

Bitsie Tulloch:         I have no idea. And if I did I probably couldn’t tell you. I would love to because I love, you know, there are a couple of episodes coming – any time that the character gets to be a badass I’m a happy camper. I like – I love doing that kind of stuff. It’s exciting for me.

Question:                    Well there’s such great chemistry between all of the cast. How do you guys continue to maintain that?

Bitsie Tulloch:         I think a huge part of that has to do with the fact that we’re all very close to each other still. You know, and we’re not even kidding.

I mean we were all out drinking on Saturday night together until the wee hours of the morning and just I had gone to a basketball game with David Giuntoli and we met up with the rest of the gang.

And I think, especially being on location and working such long hours, some strange hours too because we work at night a lot, you know, it’s made us, you know, we interact with each other a lot more. Giuntoli lives in my building. Not only does he live in my building, he’s two doors down from me.

Reggie lives a couple of floors up, we all live in the same neighborhood and we hang out a lot. So I think the chemistry is just there because we genuinely really like each other.

And I also feel like Jim Kouf and David Greenwalt are such sweet guys that are – and Todd Milliner and Sean Hayes, like our executive producers are very warm and welcoming. And it’s just a really tight cast. Everybody – we, you know, the Koufs have a Grimm viewing party every Friday at their house.

So (unintelligible) we’re there. And, you know, or Norberto’s doing something. I had a huge party for La Llorona because I was Live Tweeting La Llorona and everybody was over at my place. And I don’t know that you necessarily would see that.

And I think that it’s just a very, very close, friendly bunch.

Question:                    So now in reference to how the tensions over the truth between Nick and Juliette have been boiling for a while, I’m curious to ask if there was a role reversal and you had a boyfriend that was skeptic of your Grimm powers how would you approach the situation differently.

If you would – if you had a plan to approach it differently would you like tell the truth instantly? Like it would be interesting to kind of see it from your perspective.

Bitsie Tulloch:         I tend to be of the mindset that putting it all out there early on and then dealing with the consequences is the fastest way to move on and get over an obstacle. And just being upfront and being honest even if people’s feelings get hurt I feel like I tend not to like to skirt around issues.

Like my friends are always like you’re so blunt. And it’s not – it’s not in a way that’s intentionally hurtful. It’s just like hey, you know, that hurt my feelings so let’s talk about it now so that I don’t stew and start, you know, feeling resentful or anything.

Let’s just get it out of the way and move on and, you know, discussion and communicating I feel like solves so many problems. So that’s probably what I would have done.

Question:                    Which Wesen did you respond to the most visually or story wise or if there was one that was particularly frightening to you?

Bitsie Tulloch:         The one in the episode that airs on Friday – those kind of were super creepy. The like cannibal Wesen. The one that I thought was sort of a sexy Wesen was the Mauvais Dentes, the sort of tiger – the saber toothed tiger creature from Season 2 Episodes 1 and 2. And I loved that…

I loved that they were sort of playing up the whole like that YouTube video Ninja Cat. You know, there was a scene in the grocery store and the guy kept – oh wait, that was in a different one. Oh, I’m confusing it. But yeah, he was just sort of… Yeah, no. I’m thinking of a – there was an episode last season where Nick and Juliette go away for a romantic weekend in the woods. Yeah. Then there was like the ninja cat guy in the grocery store. Yeah.

Question:                    So I’m wondering going forward in the season will we get to see more of Juliette at the vet or as a vet and how that might play into her recovery?

Bitsie Tulloch:         I’m not entirely sure because we don’t get more than one script out. I love – I personally love shooting anything as a vet because I love animals and then we always have a lot of like stage animals that get to – that I get to play with all day long.

But so far I think that, you know, as far as my character’s concerned they’ve been really focusing on this love triangle right now and so you – I haven’t yet shot anymore scenes as a vet. But, you know, I’m made it very clear to them that I love any time I get to play with furballs.

Question:                    Have you thought about maybe bringing a pet into the house and whether or not that could help her and Nick reconnect?

Bitsie Tulloch:         Well I think part of the problem is that the animals that we work with, you know, they kind of – they’re generally well trained but they sort of have a mind of their own. And so I think for the ease of filming that’s basically why we don’t have a pet yet.

I am all about it and that’s something that we’ve brought up. I know the fans want my dog Henry to be our dog because I always Tweet pictures of Henry and then some fan in Spain I think made Henry his own Twitter page. But he’s way too naughty.

So he would not be able to be like a very good stage dog. I would love that. That’s something that’s been brought up. But I think, you know, our lives have been so chaotic, you know, what with ogres jumping in and guys destroying our house all the time and getting kidnapped.

I think maybe, especially now with the fact that, you know, he’s – with the whole memory loss I don’t know that we’re going to be having a little golden retriever puppy any time soon because I don’t think it would last that long.

Question:                    What do you hope for evolution as a character both in relation to Nick and their relationship as well as, you know, outside of Nick and like her own motivations and character growth?

Bitsie Tulloch:         Well, you know… what I would say is that I’ve – the episodes that have been the most fun for me are obviously ones where I’m more – I’m being more proactive and I get to – invited along like the whole Scooby gang thing and then I’m along for the ride.

Like La Llorona was really fun for me because then you – it was a whole different side of her as opposed to the sort of relationship stuff that’s going on at home. There’s definitely – what you’re going to see coming up – this Friday’s episode is a huge one.

It’s the Fall Finale and there’s a lot going on. There will be a cliffhanger going into Episode 13 which will come back next year. So I would obviously love to get more involved. I loved the episode where I got to shoot a gun. I had way too much fun with that.

I should probably look into that. But yeah, as far as a relationship with Nick, you know, the reality is there is a spark there. There is – even with the memory loss – it’d be great if she could remember him. I don’t know if that’s going to happen or not.

But there’s definitely a spark there. You know, you saw they were having date night that one night when they started dancing and then unfortunately she flashed to Captain Renard and kind of psyched herself out. But there was something there.

You know, there’s still a reason they fell in love in the first place. So there is – there was a lot of love there…

You know, it’s funny. You either – if you go for Renard you’re going for like the passion and the lust. If you go for Nick you’re going for the love and the comfort. So that’s like a perpetual question I’m constantly asking myself.

All I have to say is that that – the whole love triangle has been remarkably entertaining for me as an actress and fun. And obviously it was amazing just getting to make out with David Giuntoli.

But then when you through Sasha Roiz into the mix I’m a very, very lucky woman.

Linda Seide:               Hi Bitsie. It’s a pleasure to speak with you.

Bitsie Tulloch:           Oh, you too.

Linda Seide:               I was wondering, in Season 1 your character seemed much more how do I put it, in a word, demure and ever since then the cat scratch coma Juliette seems to be a bit more unhinged. Do you enjoy, as an actor, enjoy playing the darkness of the obsessed Juliette?

Bitsie Tulloch:         Yes. I definitely prefer that. You know, it was a very loving relationship. I think I personally had a hard time relating to the way Juliette was scripted Season 1 because she was so patient with him and I’m very impatient.

And I just feel like him acting weird – if he had been my real boyfriend three days in I would have been like what’s going on? You sit down. We’re working through this. Don’t lie to me. I know something’s up. But Juliette’s coming from a place – they’ve been dating for three years.

She knows that he was basically orphaned and then in Episode 1 or Episode 2 of Season 1 his aunt, who raised him, died. So she’s… very compassionate and understanding and was sort of just giving him space because she felt like that’s what he needed the most. And then she was sort of thinking maybe the aunt, what happened with Aunt Marie was why he was acting so weird.

But yes, definitely getting – having this weird obsession and being under a spell and also dealing with this crazy memory loss has been a lot more fun for me as an actor.

Linda Seide:               I’ll bet it is. Speaking of your ménage a trois so to speak, who’s the better kisser, David or Sasha?

Bitsie Tulloch:         I know which one but I’m not telling.

Linda Seide:               Oh. To be honest, I didn’t think that you would.

Bitsie Tulloch:         No.

Linda Seide:               One last question – do you think that – one of our writers, (Judy) interviewed you at Comic Con and asked you whether we were going to see a cat fight between Juliette and Adalind. Do you think that that’s a possibility sometime soon?

Bitsie Tulloch:         I hope so. I think that would be pretty fun to have a little girl fight, a little cat fight.

I don’t know. I’m not quite sure. As I said, we really only get more – about one episode out. And since we actually wrap a week from today and then we’re all going on hiatus for two months, I haven’t seen one yet. But that’s definitely something I would look forward to doing.

Question:                    What, as an actress, what are you wishing for, for Juliette to get her memories of Nick back or to remain the way she is right now and why?

Bitsie Tulloch:         That’s an excellent question. I think it would be pretty cool eventually I get my memory back and then I sort of, you know, what’s my reaction going to be like this time? Is it going to be the same as it was the night in the rain when he told me and I just thought he was crazy?

Or having gone through everything I’ve gone through this season with being under the spell and everything like that am I – is that going to make me open minded? So I think at a certain point I think it would definitely be nice for Juliette to get the memories back.

I’m not quite sure what their intention is. I sort of know but I’m not going to say anything. So – but at the same time like I said, it’s been really fun having to not only juggle this love triangle but to play with the memory loss. So in that sense it’s been kind of fun as an actress to go through.

It’s certainly been a lot more emotional for my character this season, you know, especially in a couple of episodes coming up.

There was one episode where all – I mean all I was doing the entire episode was crying which sounds like it wouldn’t be that much fun but for – but as an actress it was fun to sort of really be able to delve into such deep emotions.

Question:                    What kind of feedback have you been getting about your character this season whether they want Juliette to be with Nick or do they want her to be with Renard?

Bitsie Tulloch:         I would say 75% are Team Nick, maybe 70% Team Nick, 25% Team Renard and then I’m having a lot of Team Monroe’s thrown in there. So that was kind of interesting. And then I was shooting last week with Bree and I was like screw the boys. There should be a Team Rosalette. She was like yeah. So… I know that will never happen but…

Question:                    A quick question – kind of a personal – something closer to your heart. Corazon de Vida Foundation? Can you tell me a little bit about that?

Bitsie Tulloch:         Yeah. I mean I haven’t been able to do it since I moved to Portland for Grimm but I’ve been involved for about seven years and I – it was – I went with a friend once and I – it’s basically an organization – the Web site is

It’s an organization that sponsors and runs 14 orphanages in Baja. Obviously the situation down in Baja is pretty terrible and it’s – what Corazon de Vida does is they send down – twice a month they take bus trips down with supplies and people will get on the bus from usually a location either LA or Orange County and get on the bus and spend the day playing with the kids and drop off supplies.

And then you’re there for probably about four five hours and then you take the bus back. So I love telling people about it because it’s a great way to get involved with volunteering without being afraid of meeting like a weekly commitment or anything like that.

I mean you can just sign up and go once. And, you know, everybody – I will say though everybody I’ve taken down with me, all of my friends, have now gone multiple times because it’s just so much fun.

And I mean the first time I went I remember crying when I was leaving. But then the next time, you know, these kids are happy, they’re making it work. They have so little bit it just really teaches a pretty important lesson about gratitude and… you know, and where happiness comes from because for them it’s certainly not anything material.

Question:                    Now you mentioned your hiatus so is that something you might do this hiatus or do you have other plans? And how do you feel about taking a two month hiatus? I mean of course a vacation is great for everybody but would you prefer taking a hiatus or filming all the season through and get it over with?

Bitsie Tulloch:         You know, to be honest with you I’m kind of in a place where we’re all pretty tired. We did not have a hiatus between one and two. We only had a month off which is not enough to really – for anybody to have recovered. So we’re exhausted. We shoot really long days. That said, it would be nice to have a longer chunk of time.

I am doing a movie during my hiatus. I can’t talk about it yet but it’s something I’m very excited about. And then I’ll probably travel during part of it. But I – most of the boys are traveling. I know Bree just had a baby so she is flying back to LA with her husband and her daughter. But the boys are all traveling all over the place.

Like two of them are going to Africa, one’s going to New Zealand. One of them is going to Vienna. So…

Question:                    Now how has – Grimm obviously has raised your profile very – a whole lot in Hollywood. Of course you were in The Artist and a lot of other things. But do you feel that when you go now when people – do they ask you or do you still have to audition or how is that process working?

Bitsie Tulloch:         Oh yeah. I’m definitely still auditioning for stuff. I – it’s been harder because our, you know, this hiatus for example, takes place over the holidays so there’s… far fewer projects going on. Our next hiatus will be in April so if we have a nice chunk of time then there’d be a lot more movies going on. You know, we literally – our hiatus is from Thanksgiving to a couple of weeks after New Years. So basically, you know, Hollywood sort of shuts down.

I did – but I am going to do something so that’s exciting. It certainly raised my profile but I’ve also been unavailable for a year and a half. So it’s sort of a Catch-22 because now all of a sudden everybody knows who I am but they can’t have me.

Question:                    Why do you think Nick continues to withhold the truth from Juliette? Does she think he’s protecting her or is he more protecting himself from getting dumped or from her thinking he’s crazy? What’s up with him?

Bitsie Tulloch:         Well the first time he told her she thought he was crazy so he’s probably not exactly like excited about going through a repeat of that whole situation. But I think a lot of it also has to do with protecting her because they, you know, they’ve built a life together, they’ve spent years together now and he’s very, very protective of her and you’ll see that going forward too.

So I think – but I think at the end of the day I’m sure he would love to just tell her. But also how does he tell her in a way that she’s going to believe him and not think she’s crazy. That’s the big question.

Question:                    Will we see her in danger again?

Bitsie Tulloch:            I’m sure you haven’t seen the last of Juliette in danger but you also – you’ll also see, you know, as somebody – as some other people were saying, like she’s been tougher this season sort of having – dealing with the darkness has given her a little bit of an edge.

So I think she’s a tough cookie. So that’s all I can say about that.

Question:                    When Adalind comes back will her powers have been restored to her so that Juliette actually has to worry about her from a magical point of view, or will she still be human?

Bitsie Tulloch:         I don’t think I can answer that question. I think you’re just going to have to watch on Friday night.

Question:                    Are there aspects with Juliette you really identify with or you see yourself in?

Bitsie Tulloch:         Some. You know, I would say the compassion. I think that’s one of my better traits and I think the Juliette’s definitely very compassionate and thoughtful. But as I said, my not so fun traits are that I get very impatient and I can be really stubborn.

And I don’t – I’m very much about getting everything all out in the open so that – and if it means like, you know, I just feel like you have a smaller fight if you fight now.

And if you just keep it within you then things just start to fester and stew and then it ends up being a much bigger thing than it ever needed to be in the first place. So in that sense I feel like I couldn’t really relate to Juliette because she was being so patient with him and really giving him his space.

Question:                    What is the most unique or different aspect of being in Grimm compared to your other television roles?

Bitsie Tulloch:         Well definitely the fantasy aspect of it. You know, I shot an episode coming up where there’s a lot of green screen and there’s a lot of really, really, really having to use my imagination to get into character. And that’s some really cool stuff that’ll be next year.

That stuff doesn’t come up on this Friday’s episode. But that’s obviously different. Any time you have to work with green screen or any time you’re working with monsters and people in prosthetics or – it’s creepy.

I mean there was a – I shot a scene recently and I – the way I decided to play it was very much I was thinking of The Shining. And the actor I was working with was terrified. They were like okay, and so they were really freaked out too.

And they were like stop doing that. And I was like no, no, no because it’s so scary. I’m going to do it. So yeah, that’s – it’s definitely different.



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Love TV, movies, and books--mostly mysteries, with a good love story thrown in every now and then. I have four adopted dogs who I adore. I love trying new recipes, and enjoy eating what I make. English language perfectionist. Reading in bed, Italian food, warm weather, the beach, all types of games = favs!