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Holy Gory Bloodfest, Batman! Review: The Walking Dead – “Infected”

Season 4, Episode 2

Air Date: Sunday, October 20, 2013, at 9/8c on AMC


“When you care about people, hurt is kind of part of the package.” – Beth Greene

You can always tell when someone’s about to die. They have a heartfelt scene just moments before walking off alone, unsuspecting of any danger. As a viewer, you get this odd sense of something wrong just waiting to happen, and then you hold your breath until it finally does. This is the suspense The Walking Dead perfects with each episode. I’d like to think I’ve become an expert and know just when something bad is going to happen. Looks like I was wrong this go ‘round. Well, I was wrong about who was going to get eaten first, that is.

Observations and thoughts:

I know you saw this coming too, right?

Tyreese (Chad L. Coleman) has a nice singing voice. Kind of reminds me of Beth (Emily Kinney) sitting around, singing a tune to cap off a horrible day. Too bad Tyreese’s little ditty is the prelude to carnage and death.

Rick (Andrew Lincoln) is a new man. I’ve never seen him so calm. I don’t mean he’s not taking the group’s survival seriously anymore, but he isn’t panicking or rushing around like his life depends upon it. He’s taking time to be with his children, and farm. I still can’t get over that. He also doesn’t feel the need to kill. He hasn’t taken to carrying his gun, isn’t worried about taking out walkers—his new stance is confusing to me. Part of his job as a father and leader is to protect what’s his. In this world, you have to kill to survive. “I almost lost my boy, who he was.” This line is telling. I get now why he’s changed. Character growth; gotta love it.  Rick going around like he’s still sheriff was sending the wrong message to Carl (Chandler Riggs).

The young man is growing up

Carl is making significant changes in his appearance. Notice his hat is missing? I didn’t until Michonne (Danai Gurira) brings it up. He’s changed so much since last season, and not just in his looks. His voice is deeper, he’s taking on a more adult stance, and he’s actually listening to his father. He may feel like he knows as much as anyone else, but he seems to be over his childish tendencies.

The opening to “Infected” leaves me wondering who’s herding the walkers. Someone’s taunting them with the promise of fresh meat. Did you notice how the walkers go to a certain part of the fencing? Of course, the objective being the fence gets overwhelmed, caves in, and it’s feasting time. So who wants the prison to be overrun? It can’t be someone on the inside because that’s stupid. They can’t assume they’d be safe to escape the chaos once all hell breaks loose. There’s no containing walkers once they get a scent. I wonder if it’s the Governor (David Morrissey) or one of his lackeys. We haven’t seen hide nor hair of any of them. It wouldn’t be too farfetched. If it is someone from Woodbury, they’d still have to have some underlying allegiance to the Gov. I only hope it isn’t true. The unnecessary deaths will be on their heads, along with their own demise. You know the gang won’t let the betrayal go unpunished. I have my guesses on who it might be.

I think we learn a little something about Michonne we wouldn’t have otherwise known. Her aversion to babies is odd but seeing her reaction to holding baby Judith, you know it’s more than a dislike of the girl. She had to have lost a baby at some point. Or maybe she’s lost her hope of ever being a mother. There’s serious back story there I hope we get more insight on.

Not wanting to nitpick but doesn’t all the blood covering people’s hands, faces, and clothing make anyone else uncomfortable? I wanna break out my big bottle of hand sanitizer and drown them in it. This is what I don’t get—disease usually spreads through blood. They’re all covered in it, getting splashed with it on a daily basis, yet they’re surprised when someone ends up with flulike symptoms and dies. Let’s get real, people.

Memorable line:

Carol: “If you wanna live, you have to become strong.”


I thought the fence was coming down. What a mess that would be.

While I’m certain no animals were harmed in the making of “Infected,” I think Rick was. He’s distraught over his piglets being sacrificed before their time. I’m not sure if it’s the act of using them as bait, or why it has to happen. Does he believe the prison is beginning to look like a lost cause? After another amazing episode, I know for sure The Walking Dead is only going to get better. The inside threat is growing, and this disease issue can quickly spiral out of hand. Plus, I’m dying to see if things can get even gorier. ‘Cause I’m thinking yes, and ew.

Tune in to The Walking Dead, Sundays at 9/8c only on AMC. For more on the show, visit the official site.

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Photo credit: Gene Page/AMC © 2010-2013 American Movie Classics Company, LLC. All rights reserved.


Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.